9 Simple and Unexpected Tips to Relieve Stress

Are you stressed? It’s okay to admit it if you are; we live in a fast-paced world with endless demands. Whether you’re a working woman, focused on motherhood, or, chances are, a little bit of everything, it seems like a woman’s job is never done (because she usually has quite a few of them!). Here are a few simple ways you can manage the stress that comes with juggling all the balls.
1. Don’t charge your phone in the bedroom.
Stop using your alarm as an excuse. Target sells cute ones for about $5. Invest in rest and peace of mind.
2. Schedule time to recharge and be alone.
Five minutes in the car, a walk with your dog, a long shower, it will look different for everyone, but it will have the same effect on your mental health.
3. Give yourself a margin.
Over-scheduling is the quickest way to stress. Allow time in your day for the unexpected.
4. Say no.
Just do. Red flag: the things we feel like we have to do. Maybe you’re one of those people who gets walked all over. Quit. Saving. Everyone. If you don’t do it, someone else will. (Don’t miss this article on how to say no!)
5. Unfollow her.
The girl that makes you feel bad about yourself. Or the girl who makes you feel good about yourself. Make sure you’re feeding your mind with life-giving food, not destructive comparison.
6. Call instead of text.
Texting has one flaw: voice inflection. Once you give your words to the universe, they’re up for interpretation so make sure you say the hard things over the phone to communicate clearly.
7. Wake up early.
Maybe stress takes off in the mornings when you’re running around trying to find your keys. Give yourself wiggle room to drink hot coffee and find your keys.
8. Plan the night before.

Whether you spend one minute or one hour planning your day—plan your day. If you have a partner, make sure you’re on the same page for the expectations of tomorrow. Who’s picking up the kids? What time will you be home? Do we need groceries?
9. Sweat it out.
In the words of Elle Woods, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.” Not only do you produce endorphins, but you feel better about yourself. (Here are some suggestions!)
Don’t let your life run you ragged; get ahead of things and make some changes that will serve you well in the long-run.
For more on self-care, check out:
3 Ways Positive Self-Talk Can Improve Your Life
Just Because She’s Pretty, Doesn’t Mean You’re Not
6 Practical Tips When You Want to Get Healthy
3 Reasons You’re Unhappy and How to Make a Change
4 Reasons Why Being Selfish Is Best for Everyone
You’ll love this episode of This Grit and Grace Life podcast: 5 Things a Woman Must Do for Success in Life – 040.