So you recently did—or are anxiously awaiting—to welcome a sweet (and stinky) little babe into the world! First of all, congratulations! There’s not much that’s more beautiful in this world than that. But, we all know babies are equally as mysterious and exhausting as they are beautiful. At Grit and Grace Life, one of our goals is to be a place where women who have walked a difficult road can look back and encourage those currently going through something similar. Today, that’s you: the new mother.
As a new mom or mom-to-be, you’ve got lots of questions. What new responsibilities will I have? What if my child ? How do I keep my own identity as a mother?
Well, it turns out that all it truly takes to be a wonderful mother is a little grit, and a little (okay, a lot!) of grace. Check out these articles for encouragement, laughs, and some “me too!” moments to reassure yourself that you are in fact cut out for this:
During Pregnancy
To: First-Time Moms-to-Be, From: a 7-week Mom
What to Expect in the 4th Trimester
You Need to Know This Before Having a Baby
After Giving Birth
5 Things to Do If You’re Struggling With Breastfeeding
10 Ways to Make the Most of Your Maternity Leave
5 Steps for Remaining Hopeful in Seasons of Change
Raising Your Little One
Remember This When Your Baby is Growing Up
Stop Judging Me—Freedom From Guilt in Motherhood
6 Relatable Mom Moments That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud
Every Mom Needs Her Own Highlight Reel, This Is Why
You’ll enjoy this podcast episode from This Grit and Grace Life: Rest Easy Moms, Here Are the Things That Matter – 102!