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Why Your Life and Community Matters Right Now – 142

This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

2020—the year none of us expected. The fear, isolation, and division created have left us feeling lost and even hopeless. But we don’t have to stay here. At Grit and Grace Life, we believe in community, we believe in us. In this episode, Julie and Darlene step back to revisit the things that will sustain us—rebuilding a community of women who value one another and believe in unity, removing fear, and replacing it with hope. If we could look you in the eyes (over your mask), we would encourage you to remove yourself from the news of today, embracing hope for the future. We’d also remind you that to make that future bright, it takes every one of us. You are the one who can change the world; you can be a light in these dark times. Your life matters. Be part of a community of women who can turn the tide, even in the waves that feel insurmountable. We are stronger together as we choose not only to live this 2020 Grit and Grace Life but also to make it count.

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Quote of the episode:

“Living a life of grace takes an enormous amount of strength and a boatload of tenacity.” Darlene Brock

Check out these episodes we mentioned: 4 Realistic Ways to Shift Your Mindset in 2020 – 115, You Are More Inspiring Than You Think – 141, and How to Get Over the Pandemic That’s Not Over – 139

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