Megan Miller

Megan is an extroverted introvert who doesn’t believe in small talk. Breakfast is her favorite meal and she’s a sucker for good ambiance. Coffee shops, a morning at the beach, and a sweaty workout can fix anything.

Why It’s So Important to Have a Mentor and to Be One Too 2

Why It’s So Important to Have a Mentor and to Be One Too

For 12 years (or more) we are taught. Being enrolled in school gives us structure and a guidebook to living. We are given this safe bubble of trial-and-error in playtime, classes, and teams. Then we graduate with no syllabus or bell to tell us our next move. Post-grad life is scary, post-wedding life is terrifying, and post-pregnancy life is foreign. We go through all of these life-changes without a compass. The word mentor meant nothing to me four years ago. I didn’t need someone telling me what to do. Nor did I have the patience to coach someone up to lead a life they loved. “You do you, and I’m going to do me,” was a mantra of mine. Until I had […]

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NEW When Her Yes Feels Like Your No Resize

When Her Yes Feels Like Your No

Her post stared at me like a reflection in the mirror. She was up there sharing a message I could give, to thousands of her followers, and I had a front row seat for what could’ve… even should’ve… been mine. You’ve been there—dying for what others have. Or you’ve been her—having what others want. If we want genuine relationships and contentment, we need to put an end to a scarcity perspective. What is a scarcity mindset? There’s another writer at The Grit and Grace Project named Kelsey, who is a baseball wife, relatively young, and ridiculously beautiful (on the inside and outside). With a scarcity mindset, I would have put Kelsey up on a scale and weighed my value and worth against hers. We’ve

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simple tips to destress manage stress

9 Simple and Unexpected Tips to Relieve Stress

Are you stressed? It’s okay to admit it if you are; we live in a fast-paced world with endless demands. Whether you’re a working woman, focused on motherhood, or, chances are, a little bit of everything, it seems like a woman’s job is never done (because she usually has quite a few of them!). Here are a few simple ways you can manage the stress that comes with juggling all the balls. 1. Don’t charge your phone in the bedroom. Stop using your alarm as an excuse. Target sells cute ones for about $5. Invest in rest and peace of mind. 2. Schedule time to recharge and be alone. Five minutes in the car, a walk with your dog, a long shower, it

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How to Find Purpose in All That You Do

How to Find Purpose in All That You Do

I constantly mistake the word purpose for role. If my purpose is motherhood, then I’m lost when my kids go to school. If my purpose is in my career, I’m out of luck at the loss of my job. Dog moms lose their pups, students graduate, and relationships end. How can we remain purposeful through transitions, breakups, new beginnings, or tragedy? Our purpose has to come from somewhere else. Purpose is not a title or a role; it’s an inherent mission statement. I want to challenge you to define your purpose—let’s call it a personal mission statement. It’s something you can stay true to no matter what life throws your way. Here are some examples of purpose: To let faith conquer my

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6 Easy Ways to Spice Up Your Relationship Right Now

I know what you’re thinking, but I’m not talking about the bedroom. I’m talking about the Groundhog Day cycle you find yourself in! I’ve noticed that my marriage feels most dull when I’m short on self-care, and I haven’t had quality time with my husband. Try some of these ideas to get you out of autopilot and into a passionate partnership. Switch Roles Maybe it’s time he cooks dinner, and you walk the dog? Whatever designated jobs you’ve assigned to one another, switch it up! You may surprise yourself with compassion and be able to relate better at the end of the day. Invest in His Passions Sometimes I flip on ESPN or Sportscenter during the day, so I can talk to

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How to Pack For a Quick Trip (When You Travel Often)

How to Pack For a Quick Trip (When You Travel Often)

