Work & Money

Welcome to Work & Money.
Whether you’re just starting out in the work force, juggling work and motherhood, or getting ready to change jobs, or trying to master your money challenges — we’ve got you covered with our Work & Money section. Here, we discuss college, career prep, finding a job, making a living, and how to manage your money so that it doesn’t manage you.
Your Work, Your Passion
Certainly, work is about making a paycheck and paying those bills (okay, a little shopping too!), but work is also about your passion. Your life’s work should be something that inspires you, something that gets you out of bed in the morning.
Easier said than done, right? Well, it’s all about that soul-searching — and maybe a little trial and error! A great place to start is to check out some of the paths of other working women who have been in your shoes before. Who knows? You might become inspired to find your passion as well!
Women and Money: Pros & Woes
Fortunately, the pros are the ones helping the rest of us out with our money woes. After all, we’re not born with the ability to earn big, save, and invest. This is the stuff you’ve got to learn, and on The Grit & Grace Project, we want you to have the best information possible. While most of all of us are not pros in finance but we willingly share our real life experience, our stories, solutions, the wisdom we’ve gained along with a little bit of information from the professionals. We’re here to offer what worked for us to help you better handle your money — and your debt.
From reducing your high-spending tendencies and saving cash with super apps to what to do when you’ve lost a job and being prepared in the event of a financial loss — we offer our very own financial experience that may help you to make smart decisions for you and your future too.
It’s all here on The Grit & Grace Project.

5-Steps-to-Turn-Your-Hobby-Into-a-Business Christy Wright

5 Steps to Turn Your Hobby Into a Business

One thing I love about the culture we live in is that it’s never been easier to make extra money on the side, or work from home entirely! Over the past decade I’ve coached thousands of women who run their own successful businesses, and as a result, they don’t have to sacrifice their dreams and passions to make money for their families. We live in a side-gig economy where over thirty million Americans are working as freelancers or contract workers. In the last decade alone, women-owned businesses have grown more than 60%—and that number is growing fast. With the growing popularity of websites like Etsy and Pinterest, women are turning their passions into profits now more than ever before. Maybe you’ve been enduring […]

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What Going Back to School After 40 Taught Me

What Going Back to School After 40 Taught Me

At 48 years old, I was earnestly trying to put myself through school. Keyword: trying. My initial gung-ho spirit was suddenly cut short during my third semester when my English professor returned one of my writing assignments. The piece was smeared in red ink and included a note at the very end which read, “You should not be pursuing your undergraduate degree until you learn how to read and write.” I sat, sobbing, as I read and reread the comments and examined my hard work in utter disbelief. The old fears that I had hoped to extinguish years ago came back to haunt me again. An all-too-familiar voice resumed its daunting post within my heart, battling my conscience over whether or not I

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How to Make Your Coworkers Like You in 60 Seconds

How to Make Your Coworkers Like You in 60 Seconds

Most of us work outside the home and interact with our co-workers often times more than with our own family members. Whether it’s people we supervise, those who supervise us, lateral colleagues, or those on a lower pay scale, it’s important to have a cordial, if not friendly, relationship with them. Enjoying your co-workers adds to your overall satisfaction at work, which helps you to be more productive, creates stronger teamwork, and reduces stress. Perhaps you’re an extrovert and have no difficulty making friends or at least being friendly with your colleagues. Maybe, like me, you’re more introverted and cautious in approaching people and perhaps even shy about befriending others. Regardless of which personality type you are, you may find yourself in

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A Girls Guide to Smart Spending

A Girl’s Guide to Smart Spending

Several years ago, I was 24 years old and four months pregnant with my little girl. I was working part-time in sales and had no clue how to make an adult-ish life out of my hourly, teenager-ish salary. Seven months later, my newborn was in daycare and I was working 19 hours a week, earning $11.52 an hour, as an English Language Development Aide for the high school from which I graduated. I went to work every day grateful for the opportunity to connect with students on what used to be my campus, but I kept questioning how I graduated from college and worked hard in the first few years of my post-baccalaureate life for the summation of this position. Living Paycheck

