Amy Geiger

A lover of coffee, Pilates, and anything that involves being with her family and friends, Amy Geiger has been a classroom teacher for the past 10 years. Married to her best friend with two little ones at home, she's learning how to embrace the tensions of working full-time while raising her small kids.

Annoyed by Interruptions? My Trick to Welcoming Them

Annoyed by Interruptions? My Trick to Welcoming Them

I live in a constant state of interruption. Two minutes ago, my 18-month-old son ripped my half-written grocery list out of my hand while my daughter screamed because she couldn’t find her shoes. One minute ago, my son pulled my daughter’s full-length mirror off the wall. Good grief, I just needed ten minutes. As a teacher, I face expected and important interruptions all day long and then I finally sit down at my desk to plan out lessons and grade papers and then I get a phone call from my husband about home management and doctor’s appointments. Good grief, I just needed ten minutes. Do you ever feel like your life is interrupting your life?  What If Interruptions Are Actually Purposeful? When […]

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Be Kind, All Women Are in a Battle

Now Is the Time To Release 2020

Back in December 2019, I was on maternity leave taking care of my three-month-old son, and I was preparing my mind to go back to work. If you are anything like me, you probably can relate to the hours of anticipating what this new season will look like. Real thoughts I wrote down in my journal were: “How will I get out of my house in the morning with my three-year-old and baby if my husband can’t help me? How am I going to do it all? How do I know God is still calling me to be a working mom? What if I am getting all of this wrong?” The king of all of my worries were thoughts and feelings about

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Detangling the Lies You Believe in Motherhood

Detangling the Lies You Believe in Motherhood

I sat on the couch annoyed. I would be spending the next hour of my life detangling my two-year-old’s beautiful hair. Ever since she started preschool, she’s had this nervous habit of twirling her hair into knots. I am not referring to simple knots that are easily taken out by a comb. Picture instead a matted mess of dreads all along the left side of her head. After a long day of teaching, this was the seventh consecutive day that I had spent unknotting and untwisting the disaster. All I wished to do in that moment was to laugh with her, to read with her, or just do something halfway pleasant. Instead, she sat and watched Mickey Mouse and I was infuriated

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