Heather Jonsson

Heather is a seasoned Bible Teacher, Author, and Podcast Host, with a passion for helping women unearth the treasures of God within His Word. Beyond these roles, her heart belongs to the most cherished job in the world: being an ordinary mother. You can often find Heather cheering on the sidelines of her kid’s sports, supervising Saturday morning chores, or unpacking boxes as her family has relocated 14 times throughout her husband's Air Force career. Her fervent desire is to empower women to read and study God's Word independently, enabling them to discover its profound wisdom and enduring truths.

an illustration of Jesus' bed of hay beneath the star of Bethlehem, the start of the everlasting presence of God

Celebrating Immanuel: The Everlasting Presence of God

The presence of God upon the earth did not begin with Jesus’ birth. Like fingertips brushing a page of braille, we can trace the presence of God from the very beginning. God, walking in the Garden in the cool of the night. God, speaking to Moses through a fiery bush. God, leading His people by cloud and by fire. God, abiding in the nomadic wilderness Tabernacle. God, speaking His words through the prophets. Present, yet not fully seen. Immanuel: God With Us That is, until Immanuel arrived through the cries of childbirth; a baby, whose tiny fingers and chocolate eyes were a marvel. God with us, come to abide in our sin-choked world. Turning the tide, Jesus’ arrival opened a way for […]

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little girl holding up a colorful construction paper turkey for thanksgiving as a sweet gesture amid the mayhem of motherhood

Mommas, Allow Thanksgiving to Nourish your Soul

Mayhem ran amuck as I scurried to get my children ready for an appointment. I barked orders to my older children while attempting to subdue my toddler, who gleefully ran away from me naked as a jaybird. “Are you brushing your teeth?” I yelled up the stairs, still struggling to put a diaper on my son, which was about as easy as wrestling an alligator. When he was finally dressed, I popped him on my hip to deter any further escape, and hurried upstairs to check on my 5 and 6 year olds. Do you think they were obediently dressed and ready for the day? Nope, of course not. In normal 5-year-old fashion, the toys I had neatly put away the night

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Hope Feels Out of Reach—What Now?

I have a confession to make: Sometimes, I am a hope flunkie. Yes, you heard that right. Like an ocean wave that is here one moment and gone the next, I find hope hard to catch, and while I want hope to lift me and carry me to shore, too often it passes me by. In my youth I was hope-filled and idealistic, perhaps even a bit naive. Yet it wasn’t too far into my young adulthood that I quickly learned my hopeful expectations would often be dashed against the cliffs of reality. When Hope Feels Out of Reach You see, my husband is in the Air Force, and there is a Newton’s law of military spouses. Ask any military spouse and

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little girl sitting on top of a desk reading a Bible as an example of a way to grow your family's faith

4 Ways to Grow Your Family’s Faith This Summer

Change is in the air. Soon our pale limbs will be exposed in summer attire and our children will stay up late chasing fireflies. We will trade cozy sweaters for bathing suits and roaring fires for swimming pools. I love summer! I especially love the change in rhythm that summer affords. During the school year my family is up early, eating scrambled eggs and bagels just as the sun peeks through the kitchen window. But summer means slower mornings and later nights. It means more time outside catching the rays of sunshine and taking a breath after a year of studies. And when our kids were all really little, it meant pulling jammies over their damp hair in the pool bathroom showers

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woman sitting on couch crying and looking out the window, wondering how to read the Bible when sorrow overwhelms you

How to Read the Bible When Sorrow Overwhelms You

On a recent Sunday night, I collected a few weekend photos, hoping to post about the needed fusion of fun and rest, community and solitude. Really, I thought it was charming. But then, in the blink of an eye, a phone call shattered this neatly curated carousel of social media photos. As I have tenderly held onto grief these past few days, the words from a familiar hymn came to mind: When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul. Horatio Spafford’s poetic words about grief remain unparalleled. Many of you are probably familiar with the heartbreaking story. After losing

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woman sitting at a cafe table with a Bible on it her eyes closed and hands together in prayer because her life feels brittle

If Life Feels Brittle, It’s Time to Walk Through This Door

I stepped back on the front porch, pushing away my husband’s hug. “Just go!” I said, tears clouding my eyes. I wrapped my arms around my body, yet there was no comfort to be found in them. Dejected, my husband slowly turned and tossed his flight bag into the bed of his truck. Watching him open the car door, my heart lurched. I was all too aware of the risk. Each goodbye could be our last goodbye. I rushed off the front steps and threw myself in his strong arms, allowing my sobs to shake our intertwined bodies. This happened 20 years ago, but the raw emotions are as close as my next breath. When my husband and I married he embodied

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