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This Is How to Use Your Gifts to Build Your Business

This Is How to Use Your Gifts to Build Your Business

Recently, I learned something that absolutely shocked me: the average American spends 90,000 hours at work over the course of their lifetime. That’s more than 10 whole years of your one and only life—at work! If you love your job, maybe that doesn’t seem like much of a sacrifice. But if you’re among the 70% of Americans who report being unhappy at work, that’s a whole lot of precious time wasted. But here’s the good news: it doesn’t have to be that way. Imagine what it would be like to work for yourself. To set your own hours, work from home, earn an extra income for your family, and help people by using your gifts! Sound too good to be true? Well,

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7 Ways to Save Money and Sanity When Moving

7 Ways to Save Money and Sanity When Moving

There is no better time to move than when the kids are on one of their school breaks. Whether it’s Christmas, spring break, or summer vacation, moving trucks are loaded, homes are cleaned out and ready for the next resident, and families are crammed into their cars to occupy their next home. Excited or full of angst, this is a stressful season for all. The physical and emotional task of moving from one home to another is daunting for even the very hardy among us. When you add the costs of a move to the stress this change already creates, even the most stable can be pushed to the point of no return. If you find yourself ready to undertake this task,

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5 Quotes That Will Encourage You, Working (Super) Mom

5 Quotes That Will Encourage You, Working (Super) Mom

Working moms do it all—but it’s hard! The struggle to find work and life balance is real, but in the end, what really matters is that you tried your best. At least, that’s what I’ve been told from the women who’ve seen it through. One thing I know that all of us working moms could use is a little encouragement. Just a quick note that says, “Hey, I see you. I see all of the obstacles you overcome every day. It’s not always flawless, but you put your heart and soul into it. You are a strong woman, and you’re a good mom.” So, working mom, these 5 quotes are for you: “I think every working mom probably feels the same thing: You

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Being a Successful Leader Starts With You

How to Be a Leader You Can Be Proud Of

“It’s just a busy season. I promise I’ll be home more when I finish this project.” I apologized to my husband as I raced out the door for an early-morning meeting that would be followed by a full day and a late-night event. When I snuck into bed later that evening hoping I wouldn’t wake him, he sighed and quietly said, “It’s not just a season, Jen. It’s you. There’s always another project. There’s always more you need to do. It doesn’t matter what the job is or who your boss is; you always run yourself ragged. You have to make choices that will sustain you.” As I’m sure you can imagine, I didn’t receive his comments well. And it wasn’t just

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Freedom from the Glass Ceiling and the Glass Slipper

Do You Have to Break the Glass Ceiling to Be Strong?

“This isn’t what we fought so hard for when we finally broke the glass ceiling, is it?” I heard this question posed while watching television. In this scene, a successful female lawyer and her law firm peer were confounded by the decision of a younger, promising female lawyer who just announced her intention to resign from her career in order to become a wife and mother. This was television’s attempt to be profound, reflecting what they considered a cultural phenomenon. The glass ceiling they were speaking of is the battle waged in the ’60s and ’70s to create opportunity for females in the workplace. Opportunity for advancement, for holding the leadership positions rather than the clerical. To become the company president, not the

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Workplace Flexibility is Increasing, And This Is Why

Workplace Flexibility is Increasing, And This Is Why

The days of having to clock into work at the office are long gone for some employees. With the steady advancement of technology, many workers can now perform their duties from most anywhere that they can connect to the internet or Wi-Fi. The results are in for performance in workplace flexibility, and they are quite encouraging. According to a recent study from Werk, a company that guides employers with technology and corporate insights into workplace flexibility, over 50% of current employees would choose another employer if it meant having greater flexibility in the place and time of performing their work. Many employees are requesting flexibility with their current employers as well, with varying degrees of success. Working parents, students, caregivers, creatives, and

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Why You Should Build a Powerful Diverse Team

