There is an education needed for every woman in the workplace—one that has nothing to do with their chosen career. It rests heavily on real-life instruction and will help you to avoid becoming ensnared in those “Oh dear, what should I do now?” moments that happen in almost every workplace.
Here are 5 lessons every working woman needs to learn:
1. The Side-Hug
The key to successfully maneuvering the side hug (when you see the inappropriate full-frontal hugger heading your way) is to wait until he gets about five feet in front of you, then quickly pivot 90 degrees to your right. He will run into your shoulder or elbow, the most uncomfortable parts of a woman’s body.
2. Dodging the Gossip
You simply must acquire the ability to quickly run into the bathroom stall when the office gossip makes a beeline for you. If you look up from your desk to find that you’ve been targeted, quickly grab your purse and whisper to the lady on a mission, “That time of month you know…” and hang out in the bathroom until it’s all clear.
3. Lunch Without Drama
Always have a lunch packed (or at least something that looks like a lunch) when the difficult co-workers invite you to their daily lunch-whining session. Just say, “Sorry, you know how it is when you’re on a budget,” then head out to a restaurant you know they all hate.
4. The Quick Recovery
When you get blindsided, remember to smile quickly. You know, when you’ve earned a promotion but your boss’s golf buddy gets it instead… Just smile and offer congratulations, knowing that you already bookmarked the online job listings just in case.
5. Chart Your Course
The most important thing to remember in the workplace is to not let any of the silliness make you bitter or derail you from your career goal. Whatever you started, finish. Wherever you plan to go, keep on going. We women just don’t give up!
Remember what the inspiring, 20th-century American folk artist, Grandma Moses, once said, “Life is what you make of it, always has been always will be.” This applies to office life too.
Don’t miss our recent podcast episode, 5 Things a Woman Must Do for Success in Life – 040!
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