Single Mom

Life as a single mom can be extremely challenging as you carry many burdens alone. These are helpful articles you need as you try to find balance in all areas of your life. #gritandgracelife

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Ask Dr. Zoe – How to Co-Parent With a Toxic Ex

‘Paulette’ Asked: How do you coparent with a toxic ex? Someone who is manipulative, a compulsive liar even to the courts and doesn’t put the kids’ best interests first. Dr. Zoe Answered: You can’t! It’s that simple, but let me explain. The concept of co-parenting is a wonderful one and parents who have picked up this torch have served their children well through their separation. But, I think it has also been damaging to others who see it as attainable in their situation. Co-parenting isn’t for everyone and it certainly won’t work in every scenario. And it won’t work in yours if your ex is truly all those things you just described. You can’t co-parent with someone who is toxic, unreasonable and […]

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This Is How I Found Out Who I Am

This Is How I Found Out Who I Am

I love Sundays. After church I take my son down the street to our favorite farm. He throws on his boots, grabs his horse, and tacks her up. He knows exactly what he is doing and how to do it. He talks to her as he works, adoration in his eyes. Once she is all set, he takes her into the ring, hops on, and begins warming her up with a few laps. The barrels are set up, and he begins walking her through as he reminds her of the task at hand. He comes to a halt, and his instructor steps away and lets him have at it. Sometimes there is frustration as he drops the wrong hand from the reins

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To the Mom Who Feels Like It Never Ends

These are the words I have found myself speaking over and over in my head: the bills. The chores. The driving. The working. The hustle and bustle of each day. They can often seem never-ending. Sometimes, like the other day while loading the dishwasher, I even let the actual words slip out of my mouth. “It never ends.” As I uttered those three small words so effortlessly, they echoed in my ears. It was almost as if the words were on repeat. Because, the truth is, the words are an accurate reflection of how I’ve been feeling on a regular basis lately. I’m tired. I’m worn out. I’m overwhelmed. I feel each and every syllable of this phrase, as I try to

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This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

If You Feel Alone as a Single Mom, Listen to This with Kim Breuninger – 221

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreBeing a single mom is challenging, and many times, moms enter this season of life unexpectedly. This was the case for Grit and Grace Life writer Kim Breuninger, who struggled with feeling responsible for her first husband’s happiness as a young married couple with three children. Disagreements weren’t uncommon as Kim tried to find a balance between being an honorable wife and making sacrifices she never expected. Then, during dinner on the night of their 10th anniversary, her husband dropped a bomb that shattered their marriage and suddenly left Kim a single mom. In this podcast episode, Kim sits down with Darlene Brock and Julie Bender to

If You Feel Alone as a Single Mom, Listen to This with Kim Breuninger – 221 Read More »

This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

Living the Single Life: How to Love It – 181

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreWe live in a culture that puts a lot of emphasis on romantic relationships. If we’re not dating or married, people assume that something must be wrong or we haven’t found the right person yet. But the truth is, being single (or not) is just simply where one may be in life. It does not define you. And for those who like to arrange dates for their single friends: just because they’re single doesn’t mean they’re available! Darlene Brock and Julie Bender sit down to unpack both the challenges and strengths of singlehood. They discuss the inherent value of being single, how to shed societal expectations, and

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The Truth to Finding Real Joy in Suffering

The Truth to Finding Real Joy In Suffering

“Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” Romans 5:3-5 Justin told us once in a sermon that we must find joy in suffering. I sat in the second row, second seat in (because that’s where I always sat) and thought to myself, “Has this guy lost his mind?” Does he even know what suffering feels like? Maybe he’s never experienced real suffering? Maybe he’s just crazy. I thought about it a lot. And over time and as I sat in

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Ask Dr. Zoe – I’m Separated From My Husband, Should I Move Closer to Him for Our Son?

‘Michelle79’ Asked: My husband and I are separated. He had severe addiction issues and went to rehab multiple times. It finally “stuck” in California. He lives there now. I live in NJ with our 6 year old son. My son was super close to him and misses him terribly. I have no desire to move to California, but am I doing my son a disservice by not going? There is no guarantee his dad and I would work it out anyway even if I lived there. Am I being selfish for staying in NJ with my son? Dr. Zoe Answered: It’s interesting to me that you didn’t ask if he was being selfish for not moving back to New Jersey where his

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trapped in a past relationship here's the best way to move on

Trapped in a Past Relationship? Here’s the Best Way to Move On

Treading the waters of the “single” world and learning to move on from a past relationship can be tough. I never imagined that I would be in my mid-30s, divorced and single. Let us throw in dating as a single mama of three. It seemed like such a daunting, impossible task. Until one day it wasn’t. I’ve spent the majority of the past few years focusing on my health, mental healing, and doing some deep soul work in order to grow. I realized that it’s hard to break away from a relationship because humans, by nature, are not meant to be alone. The pain we feel coming out of a relationship is often the result of looking to someone else to feel

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Ask Dr. Zoe – When Do I Introduce My New Man to My Kids?

