Smart Living with Grit and Grace

Wish you had a playbook for life? Look no further! Each week, Darlene Brock and Julie Bender share 15 minutes of life lived, lessons learned, and wisdom gained to help you master this Grit and Grace Life. A podcast for strong women and those who want to be!

If God Feels Distant – 267

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreHas it been a while since you heard from God? Does it feel like ages since you’ve seen his goodness or felt the Holy Spirit stirring? Distance from God is one of the most frustrating things we can experience as women of faith. We wonder where he’s gone and why he would ignore the children he loves. The uncomfortable truth? The onus may be on us—and if it’s not us, it’s God trying to help us grow in our faith. Yes, even in the ‘silence’! In this podcast episode, Darlene Brock and Julie Bender reveal the ways we may be holding back the lines of communication with […]

If God Feels Distant – 267 Read More »

If You Want Your Goals to Reflect Your Priorities – 266

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreShoot straight with us for a minute: Did you set any goals at the start of this year? If you answered ‘no,’ we’re right there with you. After all, weren’t we all just trying to get settled back in after the holidays? Now that we are settled in, it’s the perfect time to revisit any changes you may have wanted to make this year. In this episode of Smart Living with Grit and Grace, Darlene Brock and Julie Bender share five priorities that would benefit from having structure backed by a goal: home, health, habits & happiness, heart and holiness. Darlene and Julie unpack myriad ways to

If You Want Your Goals to Reflect Your Priorities – 266 Read More »

If You Wish You Had a Mentor – 265

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreDo you wish you had someone who could guide you through life? An experienced person who willingly shares their wisdom and insight to help you navigate every crossroads you approach? If so, we’re happy to say we know just what you’re looking for: a mentor. The Mr. Miyagi to your Karate Kid! In this Smart Living with Grit and Grace podcast episode, Darlene Brock and Julie Bender share the value in mentorship, how to actually find a mentor, and which areas of mentorship you might want to consider. Whether you’re looking for someone to divulge their tips, tricks, and secrets to confidence in motherhood, having a rock-solid

If You Wish You Had a Mentor – 265 Read More »

If Your Desire for Control Is Controlling You – 264

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreLife offers an endless rotation of surprises, so the only thing not surprising is our desire for order—often in the form of control. When we believe we can control what goes on around us, we can somewhat come to terms with the way our lives unfold. But controlling everything is impossible, and when we make that our aim, consciously or not, it can leave us on edge and erode our relationships. In this podcast episode, Darlene Brock and Julie Bender discuss all the areas we might find hard to control—our tongues, our children, our appetite for more—and when our desire for control inches into dangerous territory. If

If Your Desire for Control Is Controlling You – 264 Read More »

If Your Clutter Is Driving You Crazy – 263

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreIf you’ve been putting it off, consider this podcast episode as a sign to clean up your clutter! As we get swept up in the busyness of life, we inadvertently let things accumulate. We outgrow our clothes or forget the items we’ve once loved and the gifts we’ve been given. Over time, we stash these items away to make room for new stuff we need or want. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Sadly, no. These items tend to pile up, consuming space in our homes and in the back of our minds. If you’re ready to free up that space and finally tackle that pile

If Your Clutter Is Driving You Crazy – 263 Read More »

If You’re Ready for a New You In 2025 – 262

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreForget setting goals and drafting New Year’s resolutions. We’re making 2025 about you—more specifically, your character. Who do you want to be this year? Every season of life (new years included) allow us the opportunity to evaluate our priorities, how much we’ve grown and where we want to see ourselves in another 365 days. Is it in the same place you’re at now? Most likely, the answer is no. In this episode of Smart Living with Grit and Grace, Darlene Brock and Julie Bender discuss the importance of using this time to reassess our character and the changes we may need to make in our lives right

If You’re Ready for a New You In 2025 – 262 Read More »

If You Think Joy Should Feel Better Than This! – 261

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreIn this season of “tidings of great joy,” what if joy doesn’t come easily to you? As women of faith, there’s an unspoken expectation that we should live in a constant state of joy, that it should be the lens with which we view our lives and circumstances. Although the Bible states we aren’t of the world, we are still in it, which means our perception of joy is often colored by the world’s ideals—namely, success, status and money. But there’s more to real joy. In this Smart Living podcast episode, Darlene Brock and Julie Bender share how we can cultivate the joy we should have access to

If You Think Joy Should Feel Better Than This! – 261 Read More »

If You Want to Keep Your Friendships from Fizzling Out – 260

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreLife is better with friends. There’s just something remarkably special about finding a person (or a few) out of billions in the world who can belly laugh with you over a meal or willingly be at your side in a time of grief. Friendships are mostly easy, but healthy ones still require some work! In this Smart Living with Grit and Grace podcast episode, Darlene Brock and Julie Bender dive into two important discussions on this topic: building strong friendships and navigating ones that are fizzling out. For the former, you’ll discover five ways to set your friendship up for success (hint: it takes selflessness and being

If You Want to Keep Your Friendships from Fizzling Out – 260 Read More »

If You’re Tired of Resentment Living Rent-Free in Your Heart – 259

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreThe sibling that got away with everything. The coworker that scored your promotion. The “friend” who stopped including you in group conversations. We’re all familiar with resentment, and the mutated ball of anger, hurt, disgust and annoyance it leaves in the pit of our stomachs. Whether someone outright betrayed you or you were inadvertently treated unfairly, resentment can slowly creep into your heart and rob you of joy and gratitude. It’s a human response, but a dangerous one if left to fester. In today’s episode of Smart Living with Grit and Grace, Darlene Brock and Julie Bender discuss how resentment can erode our relationships and our ability

If You’re Tired of Resentment Living Rent-Free in Your Heart – 259 Read More »

If Doubt Appears: Is It a Warning or a Lie? – 258

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | More“You’ll never know unless you try” is sound advice to soothe our doubts. But doubt doesn’t always come with ulterior motives; sometimes, it’s merely a cautionary measure meant to protect us. So how do you decipher the root of your doubt? Smart Living with Grit and Grace co-hosts Darlene Brock and Julie Bender answer that question with several actionable steps to help you work through your doubt and determine its purpose. Whether you’re struggling with self-doubt, doubting others, or even doubting God’s promises, rushing into the next season or next step to move past it could result in missed opportunities or even dangers if not properly considered.

