How to Find Purpose in All That You Do

How to Find Purpose in All That You Do

I constantly mistake the word purpose for role. If my purpose is motherhood, then I’m lost when my kids go to school. If my purpose is in my career, I’m out of luck at the loss of my job. Dog moms lose their pups, students graduate, and relationships end.

How can we remain purposeful through transitions, breakups, new beginnings, or tragedy? Our purpose has to come from somewhere else. Purpose is not a title or a role; it’s an inherent mission statement.

I want to challenge you to define your purpose—let’s call it a personal mission statement. It’s something you can stay true to no matter what life throws your way.

Here are some examples of purpose:

  • To let faith conquer my fears
  • To intentionally love the people in my life
  • To cultivate life-giving relationships
  • To live from a mindset of abundance instead of scarcity
  • To serve the community around me
  • To choose integrity and honesty
  • To use my platform for good instead of evil

I want to challenge you to define your purpose—something you can stay true to no matter what life throws your way.

Your turn! What are some ways you can move from letting your roles dictate your purpose to letting your purpose impact your roles? Wouldn’t a purposeful mother be powerful? Or a purposeful businesswoman? A purposeful student? Purpose can be the launching pad to fulfillment where our roles wear us thin.

Don’t miss this podcast episode from This Grit and Grace LifeWhat Makes a Woman Strong (Might Surprise You) – 016!

What are some ways you can move from letting your roles dictate your purpose to letting your purpose impact your roles?

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