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These Faith-Based Podcasts Will Encourage Every Mom

7 Faith Podcasts That Will Encourage Every Mom

Ever heard the phrase, “It takes a village,” about raising kids? Well, with three young ones who are only getting older and more complicated, I need a whole village to myself! Shoot, each kid needs their own village. Each child is so different; this means different methods of raising, different temperaments, and different responses. They are not cookie-cutter versions of my husband or me. Motherhood is all new territory every day and every year, with every child. After talking with several friends who have older kids, I’m pretty sure the adversity during the toddler and elementary years are just the calm before the storm.

Before I had children, I started filling my village with people, books, sermons, devotions—you name it. In recent years, thanks to the advancement of technology, I’ve started listening to books and podcasts online. At the end of a work day or on a run, I grab my phone and headphones and escape for 30 minutes with the hope of learning how to be better at my life today than I was yesterday. Below are some of the podcasts and books that have truly inspired and shaped my thinking and living as a mom.

Motherhood is all new territory every day and every year, with every child. There is no cookie-cutter way.


Birds on a Wire Moms—Wire Talk with Karen Stubbs

Currently, this is my favorite daily dose of motherhood goodness! Birds on a Wire was created with mamas in mind! Wire Talk with Karen Stubbs is a weekly podcast designed to encourage and equip moms through the precious, busy, challenging, and life-changing journey of motherhood. Hosted by Sunny Williams, Wire Talk offers practical, biblical advice on everything from toddler discipline to teenage dating and beyond!

Click here to listen now or go to your App Store and download the app.

Risen Motherhood

The mission of this podcast is to encourage, equip, and challenge moms to apply the gospel to their everyday lives. Each episode of the Risen Motherhood podcast discusses relevant, everyday motherhood topics through the lens of the gospel. From potty-training or cooking dinner to miscarriage or PPD, no subject is off limits. Discussions for each episode are about 20 minutes, so you can fit it into your day when you’re washing dishes, folding laundry, or driving to work. Risen Motherhood podcast was designed to be a place for intentional motherhood—to give grace, not guilt, and encouraging one another to live in light of redemption. New episodes are released every Wednesday.

Click here to listen now or go to your App Store and download the app.

Focus on the Family Parenting

Need help with raising your kids? Focus on the Family provides tried and true parenting advice to help your children thrive. The Focus on the Family broadcast offers daily episodes of encouragement and each 30-minute episode shares applicable and practical tips and has been doing so for the last 40 years. The Focus on Parenting podcast provides moms and dads with helpful tips on how to be a better parent each day to raise kids on the right path. Meaningful advice on topics such as marriage, parenting, life challenges, faith, and social issues are also available, so no matter the question or struggle, you can find sound wisdom here.

Click here to listen now or go to your App Store and download the app.

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She Proves Faithful

This ministry and podcast exist for women who are thirsty for truth and have practical questions about the Bible. It’s for women who want to increase their wisdom and discernment in the midst of a cunning culture, grow in their faith, and ultimately be more like Jesus in every area of their lives. The purpose of She Proves Faithful is to teach about the faithfulness of God and how we can prove to be faithful in all that He has called us to do.

Visit the She Proves Faithful website or listen to the podcast here.

The Midlife Momma

Are you a midlife Momma? This is how Pamela Henkleman, host of The Midlife Momma podcast, defines this stage of parenting: A midlife momma has at least one child that who has reached age eighteen. We’ve been wonderfully supported as moms for decades, then suddenly, the world goes quiet and we’re left wondering, “What do I do now that my children are grown?” We know our relationship will move to a more supportive role, but what does it look like and how do we do it?

Pamela shares tips, tricks and real life stories from parenting her five adult kids. If you’re feeling like you don’t know what to do now, we invite you to listen to The Midlife Momma Podcast.

Click here to listen now or go to your App Store and download the app.

The Dr. Nurse Mama Show

Dr. Nurse Mama is hosted by Dr. Jessica Peck. Dr. Peck is a pediatric nurse practitioner as well as a  professor, author, and mother of four. Today’s teens face many realities we never faced as parents, creating conflict that can lead to shame, stigma, broken relationships, and even a crisis of faith. Each week, Dr. Peck will approach these issues from a biblical and holistic health perspective with the aim of bringing hope and healing to families in America and around the world.

Click here to listen now or go to your App Store and download the app.


Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood study by Melissa B. Kruger

Being a mom usually means being busy. Really busy. Whether you’re zipping from your children’s piano lessons to their next ballgame or nursing a baby while comforting a toddler, life is brimming with activities. Yet one encounter can help shape every moment: time in God’s Word with Jesus. In the Bible study, Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood, you’ll learn how to nourish your own heart, mind, and soul with the wisdom you need to become the mother you long to be.

As you spend time with God through this 11-week Bible study, you’ll gain life-shaping insights to help you:
· Understand and pursue your purpose as a mother
· Live out your true priorities
· Entrust your child to God
· Bear the fruit of the Spirit in your everyday interactions
· Recover from Perfect Mom Syndrome (PMS)

Each week offers four days of study geared specifically to a mother’s concerns, with the Bible passages already printed out for your convenience. The fifth day is a warm-hearted devotional reading to help you reflect on and apply the truths you’ve learned. As your relationship with God deepens through prayer and studying His Word, you’ll discover how His imprint on your heart can make a lasting impression on your children.

Find Walking With God in the Season of Motherhood here.

Mom Enough by Desiring God Ministries

Are you mom enough? It turns out this is the wrong question, pointing in the wrong direction. Here is a higher and more essential question faced by mothers: is God God enough? This short book by eight women explores the daily trials and worries of motherhood. In the trenches, they have learned (and continue to learn) how to treasure God and depend on His all-sufficient grace. The paradox of this book is the secret power of godly mothering. Becoming mom enough comes as a result of answering the question, “Are you mom enough?” with a firm no.

Find Mom Enough here, or visit Desiring God Ministries.

God of the Mundane by Matthew B. Redmond

We’ve all heard the sermons and read the books: “If you really loved God, you would be radical. You would sell your belongings. You would become a missionary and move to another country.” Matthew B. Redmond has preached the gospel of doing more for God, and he wants out. In this collection of essays, he asks a simple question: what about the rest of us? Is there a God for our often-mundane lives? This is a book about pastors, plumbers, dental hygienists, and stay-at-home moms. It finds grace and mercy in chicken fingers, smiles from strangers, and classic films and ultimately convicts us of something Matt Redmond has learned himself: there is a God of the mundane, and it’s not about what we do for Him. It’s about what He does for us.

God of the Mundane is available here.

These resources will encourage you in your faith and motherhood!

Let your soul find rest, comfort, encouragement, and energy from these authors and hosts. Learn to be creative, definitive, and confident in your mothering by listening to other women who have been and are in the trenches with you. May we be the best versions of ourselves we’ve ever been!

(Disclosure: Some of the links within this article are Amazon affiliate links. Meaning, at no additional cost to you, Grit and Grace Life earns a small commission from purchases you make by following these links.)

Looking for more encouragement for moms? We recommend starting here:

Raising Great Girls: How to Do the Job with Darlene Brock
A Little Encouragement When Motherhood is Disappointing
Your Bad Kid Doesn’t Make You a Bad Mom

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