During my years in the music business, it became abundantly clear to me that to achieve what we wanted to accomplish, we had to have a diverse team to succeed. One would have thought the talent displayed in the musicians was all that was required. A great song easily found success, right? While it was true their abilities were the ones most evident to success, it was also the collection of all the team players that enabled us to flourish. When the individual talents were gathered and merged, it often reminded me of a big successful party. The end of the planning, execution, and delivery told all: either everyone had a good time, or if some part of the plan failed, the

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Dear Small Business Owner, This One’s for You

I created a recent email, as entrepreneurs often do, announcing a new way to be involved with my services. A “new deal,” “a special”; it could even be called a “sale.” I work for myself in a job that I am passionate about, which creates a thin veil (more like a permeable membrane), that separates my identity of “self” from my “work.” Artists and small business owners know the feeling: It’s hard when your work is your passion because it’s a vulnerable place to stand. I worked hard to cultivate and maintain that list in my email, and on the day the email went out to inboxes, I was nervous but excited. What if people hate it? No, think positive. What if

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Everything You Need to Create a Great Resume

The thought of searching for another job is exhausting. What to wear, what to say, when to arrive, where to even apply! Just as important is making certain that your resume is not only up-to-date but also eye-catching; one that will stand out among all the others your potential employer will receive. How do you do that? Here are a few pointers from my friend and colleague, Adria Keuning, who just happens to read resumes for a living as the manager of talent at our workplace: Make certain that there are no typos or grammatical errors. It really does matter. Keep formatting (such as fonts, bullets, etc.) consistent. Give detail when spelling out your job responsibilities from previous or current employment, but

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What You Need to Know About Self-Employment Taxes

I’m too small…I didn’t make that much…they won’t notice…Social Security will be gone by the time I get there anyway! Excuses. Good, possibly accurate ones, but excuses nonetheless. Self-employment taxes are annoying, confusing, expensive…mostly annoying. So, it’s no surprise that a recent independent survey of 500 freelancers by QuickBooks Self-Employed shows “some 36 percent of self-employed workers are taking their chances.” AKA, not paying taxes. The Struggle (is so real) As the number one challenge, according to the Quickbooks survey, “31 percent of self-employed workers say they struggle to get paid on time.” As a self-employed person myself, I can totally relate to this. Just because we bill on Sundays, doesn’t mean we get paid on Sundays! Another 25 percent are worried

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Money Management for Your Business: This is How to Get Started

Money management is rarely an enjoyable conversation for most people. It’s stressful, confusing, and uncomfortable. That is, unless you do accounting for a living, like me. I love inspiring people to take hold of their finances, create processes for record keeping, and improve efficiency through various technologies. As women, we not only run our homes, but many of us run businesses as well, making it even more critical that we are capable of managing our money. Someone told me once that we (humans) are like a coin in God’s back pocket. He knows it’s there, he’s saving it for something special, and he can spend it however he wants. That’s how he gives it purpose. Now, take that same principle and apply

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This Is Why You Need LinkedIn and How You Can Get Started

This Is Why You Need LinkedIn and How You Can Get Started

LinkedIn stands out among social media sites. It’s a place where professionals connect, employers seek potential new employees, and where men and women can interact with other like-minded professionals. But what is the best use of LinkedIn? LinkedIn is a site for professionally minded people. It doesn’t mean you must have a management position or a degree to use the site, but you should be mindful of what you post. LinkedIn users are not interested in last night’s party, who you’re dating, or what you had for lunch. Snippets of your personal life are acceptable, but save the fun and the drama for Facebook and Instagram. (Don’t miss this article by a former corporate recruiter on the topic of social media affecting your

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10 Simple and Unexpected Ways You Can Save Money

10 Simple and Unexpected Ways You Can Save Money

Money is always a sensitive topic, whether you think you have enough or too little. (By the way, few people think they have enough; it’s all relative.) Planning ahead can definitely curb stress and give you a sense of security. Whether you are building an emergency fund or saving so you can pay cash for Christmas gifts or that long-awaited vacation, by being disciplined and diligent you can become a saver! Here are 10 ways to build up a savings account: 1. Take advantage of banks when they offer cash for opening an account. We need to remember that banks are simply selling products, and like other retailers they offer cash incentives. Some banks offer $150 or more for simply opening an

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