Work & Money

Welcome to Work & Money.
Whether you’re just starting out in the work force, juggling work and motherhood, or getting ready to change jobs, or trying to master your money challenges — we’ve got you covered with our Work & Money section. Here, we discuss college, career prep, finding a job, making a living, and how to manage your money so that it doesn’t manage you.
Your Work, Your Passion
Certainly, work is about making a paycheck and paying those bills (okay, a little shopping too!), but work is also about your passion. Your life’s work should be something that inspires you, something that gets you out of bed in the morning.
Easier said than done, right? Well, it’s all about that soul-searching — and maybe a little trial and error! A great place to start is to check out some of the paths of other working women who have been in your shoes before. Who knows? You might become inspired to find your passion as well!
Women and Money: Pros & Woes
Fortunately, the pros are the ones helping the rest of us out with our money woes. After all, we’re not born with the ability to earn big, save, and invest. This is the stuff you’ve got to learn, and on The Grit & Grace Project, we want you to have the best information possible. While most of all of us are not pros in finance but we willingly share our real life experience, our stories, solutions, the wisdom we’ve gained along with a little bit of information from the professionals. We’re here to offer what worked for us to help you better handle your money — and your debt.
From reducing your high-spending tendencies and saving cash with super apps to what to do when you’ve lost a job and being prepared in the event of a financial loss — we offer our very own financial experience that may help you to make smart decisions for you and your future too.
It’s all here on The Grit & Grace Project.

Considering a Direct Sales Business? 5 Things to Know First

Considering a Direct Sales Business? 5 Things to Know First

A few years ago, my husband and I were struggling financially. This is not uncommon. In fact, according to a 2017 survey from CareerBuilder, “Seventy-eight percent of  full-time workers said they live paycheck to paycheck.”1 My family was part of that seventy-eight percent. In addition to living paycheck to paycheck, we were growing deeper in debt. I decided working from home in a multi-level marketing business would benefit us. I loved a line of health products I was already using; they had been helping me feel better for months. So, I looked into the business side of things with a friend who was already earning an income with the company (though I had told her many times before that I never would). I […]

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How to Build the Workplace Reputation of Your Dreams

How to Build the Workplace Reputation of Your Dreams

So you aced the interview, got the offer of a lifetime, and are about to start the job of your dreams. Congratulations! There is nothing quite as simultaneously exciting and terrifying as starting a new job. There’s just so much new to take in: new office, new colleagues, new desk, new rules. It’s as fresh of a start as it comes. But it’s not without pressure, is it? Especially if this is a dream job or a place you plan to stay for the long haul, building a good reputation among your superiors and colleagues is a must. You know what you bring to the table—with your fabulous ideas, outstanding talents, and brilliant input—but in the modern world, you have to earn your

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16 Simple Ways to Save Money Every Year

16 Simple Ways to Save Money Every Year

When I decided to quit my job and stay home with our first son, my husband and I whittled away our budget as tight as we could. It was time for us to find ways to save money. We looked at each bill and examined all of our spending habits under a microscope to make it work. Since then I’ve found even more ways to stretch a dollar! Here are some tips (and none are sponsored, just ideas) on ways to save money from me to you: 1. Wait until the end of the month to buy most things. Amazon used to be my weakness. I would decide we “need” something and order it lickety-split before putting much thought into how I

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6 Ways the Military Made Me Respectful in the Workplace

6 Ways the Military Made Me Respectful in the Workplace

I’ve been in the military for nearly 11 years now. It’s offered me countless opportunities to travel the country and the world, meet individuals from all different walks of life, and helped me to create a rewarding career serving my country—a privilege not many get to experience. I joined at age 18, barely a month after graduating high school, and with my enlistment, I earned myself a crash course in respect. Although there are nuances the military enforces that other professions may not, over the years I’ve learned a handful of habits that I believe would benefit anyone, regardless of their line of work. Personal values and virtues will influence how you interact and treat others, but here are some tips that

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5 Life Lessons I Gained From My Job In Retail

5 Life Lessons I Gained From My Job In Retail

My first job out of high school was working for a discount department store. Being my first “real” job (other than babysitting), it was also my first foray into the more interesting world of how people treat other adults, their children, and retail employees. Here are 5 things that I learned from working in retail: 1. Sometimes, the customer may not be completely in the right. We always want to think the best of people, but not everyone is concerned about store employees and or the product they sell. I once witnessed a customer refuse to return the $200 he was just given on accident by a cashier because, according to him, it was the cashier’s fault and not his problem. Even

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The Heart of Milk & Honey Market: Ethical & Beautiful Fashion

My first exposure to human trafficking was the movie Taken, you know the one where Liam Neeson says, “If you are looking for ransom I can tell you I don’t have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills…” and then proceeds to save his daughter from being trafficked by a pimp in a foreign country. I had no idea how much of a global issue (meaning, YES this is happening here in the United States) it was until I heard Christine Caine, from The A21 Campaign, speak at the Passion Conference when I was in college. My eyes were opened, my heart was burdened, and my ignorance became too heavy to carry. How had I missed

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What Is the Key to Exceptional Customer Service?

