One Man’s Dream Women Can Believe In

At The Grit and Grace Project, we usually write about women’s lives, telling their stories and sharing their vision. But we have found a man who has a dream we believe in, and we want to share it with you…
What happens when a world-traveled, highly successful photographer takes the view that he sees through the lens of his camera and puts a voice to it? The images and needs that his expeditions have revealed to him are displayed in his photography; they are also etched in his heart.
During a meeting in a hotel several years ago, in room 121, Jeremy Cowart noticed that the room had a name, and he began to ponder… What if the room’s name meant something more? “Imagine walking down the hallway with each room bearing the name of a child in need? What if each room told a child’s story? What if the cost of the room contributed to the education of that child?”
But this man’s vision didn’t stop there. “As I looked around the room, I realized everything could be repurposed. What if, instead of pornography, the TV showed social documentaries? The internet fee helped fight human trafficking, the desk you sit at was built by the homeless? The blankets, soaps, and linens handmade? I personally had relationships with nonprofits that provided every one of these items made by those whose work changed their lives. Why not bring them all under one roof where they could be supported all at once? That’s how the idea was born.”
The images and needs that his expeditions have revealed to him are displayed in his photography; they are also etched in his heart.
Even though, as a young man, he struggled to find his worth, Jeremy’s career in graphic design soon led him to start taking pictures to bring texture into his design work. He quickly realized that photography was his true passion, so in April of 2005, Jeremy switched over to pursue it full-time. He has never looked back. In a relatively short amount of time, Jeremy has earned the respect of artists, photographers, and celebrities alike. Now hailed as one of the trailblazers in the industry, Jeremy sees photography as a natural extension of his passion for the arts.
Jeremy has taken portraits of many familiar names, such as Taylor Swift, Tim Tebow, The Kardashians, Sting, The Civil Wars, Emma Stone, and Ryan Seacrest—just to name a few. His clients, mostly entertainment based, include ABC, FOX, A&E, ESPN, People, and Sony Records. His work has been published in Rolling Stone, ESPN Magazine, People Magazine, USA Today, The New York Times, TIME, and more.
But it is of his new venture that he speaks so passionately—and when he does so, it’s about creating a legacy. “This is such a bigger picture, this is about legacy, leaving your mark in a truly unique way,” he explains. It is not a legacy he can create on his own; it will be the legacy of all those who decide to help launch The Purpose Hotel. This led to the creation of a Kickstarter campaign, established to share the vision and help fulfill the purpose.
As he invites others to join in, Jeremy explains, “Everyone who gives $75.00 or more will become a co-founder. They will have a permanent photo placed not just in the first hotel, but all hotels that are built after. How cool would it be to say, ‘Oh yeah, I helped start Starbucks, I helped start Nike’—any brand; we wanted to open this up to the public and let it be something you can tell your grandchildren about. This is about community, not about a building, not about a hotel. This is about a creative idea that can help people all over the world.”
This is why we are sharing this one man’s dream. We believe it offers us an opportunity to join that community. This really is a dream all women can believe in… A dream all women can be a part of: The Purpose Hotel.
Click here to learn more about The Purpose Hotel.
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