This year, I resolve not to make any more New Year’s resolutions.
No more diets, exercise programs or firm convictions that I will eat less meat or spend less time on social media. I am not going to promise to hit the gym three times a week, do online yoga everyday or start Cross Fit. I am not going to give up my morning coffee or my afternoon sweets or my nightly salty snacks (I love you, pretzels!). I will not give up or start up anything new.
This year, I am going to let myself be myself.
I am going to love myself.
I am going to feed myself when I am hungry and go for long, lingering walks.
I am going to buy bigger jeans and pat my momma belly with love.
I am going to spend more time gazing out the window and laughing with friends and loving on my husband and playing with my kids without thinking about what’s next on the to-do list.
This year, I am going to be present. I am going to show up to my own life.
This Year, I Am Going to Be OK With Who I Am
The past year has taught me a lot about who I am—and this moment—right now—is telling me the truth about what I value. Where my priorities are. How my time is spent. Where my heart is at.
This year, I am going to listen to the truth of what I already know.
I am going to trust myself.
I am going to love myself.
I am going to love others.
I am going to let my heart be where it is.
I’ve spent much of my life “future tripping” and making all the plans and all the resolutions, but the reality is, all there is—is right now. Everything in my life is happening. Now. There is no waiting for what is coming or looking back on what has been. Practicing presence in the moment has been one of the greatest presents I have received this year; and what I’d like to carry with me into the new year is being fully present in my life and doing those things that bring me joy and refresh my soul. No resolutions. No plans. Just being.
This year, I am going to let myself be my lovely self.
Want to learn more about self-love? Watch this video now!
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