6 Relatable Mom Moments That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

Our kids can embarrass us and make us laugh. These moms are sharing a few of those moments.
“I will never forget this Target run”
I will never forget the time my two oldest and I went to Target for a quick errand. One of my girls had to go to the bathroom and decided to pull her pants down while we were still in the entryway to the store. I’m fumbling around trying to pull her pants back up, and she is fighting me trying to pull them back down. “But I have to poop, Mom!” I carried a half-naked 4-year-old under my arm like a sack of potatoes through the entire store, just to hear her say, “I don’t have to go anymore,” when we got to the bathroom. —Amber Koehn
“I promise I had no idea where she got that, but at least it wasn’t marked wrong on her assignment.”
My elder daughter was learning to write simple words. Her assignment was to write one word for every letter in the alphabet. I paid no attention to what she wrote, just made sure she got it done. When we got her paper returned, she had written the word ***hole for the letter “A.” I promise I had no idea where she got that, but at least it wasn’t marked wrong on her assignment.
—Darlene Brock
Our kids can embarrass us and make us laugh. These moms are sharing a few of those moments.
“She grabbed her papa’s ear and ‘whispered’ well within earshot of everyone in the room…”
My daughter has always—since the day she learned to talk—been one to speak first and think second. She’s generally sweet and definitely precocious, but she doesn’t consider her audience when she talks. This was made most evident when, one Christmas Eve, we were at church with my in-laws who were proudly introducing their adorable grandchildren to all of their friends. My father-in-law was holding my daughter and speaking with a friend of his, a very nice older gentleman. Kenzie, apparently having enough of the adult conversation, grabbed her Papa’s ear and “whispered” well within earshot of everyone in the room, “Papa, that man has a huge nose.” My father-in-law was so embarrassed but not more than my husband and I, who just stood and stared at my darling and delightful daughter who was sure to embarrass us many, many more times in her young life. —Meaghan Dawson
“I asked her if she knew what a vagina was.”
My youngest came home with a letter from the nurse explaining that the nurse would be chatting with the 5th graders about the facts of life. So, I thought a review of proper body terminology was prudent. I asked her if she knew what a vagina was. She said, “Yes, isn’t that a white wine?” Oh my goodness, so glad we had our review and she didn’t give that answer to the nurse. —Cherie Shaw
“I think he was as embarrassed as I was.”
When my eldest was about three, we were at the playground. She was playing and I was sitting at the edge of the sand with my baby son. There was a very hot dad standing near the equipment. All of a sudden, my daughter jumped off of the play structure, ran over to him full speed, and smacked him as hard as she could on the butt. I was appalled but couldn’t stop laughing. The man’s face turned 8,000 shades of red. I think he was as embarrassed as I was. Everyone in the area froze and didn’t really know what to do. I awkwardly scooped both of my children up and we went home. —Christi Anderson
“At least we were on time for once.”
When my daughter was three, I was on the worship team at my church. It was such a huge deal for me and I looked forward to it each week. One Sunday morning, we got up and actually made it out the door on time for pre-service sound check. In the middle of a song run through, I look down from the stage and see Bella running around and realized I didn’t put underwear on her! She was as free as a bird and had no discretion as she danced around. At least we were on time for once! —Monique Jackson King
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