The worst part about going out of town can often be packing. I will share a few of my favorite packing tips and then tell you how I create a foolproof capsule wardrobe for any vacation. 1. Know your itinerary. This. Is. Crucial! Figure out what you’ll be doing while you’re away (get as specific as you want) so you know the kind of outfits you have to piece together. Beachy? Go cover-ups, sandals, and sundresses. Work trip and meeting? Bring your professional all-day wear that’s comfortable. 2. Look at the weather. What’s worse than arriving at your tropical getaway only to find there’s a cold front heading in, and you forgot your favorite linen wrap. Ok… there are a lot worse

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Let the Spirit of the Olympics Touch Your Whole Life

Whether you’ve been a sports fan all your life or couldn’t care less about sports—you love the Olympics. The stories of the athletes overcoming personal struggle to fulfill one’s lifelong dream, emotional finish line moments, and the world coming together to celebrate victory. Why do we love it? The competition? The sport? I think it’s a concept Brene Brown teaches in her new book, Braving the Wilderness, called “The Ministry of Presence.” Brown points out shared joy is a spiritual experience that unites everyone present. We may not be in South Korea but we’re captivated by the moment, waiting to celebrate athletes, and presence always unites us. When I think about the Winter Games I think about endings that cannot be predicted

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5 Things I Learned Working in the Food Industry

My first job was at a family-owned Italian restaurant in Newport Beach, CA called Mama D’s. The whole place was as big as my living room but, while I was a hostess, the restaurant was the #1 rated in America. Boring shifts were few and far between and customers came to us with the expectation of experiencing excellence. We were not number 1 because it was fancy, and although our food was delicious that was not what we were known for… We were known for customer service. The lessons I learned as a hostess at Mama’s D’s from age 15-17 are ones I apply to my everyday life now, even years later. Here are 5 tricks of the trade that every woman

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4 Truths About Being Friends With Benefits

Before I was married I was FWB (friends with benefits) with a few guys and here’s why: I liked them, but they didn’t like me so I thought if I gave them benefits (compromised my physical boundaries) they would commit to me. I define friends with benefits as making physical and emotional compromises without an exclusive commitment. Ladies, you don’t have to be friends with benefits. You are worth the commitment, you are worth exclusivity, and you are worth a man who respects your boundaries. Here are some truths I learned about being FWB before I realized I was worth more: 1. You’re buying your own dinner. Lets be clear on friends with benefits. He’s not your boyfriend. That means you are physically giving yourself

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What Makes a Sister the Best Kind of Friend

I love my sisters; we’re ridiculously close. In fact, they’re my best friends. However, I’m not naive enough to think that all sisters are best friends, so I do count myself fortunate (as are they). But if you too share a special bond with your sister, I think you’ll agree that this is what makes a sister the best kind of friend… You can always be yourself. Being best friends with your sister means you don’t have to worry about being judged. You don’t have to get yourself together when you’re with your sister. She’s happy to meet you exactly where you are. Her closet. What is it about a sister’s closet that makes it so much better than your own? I stand in

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7 Apps You’ll Want to Download Now

Apps are a daily, often hourly, part of our lives. We all have a bunch on our phones and tablets that we rarely (or never) use, but there are some that we just can’t live without. Here are seven of mine: Netflix: Did you know you could download and stream Netflix episodes and movies off line? It’s a game changer! Simply download the app, log in with your credentials, and search for the series you’re binging. Maybe this is a bad thing that we’re enabling our addictions… but maybe this is a great thing for me on the elliptical. 45 minutes on the elliptical sounds like death but an episode of Blacklist on the elliptical… best of both worlds. VSCO: I know

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Stuck In a Rut? Here’s How to Get Some Perspective

A Chick-Fil-A commercial caught my eye the other day. The company is advertising chicken for breakfast. Now I’m not here to talk about chicken vs. sausage but the ad left an impression on me. I’ll paint the scene: there was a man in some kind of trench in the middle of an office and a woman above him. The woman yelled down to the man and told him he was in a rut, to which the man replied, “no, I’m in a groove.” I can’t get this 30-second image out of my head because I’ve been that man. A few months ago I found myself bored and uninterested. I couldn’t muster up the passion to exercise, create, or socialize. But there was

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