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If You Think Joy Should Feel Better Than This! – 261

In this season of “tidings of great joy,” what if joy doesn’t come easily to you?

As women of faith, there’s an unspoken expectation that we should live in a constant state of joy, that it should be the lens with which we view our lives and circumstances. Although the Bible states we aren’t of the world, we are still in it, which means our perception of joy is often colored by the world’s ideals—namely, success, status and money. But there’s more to real joy.

In this Smart Living podcast episode, Darlene Brock and Julie Bender share how we can cultivate the joy we should have access to as women of faith, which looks like:

  1. Spending time with family and in community
  2. Spending time in scripture
  3. Doing what bring you joy instead of the things you believe you should be doing
  4. Giving money, time, or support
  5. Surrounding ourselves with color
  6. Moving our bodies

And if you’re still struggling to reach a place of true joy, Darlene and Julie underscore the importance of getting honest with God and telling him how you feel. If there’s anything or anyone that can help you rediscover joy at Christmas (and all year long), it’s him!

Quote of the episode:

“You make known to me the path of life. You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures in your right hand.” —Psalm 16:11




  • Read Randy Alcorn’s book, Happiness, here
  • Click here to discover where you can watch “The Chosen”
  • Check out the Smart Living book series here!

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