7 Apps You’ll Want to Download Now

Apps are a daily, often hourly, part of our lives. We all have a bunch on our phones and tablets that we rarely (or never) use, but there are some that we just can’t live without. Here are seven of mine:
Did you know you could download and stream Netflix episodes and movies off line? It’s a game changer! Simply download the app, log in with your credentials, and search for the series you’re binging. Maybe this is a bad thing that we’re enabling our addictions… but maybe this is a great thing for me on the elliptical. 45 minutes on the elliptical sounds like death but an episode of Blacklist on the elliptical… best of both worlds.
I know there are plenty of photo editing apps out there and if you live the #nofilter life, good for you. I love VSCO’s filters and I also love how the app becomes a little bank of my most aesthetically pleasing photos. On each filter you select you can decide the level of intensity for the filter, just like Instagram, so you’ll figure it out quickly.
Think Netflix for audio books. Audible is a subscription app where you pay $14.95 a month to listen to audio books. This has taken my road trips and long walks to a new level. There are books I read, have to hold, and love to mark up. And then there are books I love to listen to like While You Were Sleeping, The Alchemist, and Looking for Lovely by Annie F. Downs.
Nike+ Training:
If you can’t tell, I need all the mind games I can get for workouts. Nike+ Training is great because you can choose your workouts by time, equipment, and type. And when you start the workout you have a personal trainer in your ear and on your screen demonstrating the exercises. It is timed so you even get a little competitive too.
Do you love Target like me? Cartwheel is Target’s coupon app. You search by department for the deals and you can even scan a tag in the app to see if there’s an available discount. If you’re already in Target buying lots of goodies you might as well be saving money too!
Period tracker. Why, because women’s health is important! There’s a way to log daily symptoms or just input the start and end date of your period. Last week I was packing for my brother-in-law’s wedding when my app sent me a notification, “your period will start in 2 days.” Hallelujah, praise the Lord, wedding day crisis averted when I packed accordingly. Added bonus, after you log a symptom it will give you a daily health tip.
The Bible App:
I know there are some great devotional apps like She Reads Truth and First 5 but I love the plain Jane Bible App. I get a notification for a verse of the day and love to browse through their free verse graphics to download and share. You can choose any translation but my personal favorite is the New Living Translation. Bible stories can be hard to grasp so sometimes I like to select the audio feature and listen to the app read an entire chapter to me. It helps the Bible come alive in one coherent story. Oh, don’t miss the plans feature! This chick loves a good plan and the Bible app is full of them.
Those are my top picks. What are yours? Head over to our Facebook Page and share them with us!
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