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3 Tips on How to Encourage Your Child’s Educators

3 Tips on How to Encourage Your Child's Educators

Perhaps no one has more face time with your child than his or her teacher—except you, of course! Teachers do so much more than instruct: they welcome, encourage, comfort, and discipline the students in their care. They pour themselves out each and every day in the classroom, so they need to be filled too.

How can you offer refreshment to your child’s teacher?

1. Don’t assume your child’s teacher knows what a great job he or she is doing. Take the time to send an email, leave a voicemail, or better yet, write a note of gratitude. It is extra-special when you notice something specific and take the time to offer a word of praise.

2. Find out some of your child’s teacher’s favorite things, and from time to time drop off a treat just because. It may be something as simple as a vanilla latte or chocolate chip cookies, but receiving such a thoughtful treat on a random Monday morning might be the bright spot in her week.

3. Another way you can encourage your child’s teacher is by helping in the classroom as you are able. Maybe it means you offer to come read to the class on Friday afternoons or watch them during lunch each Tuesday, but your initiative to help will be a great blessing.

Rarely in a teacher’s day does a student pause to say, “thank you,” and you might be surprised to discover how seldom parents do either. You can play a tremendous part in a teacher’s life this year by being attentive, thoughtful, and encouraging in these simple ways. It might just be a latte to you, but to her, it might be a lifesaver.

Don’t miss this recent podcast episode from This Grit and Grace Life: This Is What Every Mom Needs for Back to School – 051!

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