Throughout my career, I’ve noticed that some of the best companies, both large and small, put a premium on providing exceptional customer service. I’ve also noticed that exactly how to achieve it often tends to be elusive. It is this same question that companies, consultants, and marketing gurus all over the world have attempted to answer many times. As a result, there is now an abundance of strategies, formulas, programs, and methodologies designed to help organizations find that sweet spot. The problem, at least in my mind, is that most of the strategies focus on modifying behavior in some form or another. Certainly, that does work with the right motivation, but it often does not last, and a new concept needs to

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Managing Your Money So It Doesn't Manage You

Managing Your Money So It Doesn’t Manage You

There are a few things that seem to drive us all crazy, for me some days there may be many. But one that definitely tops the list is the challenge of making ends meet—stretching the budget to pay the bills. It seems like we are always chasing that “I wish I could just get this figured out and keep it that way” illusive dream. So we jump into a new program, a budgeting system, or a great resolution that tomorrow will be different. The problem is we don’t give ourselves a break, instead we look at the challenge and then beat ourselves up when we realize we can’t change it in just a few days. Oftentimes this leads us to get discouraged

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5 Things I Learned Working in the Food Industry

My first job was at a family-owned Italian restaurant in Newport Beach, CA called Mama D’s. The whole place was as big as my living room but, while I was a hostess, the restaurant was the #1 rated in America. Boring shifts were few and far between and customers came to us with the expectation of experiencing excellence. We were not number 1 because it was fancy, and although our food was delicious that was not what we were known for… We were known for customer service. The lessons I learned as a hostess at Mama’s D’s from age 15-17 are ones I apply to my everyday life now, even years later. Here are 5 tricks of the trade that every woman

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A Simple Guide to Poshmark and How to Make Cash Fast

It started with brand new Kate Spade earrings that were too big for my ears and Cole Haan flats I had only worn once; I was unable to return both but wanted to get good money for them. I had plenty of other clothing items I liked but didn’t love, just holding on to them because they were still too good to give away. I did some research and came across Poshmark, an app where users can sell their clothing, shoes, and accessories. A frequent closet-purger but also a money-saver, I became hooked. Poshmark makes selling your items and getting paid easy. You can answer any questions within each item’s listing and barter with buyers if they decide to make an offer

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How to Quit Your Job With Class

How to Quit Your Job With Class

I had a job once with great income and opportunity, but I didn’t like it. Some of the people I worked with were really nice. The work benefitted seniors and I cared about them. But in just about every way, I was a square peg in a round hole and I wanted desperately to find a square hole. I talked myself into a new job with a man I had known for several years after running into him fortuitously one weekend. He had a manufacturing business for products that held absolutely no interest to me, but the job was in marketing and that was right up my alley. Plus, he was a really great guy; a good family man, smart, kind, and

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10 Ways to Be a Great Boss and How to Manage Your Team

10 Ways to Be a Great Boss and How to Manage Your Team

Congratulations! You finally made it! After all your hard work you have been awarded the opportunity to be a manager of other people, a boss. Now you can actually say “like a boss” and it’s genuine to who you are. Other men and women are going to look to you for answers, guidance, encouragement, and the occasional lecture on course correction. Whether it’s one or two people, or many people, you are their supervisor—they work for you. So what do you do now? Perhaps you’ve had great bosses in the past that have mentored you and now you feel confident that you can do the job. Maybe you had horrible bosses and want to do better than they did. But what does

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5 Tips for Careful Spending This Christmas

This time of year it’s easy to get caught up in the out-of-control Christmas shopping! Giving is a wonderful way to show your loved ones that you care, but this joyful season can turn into credit card panic when the January statement arrives. Whether you’re prone to purchasing obligatory gifts at your place of work, the “oh they always buy me a gift so I can’t forget them” or the “one more cute thing they would completely love and it’s on sale”—you need to take charge! Do these 5 things to make sure the snowball of spending doesn’t roll out of control: 1. Decide. Determine your budget while in the comfort of your non-pressured, no-great-sales-staring-you-in-the-face living room.  Decide how much you can spend on gifts this

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Do You Have to Like Your Job

Do You Have to Like Your Job?

So you have a job that you don’t like or don’t find fulfilling. Welcome to the club! Most of us have had more than one job that made us repeatedly lay our heads down on our desks and ask, “Why me?” It takes both grit and grace to endure circumstances like these! But after a series of jobs that occasionally had me question my worth, value, and purpose, I can look back and say with confidence that each one had merit. Each one led to something better. And yours will too, if you keep a positive attitude. It’s kind of like a pyramid, with the first not-so-great job at the top. It’s a small space up there and you might feel confined,

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The Truth in the Gender Pay Gap

I’m not sure about you, but I’m getting fairly weary of the angry women. The ones who seem to have a multi-tiered platform they are fighting for. Amidst the placard-carrying, strident-marching, hat-wearing, mic-grabbing females is a long list of items that they deem need to be changed. It makes me want to walk the other way or turn the channel. But just because they are capable of becoming tiresome (at least to me), it’s not to say they have nothing to be frustrated about. (Click here to read about what I think a strong woman really looks and sounds like.) I think there is one item in particular that is deserving of a little more inspection: equal pay for equal work. A

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5 Tips on Dealing With Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

In my various careers, spanning more years than I will share, I have worked with men. In fact, I have worked with far more men than women and, for the most part, have thoroughly enjoyed it. The majority of these guys have been great men who have treated me with the utmost respect, as I have them. Of course, there have been the others. As a fresh out of school 19-year-old I obtained the position of receptionist at a very influential law firm in the city I lived. Every attorney in that firm was a male, and they demonstrated every male attitude available. Some of the men treated me as their daughter or granddaughter, kindly, even excusing some of the rather creative

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woman holding several shopping bags who needs to learn how to stop mindless purchasing

Confessions of an Endcap Queen: How to Stop Mindless Purchasing

For years I was the “endcap” queen of America. An endcap, for those of you who don’t know, is the shelf space at the end of each aisle in almost every store in our nation. It’s the “this is an unbelievable deal” vortex that sucks busy women in when they are shopping in a hurry. It’s the place where retailers place the coolest stuff at the best prices. Really, can these buys be resisted? Not by me, at least for a time in my life. I didn’t know how to stop mindless purchasing. I mean, can we live without a portable chopper that works off batteries, cutting everything instantly into the appropriate-sized pieces? Only to get it home and find out what

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