Life & Culture

life • cul·ture

/līf/   /ˈkəlCHər/

Every experience we walk through that affects our very existence; the external influences of the world we live in that shape us and impact our thoughts, actions, and daily routines.

Why These Dads Make Strong Kids

Why This Kind of Dad Makes a Strong Kid

My husband and I were watching a singing competition the other night, and I noticed an interesting trend during the competitors’ interviews. Time after time, the contestants made similar claims. The reason they were standing there, taking a televised risk, was because of their father or father figure. For most, the influence of a positive male role model made a difference in their lives. It’s what made them a strong kid, promoting an overall confidence and a healthy self-esteem. The kind of confidence you need to pursue big dreams. This observation sparked a new curiosity within me. Why do fathers make such an impact? What is it about a dad’s role, specifically, that seems to almost make or break a child? While Grit […]

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10 Screen-Free Activities to Spark Your Kids’ Creativity This Summer

Summer is a time when all moms learn patience and understanding along with a new appreciation for teachers who dedicate their lives to educating our children. I’ve survived those summer days with my little ones. Now, with a teenager, things look different in the summer months. Rainy days make the house feel like it’s closing in, and we are trying to be “good” moms and not turn the nearest screen on. When life brings us storms, we need to learn to dance in the rain. Rainy days, or even those days when it is too hot to fathom going outside to play, seem to come abundantly this time of year. Here are a few screen-free activities to keep your young kids occupied—and save

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Summer Bucket List—50 Easy Ways To Make Family Memories

Summer Bucket List—50 Easy Ways To Make Family Memories

It’s finally summertime, and I want to make family memories! I can’t help but think back on all the sweet times I had as a kid during summer break. Days on end in bathing suits, melted popsicle juice running down my cheeks, and bare feet on the grass created some of my fondest memories (and I know I can’t possibly be alone in this)! Since that’s what this season is all about, I’ve created a 50-item summer bucket list. Some are free and easy, and others are more involved, but they’re all sure to leave you and your brood smiling as you mark this summer as one to go down in the books. Plus, Mama, having a little fun will help these

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5 kids sitting next to each other outdoors and reading children's Books Celebrating Diversity

5 Children’s Books Celebrating Our Beautiful Diversity

As a kid growing up in the 80s and 90s, I loved listening to my mom read to me. As she would read, I would be inspired by a little engine that kept persevering up the hill. I loved the way Winnie the Pooh and his friends stuck together regardless of the mishaps that occurred along their adventures. I was inspired as Belle was able to look beyond the outward appearance of the Beast to see who he could become rather than who he currently was. The one thing I don’t remember seeing in the books my mom read to me was a little girl who looked like me, who had curly black hair and cinnamon-colored skin. I didn’t see families that

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let us remember this memorial day

Let Us Remember, This Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day, the day that we mindfully set aside in order to honor those who have paid the ultimate price. Today we lay wreaths on graves and place flags in the ground, recognizing each gravesite of both men and women who have fought and died for the greater good. These courageous soldiers have battled against evil while defending those who could not defend themselves. Today it is our duty to remember the fallen. There have been hundreds of thousands of Americans who’ve died in war since the very first was waged, the American War for Independence. The countless lives lost in each battle, from the American Revolution through today’s wars in the Middle East, have left behind mothers, fathers, siblings, wives, husbands and children. It is not only

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College Graduation Fears

College Graduation Fear—7 Ways to Know You’re Ready

We have had the pleasure of having several college girls intern with us at Grit and Grace Life and had the pleasure of working with them the year they graduated. Shortly after their college career came to a close, we had a team meeting which they attended. A few minutes into the meeting I was reminded of the seismic life shift they were facing. Watching their facial expressions as they discussed the future spoke every bit of their college graduation fear. The overwhelming, yet excited, panicked, exhilarating, and dreadful emotions they were feeling. The experience made me want to take a few minutes and tell all college grads this—take heart! You can do this! Yes, it’s true what you have known in

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Memorial Day, a Day of Honor, But Why?

Every year, near the end of May, Americans get one of those great three-day weekends. Historically marked by trips to the beach, picnics in the park, and friends and family get-togethers, Memorial Day launches the beginning of summer. This is the weekend that officially ends the winter blues, and the fun-in-the-sun begins. There’s something many of us may not know, or perhaps we don’t take the time to ponder, that Memorial Day a Day of honor, but why? We may not fully understand the origin of this day or the gravity of its inception. But remember, we must. This day was created to honor those who died in military service and those who lost their lives while standing for what they believe,

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a husband and wife driving along a highway in a convertible at sunset

8 Funny Road Trip Revelations from the Passenger Seat

Road trips. If you’ve ever been on one, you know they can be one of life’s greatest adventures. They can also be one of life’s greatest frustrations. My husband and I were each raised in ‘road trip’ families. Destination? Has to be by car. Planes weren’t an option since neither of us were raised with excess funds for those things. In my family, we got shoved in our white Chevy station wagon (with a really sweet red racing stripe on the side that my dad was geeked about), fighting over who would get to sit in the back facing the rear. Seatbelts? Optional. McDonald’s for lunch? Nope, here’s your three-day-old PB&J sandwich smashed to oblivion in a baggy that may or may

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4 Things to Do When Searching For Your Dream Job

4 Things to Do When Searching For Your Dream Job

I walked across the stage at my college graduation, ready to take on the world. I knew I had an excellent “foot in the door” at ESPN from working as a logger for SportsCenter on Saturdays during my last semester at school. However, I had not yet received an offer for a full-time position as I donned my tassel and robe, and little did I know it would be two years before that offer came through. Unfortunately for my fellow graduates and me, the end of our college tenure came right as the market had plummeted, and ESPN’s parent company, Disney, had established a two-year hiring freeze for all of their companies, ESPN included. The job market was seemingly frozen in place,

