The Best Way to Clean Fruits and Vegetables
There are many foreign organisms that live on food, some good and some bad. It is important to wash all your fruit and vegetables from the store when you get home. Think about how many people pick up produce and put it back. In their journeys from the farm to the store, a number of hands touch your food. Even if you get organic, there is still a chance of getting bugs, organisms, and pesticide run off on them. According to an article from, below is a list of the top 13 dirtiest and top 15 cleanest fruits and vegetables (from 2015). Dirtiest Fruits and Veggies: 1. Peaches 2. Nectarines 3. Strawberries 4. Grapes 5. Celery 6. Spinach 7. Sweet Bell Peppers 8. Cucumbers 9. […]
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