Are you struggling with a lingering issue or life problem for which you can’t seem to find an answer? Maybe you’re confused about one of your relationships or perhaps it’s a personal problem you’re afraid to talk to your friends about. You are not alone.
It’s OK to seek advice, and help can be found.
Here at The Grit and Grace Project online magazine, we have been privileged to partner with Dr. Zoe Shaw, a licensed psychotherapist, educated at UCLA and Pepperdine University. She has a private practice in sunny California and a virtual practice working with people all over the world! She is a motivational speaker, podcast host, life coach, and fitness fanatic.
She’s been a contributing writer and frequent podcast guest for some time, and now has her very own feature on our site, Ask Dr. Zoe. This is a column devoted to you, the reader, where you can ask questions you want Dr. Zoe to answer and read questions she’s answering from other women like you. No area is off-limits and you can even submit your question anonymously.
Do you have a burning question about yourself, your relationships, or your parenting? Send it in, and Dr. Zoe will give you spot-on advice. But don’t worry, she’ll balance her honest answers with grit and grace.
Click the image to submit your question!
To learn more about Dr. Zoe and the advice she offers, read some of her previous articles here and check out the last few podcast episodes she joined us on including, A Therapist’s Practical Advice for Blended Families with Dr. Zoe Shaw – 050, When to Leave an Unhealthy Relationship with Your Man – with Dr. Zoe Shaw – 024, Conquering Struggles Women Will Face in Every Stage of Life with Dr. Zoe Shaw – 009, and Is it Time for Counseling? A Therapist Helps You Decide (with Dr. Zoe Shaw) – 004