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teacher standing in front of a chalkboard and smiling at her students

What Teachers Want You to Know on National Teachers Appreciation Day

I had several stand-out high school teachers, but a 7th grade teacher comes to mind when I think about undercover influence: Mrs. Wells. She invited me to join her after school one day a week with a handful of other seventh graders. I didn’t understand the significance of this invitation. I just knew that she talked about the craft of writing, gave us time to create, and then read what we wrote out loud, followed by discussion. Oh, and there were cookies. And since I loved to write, why not stay after school instead of going home to wrestle with my brothers? At the end of the course, Mrs. Wells presented each of us with a small hard-bound book, Snowbound, by John

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Race With Grit and Grace

Running the Race with Grit and Grace

On Saturday, May 11th, Darlene Brock and Julie Bender, along with Grit and Grace Writer Amanda-Lee Pitzer, will be Running the Race with Grit and Grace in Middletown, Ohio. No, they aren’t running exactly; they are joining Chosen, the women’s ministry of Berachah Church, to share wisdom, laughter, and fun as we celebrate This Grit and Grace Life together. Doors open at 9:00 for check-in, light refreshments and shopping. The event begins at 10:00 and ends by 3:30. It includes brunch, shopping, and main and breakout sessions that will encourage you in all aspects of life. You get to pick two breakout sessions as well as the main events, and they include: Marriage—Building it Stronger. If you feel your marriage is steady

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small red graduate gift box next to a diploma amid confetti

20 Graduate Gifts for the Next Season of Life

Whether it’s from high school or college, graduation can be an exciting time full of anticipation, nerves and new beginnings. Life changes and knowing you have family and friends in your corner for those changes can make all the difference. If you have a graduating loved one in your life, check out these ideas to bless them during this time. 20 Graduate Gifts For the Practical Graduate 1.  Victorinox Swiss Card  For anyone who might need a pair of scissors, nail file, ruler or tweezers in a pinch but doesn’t want to carry a knife in their pocket, this card is easy to slide into a wallet or purse and will help in your time of (practical) need. 2. Apple AirTags  For

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Exhausted From Work? 5 Ways to Refuel During Your Day

Exhausted From Work? 5 Ways to Refuel During Your Day

No one had to teach me how to rest. In fact, I could be a professional relaxer (if you happen to hear of any opportunities in this field, please hook a sister up). I’m a beach aficionado and I thrive on Saturday mornings with no alarm and no schedule, just the people, places, and things that fill me up. If only the entire week was made up of Saturdays and Sundays… But there are five other days, and they consist of nearly the exact opposite happenings—work, hustle, errands, lists, spreadsheets, computer screens, phone calls. Are you feeling tired yet? I’m new to the full-time workforce. This will be my first year ever without a summer break (shed a tear for me). While transitioning from free time to full-time,

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Is Quitting the End? Or Is it Starting Over?

Is Quitting the End? Or Is it Starting Over?

Recently, I went to the local running store and let them charge a ridiculous amount for a new pair of running shoes. I used to run, just like I used to do lots of things, but lately, I have been slow to get off the couch. I quickly found my brand and style of choice. The owner came up from the back and asked me about my selection. Runners are very particular about their shoes. I told her I needed something to absorb a lot of the impact. I tell her that I overpronate just a little. I tell her that my knees creak, but I never mention the hole in my head. I tell her I’m a distance runner, not a

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When Did Caring for the Earth God Created Become Political?

When Did Caring for the Earth God Created Become Political?

I’ve been obsessed with the oceans and conserving them since the first time I watched “The Little Mermaid.” Paddling out with dolphins and sea turtles just solidified my obsession with the sea. Growing up in a beach town in Florida, I studied environmental journalism. The week of Christmas, I strolled the beaches of Maui near “Pu’u Keka’a” or Black Rock. The islands of Molokai and Lanai slept in the distance with sailboats between us. A few clusters of white coral rolled up toward my feet in the sand. The crowds still hung back from visiting the islands due to the pandemic, leaving most of Maui to myself. There in the greenery that separated the walking path from the shoreline, I saw it.

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Dear Gold Star Wife, I Promise It Will Get Better

Dear Gold Star Wife, I Promise It Will Get Better

We went to dinner at our local small-town golf club. As I walk in I realize what is going on around us, and a lump forms in my throat. I wonder if we should turn around and walk away before my kids understand the gravity of the fundraiser we have walked into. I saw his widow, another gold star wife, outside taking hug after hug as fellow Navy sailors, I would imagine, were sharing little stories and tidbits of information about the chief whose life they were celebrating. I know how she feels. She is so grateful for the love and the distraction of the pit she wants to crawl into. The one she only escapes for the sake of her children.

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This Is Why You Need an Aloe Vera Plant

Just last week, I was boiling some water on the stove in preparation for dinner. At least, I thought I was boiling water. I accidentally turned the wrong knob, so the burner next to my pot was heating up rapidly, and the handle to the pot was hovering over said burner. I mistakenly reached for the handle and…you guessed it. A fiery sensation ran up my fingers, and I jumped away from the stove, holding my sad, injured hand. Now, what’s a woman to do? It definitely wasn’t serious enough to rush to a hospital, but it would likely become painful if it wasn’t treated soon enough. I quickly sifted through any knowledge I had of home remedies. Then, bright as the

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