Sarah Beth Wright

Sarah Beth's goal in life is to show others that our mistakes do not have to define us.

I Cheated: How Grace Changed My Marriage for Better

My Affair: How Grace Changed My Marriage for Better

Sitting on the side of the tub in my parents’ bathroom, I stared at the two lines on the pregnancy test. I felt numb. I felt scared. I felt ashamed. What was I going to tell my husband? It was not his. The last few years had been full of tragedy and chaos for our family. During this time, there was a disconnect in my marriage that we were not able to address at the time. My husband, Josh, was in an accident and because of this he was diagnosed with a Traumatic Brain Injury and PTSD. I hit my very lowest point in life. I felt I had lost the man I married. My husband, who was once outgoing and full of life, […]

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Mom, Do You Believe in Chivalry

Mom, Do You Believe in Chivalry?

“Mom, do you believe in chivalry?” I felt my jaw tighten up, and I did my best not to roll my eyes. As a boy mom in the South, one of my biggest conflicts has always been how to raise my boys to treat girls and women with respect in all directions. I grew up with a mom who taught me women are independent and can handle life on our own, while she also respected my father. My dad opened doors and carried in the groceries while appreciating her for her achievements. Strong Women Still Desire Chivalry So, why was this such a nerve-touching question? Most likely because of the family, friends, and relatives I grew up with that defined chivalry for

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5 Questions to Make the Most of Couples Counseling

5 Questions to Make the Most of Couple’s Counseling

Going into a counseling session by yourself can be intimidating. The idea of opening up to someone you have never met seems to be a little scary. When you add another person to the session—especially the person you are in the midst of trial with, your guard can be at an utmost high. The very act of confronting unresolved conflicts can raise your defenses, leaving you feeling exposed and uncertain. However, despite the initial discomfort, couples therapy is a space where both partners can begin to rebuild trust and communication in a safe, structured environment. With expert solutions from, couples therapy offers a unique opportunity for partners to work through their differences with the guidance of a trained professional. The therapist’s

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That One Time I Felt Like a Failure of a Mom

That One Time I Felt Like a Failure of a Mom

As I was driving this Friday afternoon, hurtful words were being thrown at me. How could you? Seriously, you’ve been off all week. Why is it so difficult to keep up with children at home, but you can handle a full classroom during the school year? This week seems to be a week of chaos. Setting a new normal for the kiddos is always a challenge for our family. This year, with our own three boys and our two bonus kiddos (our word for foster), it creates a house of constant movement; there’s never a chance to catch up. I had the week planned out in my head. There were several goals and timeframes to meet, however, I knew we would reach

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