If Your Clutter Is Driving You Crazy – 263

If you’ve been putting it off, consider this podcast episode as a sign to clean up your clutter!

As we get swept up in the busyness of life, we inadvertently let things accumulate. We outgrow our clothes or forget the items we’ve once loved and the gifts we’ve been given. Over time, we stash these items away to make room for new stuff we need or want. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Sadly, no. These items tend to pile up, consuming space in our homes and in the back of our minds.

If you’re ready to free up that space and finally tackle that pile in the corner that’s been haunting you for months, Darlene Brock and Julie Bender can advise on where and how to start. In this episode, they talk through how you can define ‘clutter’ and share a series of questions designed to help you determine whether you should truly hold onto something or toss it. They also dish on some cleaning perks that will keep you motivated. If you still need a little extra push, consider Darlene’s clutter-cleaning mantra: “I live in a home, not a storage unit.”

Quote of the episode:

“If you want to improve your life immediately, clean out a closet. Often what we hold onto holds us back.” —Cheryl Richardson




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