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How Do I Deal with Grief During the Holidays? with Nancy Hicks – 170

This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

Maybe this is your first year—or one of several—trying to balance the joy of the holidays with grief over a loss. The conflicted feelings can make it difficult to celebrate or even consider being around others.

Speaker and author Nancy Hicks joins Darlene Brock and Julie Bender to discuss how we can come to terms with our grief when the holidays are approaching. Nancy speaks from her grief journey after dealing with the loss of her son this year. She encourages us to give ourselves grace as we experience the vast set of emotions that accompany loss, and shares some ways we can cope with grief during the holidays.

Nancy Hicks - grief during the holidays Nancy Hicks is a speaker, teacher, podcaster and author who works at the intersection of head, heart and soul to help women live fully alive in their faith. For more than a decade, Nancy engaged millions of viewers as an on-air spokesperson for QVC—she understands what it’s like to try and balance work, marriage and motherhood. She has been featured on Hallmark’s Home & Family, The Jesus Calling Podcast, as well as in Publishers Weekly, The Christian Post, For Every Mom and more.

You can follow Nancy on Instagram @nancyhickslive, on Facebook at NancyHicksLive, or visit her website.

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Quote of the episode:

“The grief or sorrow will never go away, but it will soften.” —Nancy Hicks


Grieving the Loss of a Loved One: What to Do and What Not to Do
Nancy’s book, “Meant to Live
Phiilip Yancey’s book, “Disappointment with God

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