Jordan Hawkins

Jordan doesn't know a stranger-- and never will; constantly finding a way to connect with everyone she meets and uses these experiences to influence her writing. She loves all things southern--from cooking to football to the outdoors.

4 Things to Do When Searching For Your Dream Job

4 Things to Do When Searching For Your Dream Job

I walked across the stage at my college graduation, ready to take on the world. I knew I had an excellent “foot in the door” at ESPN from working as a logger for SportsCenter on Saturdays during my last semester at school. However, I had not yet received an offer for a full-time position as I donned my tassel and robe, and little did I know it would be two years before that offer came through. Unfortunately for my fellow graduates and me, the end of our college tenure came right as the market had plummeted, and ESPN’s parent company, Disney, had established a two-year hiring freeze for all of their companies, ESPN included. The job market was seemingly frozen in place, […]

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This is Why I Did a DNA Test

This Is Why I Did a DNA Test

It’s the longing in all of us, the feeling that causes us to stare out at the endless horizon standing at the ocean’s edge. The part of us that draws our gaze to the multi-layered masterpiece of a nearby mountain ridge. Those of us who are naturally nostalgic have an affinity for the history of things. The way something once made us feel, the memory a familiar song brings up, all moments and feelings that are part of our story. Nostalgia transcends the present and whisks us away, and it always creates a sense of longing to capture that feeling again. I am one of those people, drawn to familiar things that have framed my life’s surroundings. And yet, I’m continually looking

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Surviving Domestic Abuse—When There Were No “Red Flags”

What do you do when there are no red flags before domestic abuse? Or when the ones that are there have been buried—when you have no warning that the abuse is coming? Everyone always asks after the fact, “Did you see any red flags?” And you sit there wracking your brain, trying to come up with a million instances that should have told you, should have given you some warning that would make you change your mind about the person. Something about his character, something that he said, something that just seemed “a little off” and, in hindsight, is a blaring sign that you should have seen this coming… But what if there weren’t any? Then what do you do? Enter my friend

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Being Pregnant Is Hard! 4 Truths for a Mom-To-Be

Being Pregnant Is Hard! 4 Truths for a Mom-To-Be

I’m sitting at 35 weeks today, and my hips are numb from rolling from side to side trying to find a comfortable position to sleep. My feet have swollen to the point where I can’t wear any of my shoes except for one pair of tennis shoes and my house slippers. There is a foot wedged under the right side of my rib cage, and don’t even get me started on morning sickness! I hear of these women who have had these sublime, serene pregnancies, and envy grows deep in my chest—or maybe that is heartburn from last night’s dinner (I’m not sure!). Women throughout the world are creating new life every second of the day, and though the joy remains in

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5 Guys to Avoid (That Your Mother Warned You About)

Navigating the dating world at any age is difficult. We come into our own as teenagers, when many of us experience the first taste of what it is to go on a date. Perhaps your parents pick your date up and drop you two off at the movies. You hold hands and share popcorn. Maybe even share a smooch at the theater door before walking back to the parental units acting as chauffeurs. From there you blossom, each woman at her own rate, discovering what dating means to them. For the few lucky women out there, maybe college age or shortly after college, they meet their soulmate and begin a family and everything works out. Living in their version of happily ever

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For Gals Who Golf... and Those Who Want to Learn

For Gals Who Golf… and Those Who Want to Learn

From retired “ladies who lunch” to LPGA professionals, women all across the world are taking to the courses and meeting on the tee to enjoy the bittersweet experience of golf. I say bittersweet because if you’ve picked up a club, you know what I mean. Swing after swing as beginners, we hack away at our grandpa’s backyard with an old pitching wedge. Some of us get lucky and actually learn how to make contact with the ball on some part of the club face. Others get frustrated right away and say, “Nope! This isn’t for me!” Regardless of whether you go pro or not, you will always find yourself frustrated with your game to some degree. Some days I can’t miss with

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The Best Blogs to Follow For Every Area of Life

Back in the day of “blah, blah, blah,” women sometimes found a struggle when it came to discovering an appropriate and willing sounding board for their ideas, aspirations, advice, and so on. Now in the days of blogs, blogs, blogs, it can be difficult to discover the ones worth watching and following versus those that are still filled with mostly blah, blah, blah… I’ve become an avid “listener” online recently as I dive deeper into my digital marketing masters certification course, and have begun to follow—and weed-out—all sorts of content. I have become a loyalist to a few brands that I have found so inspirational that I simply must share them with you, as a fellow woman of grit and grace. Here

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I Thank My Twenties for These 10 Lessons

Foreword: One of fellow #gritandgracelife contributors recently wrote an article about why it is important to share your story. My 20s helped shape me into the woman I am now–a woman I am proud of, although I took some tumbles and falls and made hard choices to get here. So with that said, I’m sharing 10 lessons I learned in my 20s… Age 20: You can “go your own way…” As an undergraduate in my junior year at Appalachian State University, I was catapulted into my twenties with a new fervor for life. The first few years of my college experience gifted me many life-shaping experiences that helped mold me into the adult I was becoming. The road was a little messier than I had

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To First-Time Moms-to-Be, From a 7-Week Mom

I did it, y’all. I survived the first six weeks… I choose the word survive because that’s exactly what you will do for the first six weeks of your very first child’s infant life. I sit here and look at my son, Wyatt, who turns seven weeks old tomorrow and tear up a little bit. For one, I found out today that he has his first cold. Poor buddy, he’s so small. Somehow though, I have found strength from having survived these first few weeks and feel confident to battle this first cold by his side. I think of other firsts that we’ve shared so far… The first time I held him in my arms. I was shaking like a leaf on a tree

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Can You Deviate From the Corporate World and Be Successful?

