Chelsea Morrow

Chelsea is passionate about learning to lead a healthy, mindful lifestyle. As a certified personal trainer, yoga instructor and the Content Specialist for Burn Boot Camp, Chelsea is living out her passion each and every day.

This Is Why I’m so Glad I Gave up on the Perfect Body

This Is Why I’m so Glad I Gave up on the “Perfect Body”

How many women’s fashion bloggers or fitness influencers do you follow on social media? And how many of those women’s bodies are you envious of? Be honest with me. I know for most of us, we see their posts of them rocking some skinny jeans or hanging out in a sports bra and we think, “I would give anything to look like that” or “I wish I had her body.” I mean, come on, they look so great it’s only natural for us to think that. We allow their posts of their picture-perfect bodies to make us feel worse about our own. With every image we see, the worse we feel. It becomes a vicious cycle of constant comparison and dissatisfaction that […]

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Bigger and Better Won’t Make You Happy, but This Will

Bigger and Better Won’t Make You Happy, but This Will

I was a professional figure skater, performing in ice shows on cruise ships around the world for six years. When I would tell people what I did for a living, their response was always the same, “Wow, you’re living the dream!” When looking at my life, yes, it did seem as though I was “living the dream.” My job was to entertain, and I was basically getting paid to explore spectacular cities and places around the world, with no bills to pay or real stress of any kind. And to be honest, for the first few years I agreed with them—it was an amazing life I was living. But, the longer I was there, the more I realized I was just going

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3 Questions You Need to Ask About Your Standards Now

3 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself About Your Standards

Do you often find yourself feeling like you aren’t doing enough and accomplishing enough? Or, do you just feel like you aren’t enough? If your answer is yes, I’m right there with you. I find myself constantly feeling like no matter how hard I try, I’m still so far from the person I want to be. Most days, I feel like a failure. No matter what I do, what goals I reach, what milestones I make—no matter what—there is always more I think I can be doing, and more I think I can be as a person. At the end of the day, there is this feeling of failure that washes over me. I don’t know about you, but I am fed

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4 Reasons Why You Need to Ditch the Scale for Good

4 Reasons Why You Need to Ditch the Scale for Good

What metrics do you use for measuring your level of health and fitness? If you use your weight, you may want to think again—the number on the scale is not an accurate metric, and it can actually take away from your health and fitness success. Keep reading because I’m about to give you four reasons why your scale is not your best friend, plus how you should actually be measuring your health and fitness progress! Instead of fixating on the scale, consider alternative metrics such as body composition, how your clothes fit, your energy levels, and your performance in workouts. These factors can give you a clearer picture of your progress and true fitness levels. This is where supplements like Isagenix can

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