If Doubt Appears: Is It a Warning or a Lie? – 258 Read More »

If You're Flat-Out Tired of Waiting - 253

If You’re Flat-Out Tired of Waiting – 253

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreAre you tired of waiting? Maybe you’re waiting on a future spouse to walk into your life, sitting in fast food lines that feel anything but, or pining for that dream job opportunity to fall into our laps. We’re all excitedly—and usually impatiently—waiting for something. Why do all the good things in life take so long? One could argue those things wouldn’t be very good to begin with if they didn’t require at some patience, but we think there’s more to it. In this episode of Smart Living with Grit and Grace, Darlene Brock and Julie Bender discuss why waiting actually serves us more than immediately getting

If You’re Flat-Out Tired of Waiting – 253 Read More »

If You're Flat-Out Tired of Waiting - 253

The Smart Living in Small Bites Book Series Is Live! – 252

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreThe moment we’ve all been waiting for has finally arrived—the Smart Living in Small Bites book series is officially live and available for purchase now on Amazon! If you have experienced (or are still walking through) a challenging life circumstance and wish you could talk with a friend who has been there and understands, look no further. Each book in the series is written by a woman who has experienced that same challenge. These authors detail the difficulties they encountered, the wisdom they gained, and the practical steps they took to find hope and healing so that you might do the same. In this special podcast episode,

The Smart Living in Small Bites Book Series Is Live! – 252 Read More »

Exciting Changes Are Coming to This Grit and Grace Life! – 251

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreExciting changes are in store for This Grit and Grace Life podcast! If you’ve been with us for a while, you know we launched a new endeavor called Smart Living with Grit and Grace last year and will be releasing an eponymous book series this month (keep your eye on your inbox over the next few days!). Now, we’re rebranding the podcast with a new look and feel—and a new name! In this episode, Darlene and Julie share what’s in store for the new Smart Living with Grit and Grace podcast: fresh content, shorter episodes, increased frequency and more! You’ll learn how they landed on the new

Exciting Changes Are Coming to This Grit and Grace Life! – 251 Read More »

26 "Little Women" Quotes to Live By - 250

26 “Little Women” Quotes to Live By – 250

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreWe’re celebrating our 250th podcast episode of This Grit and Grace Life with 26 wise quotes from a literary classic: Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women. Whether you’ve read the novel or not, there’s much to be gleaned from the conversations among its four protagonists, the young March sisters. If you need some encouragement in your relationships and goals or need to be reminded of the qualities of a confident woman, take a few minutes to tune into this episode. Darlene and Julie also share their favorite lessons learned from the This Grit and Grace Life podcast archive. Quote of the episode: “If you need wisdom, ask our

26 “Little Women” Quotes to Live By – 250 Read More »

This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

Cutting Through the Discomfort Around Special Needs with Russ and Gail Ewell – 249

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreHow do you respond when you see a child with special needs? Most of us fall into one of two camps: We either choose to engage or we look the other way. But choosing to engage is always the right answer. Russ and Gail Ewell will tell you the same thing. After dealing with judgment and unsolicited advice from others on how to raise their two special needs children, the couple decided the best way to inform others was to educate and integrate. In this episode of This Grit and Grace Life, Russ and Gail explain the importance of addressing misconceptions and cutting through the discomfort around

Cutting Through the Discomfort Around Special Needs with Russ and Gail Ewell – 249 Read More »

This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

Ready to Conquer Life’s Challenges? Here’s How – 248

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreWhen it comes to battling life’s challenges, the odds are rarely in our favor. We might feel as though we’re putting forth a ton of effort into making our circumstances better, only to find we didn’t make much headway after all. It feels like a far cry from the life God designed for us to live, but it doesn’t have to be. In this episode of This Grit and Grace Life, Darlene Brock and Julie Bender discuss new ways to approach these challenges—and they’re all rooted in the mission of Grit and Grace Life: To transform women’s lives by sharing our hard-earned wisdom, equip them with the

Ready to Conquer Life’s Challenges? Here’s How – 248 Read More »

This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

How to Control Your Feelings So They Don’t Control You with Dr. Zoe – 247

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | TuneIn | RSS | MoreWe’re likely to bounce between feelings of happiness, sadness, anger, excitement, exhaustion or any number of other emotions every day. No matter which ones you experience, they are all normal and they deserve to be listened to. Where we often go wrong, according to licensed psychotherapist Dr. Zoe, is in our reaction to those feelings—either lashing out at someone or making an impulsive decision we later regret. Even when we choose not to react by suppressing our emotions, we are entering into dangerous territory. Learning how to control your feelings and they way you respond to them is such a critical part of life that Darlene and

How to Control Your Feelings So They Don’t Control You with Dr. Zoe – 247 Read More »

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