A little more help to master this Grit and Grace Life!

Whether you just want to gain more understanding on these subjects or you’ve realized you need to find some help yourself, you’re in the right place. Below you’ll find resources that our team has found valuable for challenging subjects. We believe the best step is to take the next step for help and healing.


Motherhood is the state of having or raising a child… or so the dictionary states. The truth is, being a mom is a roller coaster ride. Sometimes you are exhilarated; you’re on the most amazing ride of your life. Other moments are pure terror, and you feel uncertain as to whether or not you will survive. Guess what… you don’t have to be a perfect mom in order to be a great one. And we also want you to know that you are the perfect mom for your child. No one but you can do this well. But we do want to share some resources that just might make this job you are trying to master a little bit easier.

Furthermore, we’ve learned that when speaking to parents, sex trafficking and exploitation must be addressed. As hard as it may be, it’s necessary. It’s urgent that we protect our children. For information on how to bring up the conversation with your children, educate them, and any caregivers, we reccommend these resources: 



Recommended Books:

  • RaisingGreatGirls
  • 1-2-3 Parenting with Heart
  • Parenting with Love and Logic
  • Lena's Shoes are Nervous
  • Strong-Mothers,-Strong-Sons,-Meg-Meeker

Marriage and Divorce

It is our prayer that marriages never fail. We believe our first priority is to work toward healing, building a strong and lasting relationship between every husband and wife. If that’s what you need, we have a list of counselors and counseling resources below to help you take steps toward mending a broken relationship. We encourage you to seek that counseling; we have seen many marriages turned around because they did. Yet, in today’s reality, we know that may not always be the case. So, should you face divorce or know someone who is, there is help for you too… as many of our writers have found.

CDS recognizes the fact that even Christian marriages often end in divorce. At that time, many couples enter the legal system lacking services to protect and guide them. They provide the resources for Christians facing divorce and needing Christian divorce help.

Contact Info: 


Recommended Books:

  • BIFF By Bill Eddy
  • Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
  • Fighting for your Marriage
  • After the Affiar
  • 5 Love Languages
  • When Sinners Say I Do
  • Strengthening Your Marriage
  • The Meaning of Marriage

Domestic Violence

First of all, you are not alone. Women in our community have lived through the same struggles you are facing. As our writers tell their stories, they want you (or someone you know) to know there is help available, a path to safety, and hope for the future. If you find yourself in an abusive relationship, please call now.

You can call The National Domestic Violence Hotline. They provide 24/7 crisis intervention, safety planning and information on domestic violence.

Contact Info: 1-800-799-7233; 


Recommended Books:

  • Wife Beater Shirt Optional
  • Why Does He Do That
  • When Love Hurts
  • Should I Stay or Should I Go

Anxiety and Depression

This struggle is so common, afflicting many in today’s challenging world. You may feel like you can’t pull yourself out, can’t face the day or circumstances, and it all seems nearly insurmountable. We often keep our anxiety and depression to ourselves, fearing others won’t understand. Our writers have addressed these struggles with honesty, and they gladly share the answers they’ve found. We hope that their stories may encourage you and offer hope. But it often takes more than just someone else who understands; it takes reaching out. Please do.

Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) provides information on prevention, treatment and symptoms of anxiety, depression and related conditions.

Contact Info: 240-485-1001; 


Recommended Books:

  • I Hate You - Don't Leave Me
  • It's Not Supposed to be This Way
  • Anxiety as an Ally
  • Anxiety Toolkit


We often think this will never touch us or our family. This subject is filled with such heartache and often lacks answers, making it easy to avoid. But unfortunately, for several of the Grit and Grace writers, this reality has become part of their story. Because a few of us have lived through this heartbreak, we understand.

If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, feel there is no way out, or know someone else you fear may be in a hopeless place, believing there is no other answer, please reach out. Please make that call. There is someone there to answer.

The Suicide Prevention Lifeline connects callers to trained crisis counselors 24/7. They also provide a chat function on their website.

Contact Info: 1-800-273-8255; 


Recommended Books:

  • Shattered
  • Silent Grief
  • Grieving a Suicide

Christian Therapists who work virtually.

Please reach out if you are struggling.

Dr. Zoe Shaw
Dr. Zoe works with women and couples all over the world who are struggling with one, or sometimes all, facets of relationships, parenting, life, work/life balance, self love, anxiety or depression. She can help you find a healthier new normal! Connect with her online or join her newsletter for monthly doses of encouragement right to your inbox (text the word “join” to 38470).

Contact Info: www.drzoeshaw.com

Dr. Therese Mascardo
Dr. Therese is a California-based Remote Psychologist and digital nomad with a background in ministry. She specializes in working with women who are struggling with depression, anxiety, or transitions, especially those who identify as multi-passionate, out of the box thinkers, or overachievers. You can find her @exploring.therapy on Instagram where she inspires through conversations about wellness, food, and travel, or on her website.

Contact Info: www.exploringtherapy.com

Dr. Shawn Horn
Dr. Horn is a Licensed Psychologist in Washington State. She offers individual therapy in her private practice located in Spokane. She also offers telehealth for those in Washington State.

Contact Info: 509-535-2045;  www.drshawnhorn.com

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