When to Leave an Unhealthy Relationship with Your Man with Dr. Zoe Shaw – 024

This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

So, men can be pretty great, until they are not. Has the man in your life crossed a line that you just cannot live with? Are you dating and seeing signs that he’s not the guy you thought he was? Or are you married, and at an impasse, disagreeing at every turn? When you find yourself compromising your principals, your morals, your self-esteem perhaps it’s time to tell him “enough is enough?”

To discuss this difficult situation, we brought in trusted friend and Licensed Psychotherapist and Relationship Expert, Dr. Zoe Shaw to help you determine when and how it’s time to step away from an unhealthy relationship. Darlene and Julie ask the questions you have to help you figure out how to make and keep the healthy boundaries that will rebuild what is broken and lead to a relationship that will last.

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Dr. Zoe Shaw You can follow Dr. Zoe by visiting her site, or finding her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as well as her podcast, Redefining Your Superwoman.



Quote of the Episode

“Growth is painful. Change is painful. But, nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you do not belong.” — N. R. Narayana Murthy




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