Can You Deviate From the Corporate World and Be Successful?

Do you ever feel like you’re caught up in the rat race? That since you graduated from college you have moved from one corporate job to another with no fulfillment and no real experience gained toward an end, all while fighting to simply live your life? You know, the kind of job where you have to ask the boss if you can take a weekend off for your honeymoon, or your child’s second birthday. You “work, work, work, work” (to the tune of Rihanna) and feel so little passion to get up every day and come into the office, or get on a plane, or leave your family for hours on end … and for what? I dare you to deviate for just

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How Running Became About More Than Fitness to Me

How Running Became About More Than Fitness to Me

Gripping many of the cities across our great country right now are the cold temperatures associated with winter. Though I may not feel it currently in my new home of Bonita Beach, Florida—where the average daily temperature for the past few months have fallen sublimely in the mid-80s—I am reminded of the 5 years I spent in Charlotte, North Carolina during my post-graduate life, starting out in the working world as a young professional. One of my favorite hobbies and ways to exercise was running. I had always been a sprinter when running before, so I challenged myself over the course of several years to build up some stamina, so that I could cover more distance and discover the city this way.

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Excuse My Interruption, But I’m Right and You’re Wrong

I’d like to start off this piece with an admission. Hi, my name is Jordan, and I’m an Interrupt-a-holic. (Hi Jordan.) The first step to dealing with any problem is admitting you have one. And how do I know that I have this problem? Well, let me take you back to my moment of self-discovery. Now, it seems to me that we humans always seem to notice faults in others before we are able to recognize them in ourselves. Funny how that works, right? But it’s true! To truly see how bad we are, sometimes we have to meet someone else with the same problem—oftentimes on an extreme level. And that’s exactly how I began to see the truth… Several years ago when I was dating a guy

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Ginger health benefits and starter recipes

Why You Need to Try Ginger, the Magic Spice

From nausea to indigestion, I have struggled with stomach issues for as long as I can remember. When I became pregnant, these symptoms seemed to heighten with morning sickness and a growing baby. That’s when I did a little research and learned about a magical food: the ginger root. Ginger root is most commonly found pickled and sliced, accompanying your sushi. That’s how I was first introduced to it, and I absolutely fell in love. However, I began to see its true benefits when I started adding it to the meals I prepare at home. Here are just a few of the amazing things ginger can do for you: 1. It curbs nausea and helps to eliminate indigestion. 2. It is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, which can also ease muscle aches and pains while

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The Lost Art of Patience in a Busy Culture

The Lost Art of Patience in a Busy Culture

Of all the qualities the Lord shows us, His human children, the one that is most lost in our society today is the art of practicing patience. Toward each other. Toward God. Even toward ourselves. We are so consumed with the hustle-and-bustle nature of our modern society that patience seems to have been virtually eliminated from our repertoire of characteristics. My friends, this could possibly be one of the most devastating losses we have faced on a personal and societal level. I recently saw a post from a dear friend of mine who lives in the South where I grew up. She mentioned how infuriating it was how “slow” everything moved in the South, that she wished people would just hurry up! While

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Rising to the Challenge and Earning My Job at ESPN

Rising to the Challenge and Earning My Job at ESPN

In 2010, Nicki Minaj came out with one of the most empowering songs for women that I’ve ever heard, not like her typical pop-rap about clubbing and dancing, but one that captures the struggles we women face from time to time in a male-dominated society. “Fly” featuring Rihanna will always be one of the most near and dear songs to my heart because it came out at a time when I needed to hear its words most. I hope you, too, will find inspiration and courage from her words and my story. I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise To fly… The year is 1920, and a 70-year-long battle

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On Faith, Social Media, and Politics

When Social Media, Politics and Faith Intersect

Since the founding of this beloved country several centuries ago, civil unrest and revolution have shaped the landscape of human rights among the people who walk its grounds. Sometimes, changes have been made for equality that bring about peace and solidarity to our nation. Others, in the form of idealized and extreme beliefs, have brought nothing but turmoil and violence to our nation’s people. I challenge you to think about where the emergence of social media exists on this spectrum. How does this play into the spread of love vs. hate? How does this open platform for each and every one of us to speak whatever is on our hearts and minds at any given time effect the narrative of a nation

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One Big Promise That Can Replace Doubt

One Big Promise That Can Replace Doubt

My friend Kate moved from upstate New York to Key Largo to finish a college internship at the 5 star private club I worked at. We met when she began to date one of my best friends and my husband’s colleague. She is by far one of the most positive and happy people I have the pleasure of knowing. Her infectious smile and girlish laughter are so unique, you could not easily forget them. But Kate, like most women at the young age of 22, suffered from something we all do from time to time: doubt. You see, at the end of her internship, Kate stood at a precipice. She could either go home to everything she was familiar with, all the memories, places, friends, and

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