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Is Your Teen Ready to Launch? Here’s How You Can Too

mom sitting on a race track eating apples and laughing with her daughter while getting her teen ready to launch

I am calling all the mamas struggling with finding themselves in a new chapter: “All aboard the struggle bus, I’m your driver and fellow struggler with change.”

Life has recently been full of struggles and new chapters. A new school year gives us back our routines, but each year comes with its own stresses of grades, extracurriculars, and childhood drama. A maxed-out calendar and a stressed-out teen make for a stressed-out mama, who is struggling in this new season.

Is Your Teen Ready to Launch?

In the past month, my son received his license, started his junior year in high school and first classes at community college, started dating and driving himself everywhere, and graduated from his teen drag racing class where a parent rides with him.

I’ve gone through a rollercoaster of emotions, including feelings of true happiness and joy, and others of fear, depression, and letdown. I’m feeling left behind in a cloud of dust, but maybe that’s just from him pulling out of the driveway too fast.

I realize change is inevitable but it’s not easy. It’s OK to not be OK.

I have always looked forward to spending time with him on our rides to and from school. That’s when we discussed his day. Now he comes home and shares moments from his day, but it’s different, and I feel like I’m missing out on those moments of no distractions.

It’s Time to Reinvent Yourself

Recently a seasoned mom told me, “It’s time to reinvent yourself.” I’m still on the fence whether that was a compliment or not. Do I need to reinvent myself with all the changes going on around me? Do you feel that as you start this new chapter, you need to do something new?

When Life Changes, Does Your Purpose Change Too? After careful thought, I’ve decided I wasn’t going to reinvent myself but reinvest in myself. For years I was the the one handling all the running and going, putting myself on the back burner. Now that he drives himself and I’m at home more, it’s time to work on me.

It’s time to reinvest in who I am and what brings me joy. So often we are wrapped up in our children’s or spouse’s lives that we forget who we are or who we once were. A few simple questions to ponder as you reinvest in yourself:

What do you enjoy doing?

If you had three or four hours to yourself, how would you spend your time?

What’s your favorite pastime?

Are you interested in finding a new hobby or desire to learn how to play a new game? Would you rather learn something new?

I encourage you to take a class, start a new hobby or continue the hobby that’s always brought you joy. Start a new career or further the one you have by taking more classes in your field. Try volunteering for an organization you are passionate about. Start a Bible study or simply find a lunch-date friend in the same boat.

Please know even though we are on this bus together, struggling to find our footing and a new sense of self, you are seen. You are loved. You do have purpose. You do matter. You are worthy. You are not alone.

I challenge you today to take the first step in doing something for you, to reinvest in yourself. As for me, I’ll be grabbing my camera and picking up my mama to go on a scenic adventure with no destination in mind, just for a drive to enjoy the new chapters in life and capture a memory or two.

Not sure where to start with reinventing yourself? It helps to look to those who’ve already been there, done that: If You Wish You Had a Mentor – 265

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