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I’m at the Grammys and She’s Wearing My Dress!

I’m at the Grammys and She’s Wearing My Dress!

We are heading into the season of Christmas Parties and New Years Events. You’ll be going places that will make you want to shop for something new … that special dress to wear for that special occasion. It can add another layer to an already stressful time. But we do it anyway. The day arrives and you put on that amazing new purchase. You want to feel special, pretty, and stand out in the crowd (who doesn’t?) … looking in the mirror, you do! Then later that evening the other shoe drops.

During the years we were in the music business we attended award shows. We worked with some pretty talented musicians, so they were often nominated. I truly loved seeing these bands awarded because I was proud of them, but I also had a love-hate relationship with those nights.

I got to get dressed up, love. I had to find a dress that I liked in my budget, hate. Seeing great performers live, love. Seeing what you had previously believed were great performers live, hate.

There was one year I entered the auditorium for the annual Grammy Awards feeling pretty great about the dress I wore and was looking forward to a good evening. The musicians nominated that year were some of the best, so it would be a great night of music.

As I walked through the door, I noticed something straight in my line of site. In fact, I had no choice but to walk right by her—the lady wearing the exact same dress as me. You know, the one that I had spent hours looking for, the one I had on! What is it about us females that break out in a cold sweat when we spot our couture twin across the room? Do we have some look-a-like phobia?

I truly loved seeing these bands awarded because I was proud of them, but I also had a love-hate relationship with those nights.

The quick conversation I had with myself went something like, “I think I probably look better in this dress than she does. Well no, she looks pretty great. I know I picked the right shoes though. No, she did pretty darn well on that one, too. How about the perfect jewelry I spent hours looking for? Nope, not that either. Where’s the restroom? Maybe I can hide out until we’re summoned to take our seats?”

I looked at my husband in desperation, he of course was completely oblivious to my panic. He walked straight ahead, talking to one of our band guys. They were determined to find our seats. I had a split second decision to make. Do I run for cover or will I go where very few ladies venture?

I did it! I unlatched from my husband’s hand and walked quickly up to this perfect stranger, then said, “What a great dress! And you look amazing!” We actually both kind of laughed, said a few more words (I have no idea what they were) then I headed to my seat.

I was so proud of myself. I was feeling pretty great! Head held high, ready to enjoy the evening. I had conquered one of female’s greatest fears. I had the victory. I knew I could handle just about anything. Yep, I was the master of my destiny.

I also knew one more thing, I’d never be going to that dress shop again…

For more stories on awkward life moments, read My Most Embarrassing Moment, 10 Funny Things All Women Do and If Only Life Had Photoshop

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