The post-holiday season can leave us feeling exhausted and slightly battered. The packed malls, the parties, the big family get-togethers… It would be tiring for anyone, but if you’re like me and you struggle with anxiety then you may be feeling like you’ve just run a marathon.
No one wants to start a year anxious and tired, so here are 3 simple ways to make this year one of peace and strength:
1. Relationships
We were never created to do life alone, but anxiety has the tendency to isolate us. You don’t need to trust everyone or share every detail of your life, but can I encourage you to find people in your world that can share your burdens and you theirs?
Life is so much better when we have strong, healthy relationships. When we have people walking with us, encouraging us, and inspiring us to be bold and courageous. It can break the power of isolation!
It’s important to take the time you need to be on your own and to process your emotions when life feels overwhelming, but then look around and find someone you trust. Maybe it’s a family member, a close work colleague, or a friend.
Whoever it is for you, remember that they care about you and therefore you are not a burden! There are so many people that want to provide you with a shoulder to lean on in your time of need. Then, when you see a friend having a hard time, you can be that support for them. Relationships are so beautiful that way; there is nothing more stunning than people caring for one another. Let’s be brave this year and fight the urge to do it all on our own.
2. Rest
Do you fall into bed each night with the thoughts of the day racing through your mind? Your body is screaming for rest, but your mind doesn’t seem to have a shutdown button. If we don’t allow our body and mind to rest regularly, we will be forced to rest eventually.
What if we started to rest on purpose?
I have found that in the midst of busyness within my own life of being a mother, wife, student, teacher, and friend that purposefully implementing rest gives me the strength to be the best woman I can be for myself and others. When I am well-rested, I find myself rising to the occasion instead of constantly caving under the pressures of life.
Schedule in rest on a weekly basis. Yes, we need to actually put “rest” on our calendar so that we remind ourselves how important it is.
Create space to let your body and mind find rest. For me, that looks like sitting outside with a coffee and a good book for one hour each week. For you, that might look like setting aside a weekly time for a nap (I don’t think we ever grow out of just needing a good nap!). Or maybe rest is going to a café and watching the world go by or going to get a massage. Whatever rests your mind and body, schedule it in, and do it often!
2. Recreation
Doing what makes our heart smile will do wonders for our mental health throughout the year. When we make time to have fun we create space to release stress. Sometimes we can feel selfish for planning activities that we enjoy. What about the kids? What about my husband? What about what all my friends are doing? What about all the extra hours my boss expects of me?
There is nothing self-centered about taking some time to do what you enjoy. When we have the chance to release some of our stress, it gives us the energy boost that we need to be productive and effective in our responsibilities.
What recreation can you add to your life that will make your heart smile and release that unnecessary stress? Riding a bike? Shopping? Watching a movie? Taking a walk? Ice skating? Dancing? Swimming? There are so many great options! Figure out what makes you happy and make time for it!
As we stand at the brink of the new year, let’s cultivate life-giving relationships, schedule in rest, and create space for recreation. Let’s make this a year of peace and strength. This new year is still full of hope and possibility, so press the reset button and make it the best year yet!
Don’t miss our recent podcast: Don’t Start the New Year Stuck in a Rut – 021!
You’ll also like Battling the Mind Monster: A Letter to My Mom, Self-Care: What to Do When It Feels Like Another Commitment, Overcoming the Waves of Anxiety and Panic Attacks, 5 Tips to Build Healthy Relationships, and My Favorite Time-Saving Hack: a Wardrobe Capsule (For Comfort!)