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Help for a Blended Family

Blended family

Blending families is hard. If you’re in the middle of it, then you’re well aware of this reality. When two families come together, they bring their own history as well as their own, unique family culture. You’re not simply dealing with two different pasts, but also how each family lived in the past.

As a stepmom or stepdad, you are learning new roles. Your children are trying to adjust, and so are you. Several of our writers have gone through exactly what you are facing, which we hope will serve as a comfort and hopeful reference guide. We also have professional advice from licensed therapists and relationship experts to help you in this journey. Be encouraged; you are not alone. You too can get through this transition, creating a healthy blended family at every stage.

4 Helpful Reads for A Blended Family

 Ask Dr. Zoe – When Do I Introduce My New Man to My Kids?

A critical moment for any single mom in the dating world is finding the right time—and the right way—to introduce her significant other to her kids. For them, the thought of a potentially new father figure can be daunting. Licensed psychotherapist and relationship coach Dr. Zoe Shaw breaks down nine easy ways to prepare your kids for meeting your new man—and it’s much simpler than you might expect!

 Ask Dr. Zoe – When Do I Introduce My New Man to My Kids?


5 Ways Blended Families Can Be Happy and Healthy5 Ways Blended Families Can Be Happy and Healthy

In the words of Cherie Shaw, author of this article: “…each family is unique; the members are individuals.” With different personalities and interests under the same roof, blending two separate families takes care and a whole lot of patience. Having done it herself, Cherie shares five takeaways that anchored the members of her own blended family. If she can do it, you can too!

5 Ways Blended Families Can Be Happy and Healthy


Ask Dr. Zoe – Dealing with Blended Families and Different Household Rules

So, you’ve got two families under one roof. While the physical merger is over, the process of getting everyone on the same page has just begun! Establishing rules for kids that come from a different home or still frequent another home can get complicated. In this Q&A, Dr. Zoe explains how to set the rules in a positive way that won’t lead to resentment.

Ask Dr. Zoe – Dealing with Blended Families and Different Household Rules


you your man his baby mama 2

You, Your Man, and His Baby Mama All Need Grit and Grace

It can be hard to adjust in a relationship where your husband or boyfriend’s baby mama is in the picture. You understand that she needs to be there, but often tension and jealousy are, too. While each person in this scenario needs (and deserves) respect, they ultimately need to put the wellbeing of the little one(s) first. Here you’ll learn five ways to diffuse any baby mama drama.

 You, Your Man, and His Baby Mama All Need Grit and Grace



For more must-read articles on blended families, visit here.

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