Sin slithers in when we least expect it, and goes for the chokehold every … single … time.
Sin attempts to strangle us by twisting the truth with lies. Gasping for air, we ask, “Does God really love me?”; “Does He really want me to have good things?”; “Is His way really the best way?”; “Is God really enough?”
Sin chokes out the light, and in the darkness the poison sinks deep, damaging everything in its path. Sin will always break its promises and break our hearts, and yet, we are just like our sister, Eve. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
We were created to be worshippers, and whether it’s God Himself or a piece of fruit, we will spend our entire life kneeling before something. Here under the sun, we will struggle to be content with Him alone. As we look for satisfaction, our temptation will be to look outside of the boundaries He has placed around our lives.
Discontentment is a multibillion-dollar industry. Advertisers get discontentment. They know that we are seeking satisfaction, and as we are playing with the remote, they are certain we will see something that grabs our attention. They know that discontent souls (those who live by the “glass half empty” motto) will always be on the prowl for something they “need.”
Glasses half empty are on a never ending journey to be filled.
Advertisers, as well as consumers, assume that contentment comes from having more, when in fact, it is possessing One great thing and realizing that He is enough. The issue of contentment will always be an issue of the heart.
Glasses half empty are on a never ending journey to be filled.
Discontentment is always pointing the finger. It is a perpetual blame shifter, saying:
If I could just look skinny in my skinny jeans, then I would be content.
If I could just be organized, then I would be content.
If my husband would just pursue me and lead this family the way he should, then I would not be struggling and I could be content.
If my children would just obey me the first time I asked, then I could be content and nice.
If my house were bigger, cleaner…(fill in the blank)…then I could be content.
If I had more, less… bigger, smaller…
If they would stop being idiots, then I could be content!
If you…
If I…
If we…
If they…
Discontentment is always pointing the finger at others and circumstances, when in fact, the finger should be pointed at our hearts. Sin always works from the inside-out.
The source of contentment is not found on the road to having “more” or “different”; it is found when we pour out our lives at Jesus feet and say:
“I trust You to lead me wherever You so choose.”
“Yes, You are enough!”
“I want more of You!”
“Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Contentment is an issue of faith.
We can find the secret of contentment in Philippians 4:11, “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” So, we see that the secret to contentment is none other than Jesus Christ.
Will we always feel content in Christ? No. But let’s not miss God’s reaction to our falling short. Let’s look at God’s reaction to the very first sinners: Adam and Eve. God didn’t say, “Way to go! You ruined everything! You destroyed My awesome plans!” There were no bolts of fire shot out of the sky.
What did He do? He covered them. Did they deserve this? Absolutely not, but this is grace. He is a God that longs to cover sinners with His love.
God wasn’t surprised by this sin.
Listen… When you sin, you don’t have to go old school like Adam and Eve and try to cover yourself up in fig leaves! No more hiding. If you have been found in Christ, you are covered in His righteousness and stand faultless before Him!
Throw off those cords of condemnation and live! Breathe deeply inside of His grace today!
Don’t miss Accepting a Pardon, Beginning Faith, and How to Read Your Bible: For Beginners