‘Dating Diva’ Asked: I’m a single mom with a young son. What’s the best way to introduce my child to someone I’m dating? When do I do it? And how? What are some things to avoid him getting hurt? Dating Diva Dr. Zoe Answered: With so much conflicting information out there, it’s easy to feel confused, fearful and guilty when it comes to dating life and your kids. So here’s what I know. You’re probably taking this introduction part way too seriously. Yes, I know this is serious stuff—relationships, parenting—all wrapped in one. But this is a long haul type of thing. The introduction part is just the tip of the iceberg. So take a deep breath. There are certainly ways to

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After Losing My Husband To Suicide, One Good Man Restored Our Family

(Listen to the audio version of this article here.) “I miss Daddy.” When I hear those words, I feel like someone took my heart and tossed it on the floor. Like a glass falling onto tile, my heart shatters into a million pieces. My big, brave 10-year-old, who has always been very mature for his age, turns back into a little boy that just wants his daddy back. I try so hard to hold the tears back as I watch his fall onto his cheeks. He has told me on more than one occasion that I’m not allowed to cry in front of him. It’s the night before a brand new school year, and my normally confident boy is a bundle of

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5 Tips for Grit and Grace as a Single Mom NEW

5 Tips for Grit and Grace as a Single Mom

Being a single mom is hard. And beautiful. I was a single mom for nine years. It was not easy. It was not cool. It was definitely not what I signed up for—or remotely anticipated—when I got married and had the child I had always desired. I was walking pretty smoothly through life when it went sideways. I became a single mom in a single instant when my husband died suddenly and tragically. I was in utter anguish over his death. Angry, oh so very angry, about being a widow. But I did not ever experience anguish over being a single mom. Heartbreak about my daughter losing her dad? Big time! Fear that I couldn’t raise her as well as two parents? Absolutely. Lots of it! Anxiety about how I

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My Ex, My Kids and a Funeral

My Ex, My Kids and a Funeral

It was a Monday; I was waiting for my daughter to complete her dance class when an unlikely conversation began. The lady sitting with me was speaking of her brother, her best friend. Any time something funny, strange, sad, or just life happened, she would reach for the phone and call him. He was the one she shared everything with. Yet, on this day she found herself repeating the same phrase, “I can’t believe he is gone.” I sat and listened. I couldn’t offer any words of wisdom or comfort. I had a best friend like that … my husband. I would call him or text him constantly. He was my go-to person and the one I shared everything with. He was

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These 10 Red Flags in Dating Should Make You Run

These 10 Red Flags in Dating Should Make You Run

Listen, I know I’m a little late here, but the other day I started watching The Hills. Before you click off, let me explain! There was literally nothing on T.V. that night, and it popped up on my Hulu recommendation list, so I just went for it. Plus, I was just looking for some background noise as I worked on a home improvement project, so the contents of the program didn’t matter that much to me. Well, I started the series from the very first episode. You remember what happens, don’t you? Lauren Conrad has just moved to L.A. to go to fashion school and to intern at Teen Vogue. Meanwhile, her BFF Heidi Montag has just dropped out of said fashion

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Dear Single Mom, This Is Why You Inspire Me

Dear Single Mom, This Is Why You Inspire Me

Dear Single Mom, I want you to know that you give me hope. Life is so fragile. Relationships are fragile. As a married, stay-at-home mom of three very young girls, I often worry. What will I do if my husband loses his job? What if he gets sick? What if he gets hurt? What if something terrible happens? And then I look at you. You probably don’t always feel this way, but when I look at you I see strength. I see courage, determination, endurance, and self-sacrifice. I see a woman who overcomes obstacles; who gets things done and knows how to hold her own. I see God’s hand working in every aspect of your life, and I take comfort in the

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Ask Dr. Zoe – I Love Being a Working Mom, But I Need More Balance!

‘Balancing Busy Mama’ Asked: I’m a single mom who works nearly full-time. I love my son, and I love my work, but sometimes it feels impossible to do it all. I find it hard to admit this to friends who don’t work because they often want to answer it by saying I should stop working. Well, that’s not an option, and honestly, I wouldn’t want to (say I were to remarry one day). What are some real ways to balance it and succeed in both career and motherhood? Dr. Zoe Answered: Balancing Busy Mama, Guess what? You’re right! It is impossible to do it all perfectly and beautifully—so let’s just get that out in the open right now! Sometimes it will be

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5 Tips for When You Want to Re-Enter the Dating World

Dating can be hard for anyone—the thought of doing it again after having a rough go of it might seem daunting. However, you have the chance to make it into a positive experience this time around. After all, we’ve become wiser with age and have certainly learned a few lessons, right? Here are a few tips that I focused on when I was ready to date again after my divorce: 1. Make sure you are healed from past broken relationships. It takes time to overcome the effects of a painful divorce. And, the best part is, you’ve got a lot of time. You can’t really give yourself fully to another person if you are a splintered spirit. Allow yourself the time it takes to walk

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Ask Dr. Zoe – Starting Over After a Failed Relationship

‘Starting Over’ Asked: After several years I realized I had surrendered myself to a man who was not committed to me. We never married, we have a child together whom I love dearly, but I finally came to understand that I was carrying the entire weight of keeping the family together. I have been the consistent income earner, paid the bills at the home he owned, and created a family atmosphere. I have finally expressed my disappointment only to be dismissed. I started separating myself and our child from him physically and financially. But it is so hard to separate emotionally. I have given so much for so long that I feel shortchanged, especially since I am the one that has to

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