Episodes of This Grit and Grace Life Every Woman Needs Now

Episodes of This Grit and Grace Life Every Woman Needs Now

Grit and Grace Life has been churning out podcasts for just over three years now, and over that time, co-hosts Darlene Brock and Julie Graham (now Bender!) have been sharing nuggets of wisdom for all of life’s moments. From talks on marriage and children to careers and faith, Darlene and Julie dive right in, occasionally joined by a special guest. Even though the podcasts are released for listeners in the hopes of adding a little spark to their week—and maybe touching on an area that has been affecting their personal life—the rest of the team behind Grit and Grace Life are quietly tuning in, too. Here, each of the women behind the scenes share their favorite podcast episode, and why they’re always drawn to go back and re-listen.

Want to Be A Strong Woman? Set Healthy Boundaries – 103

It was extremely difficult for me to pick out my favorite podcast. Before I started working or writing for Grit and Grace Life I was an avid listener and fan. I would pop my headphones in each week and take my dog for a walk with two of my best friends, laughing—sometimes crying—but always growing. This particular episode, though, sticks out to me because it hits me right where it hurts—in my biggest battle—boundaries. I am a chronic people-pleaser, through and through. It’s just been in the last few years, well into adulthood, that I’ve realized that boundaries are a problem I need to work on. I know I’m not alone. So listening (and re-listening) to this episode is helpful in my life. My personal struggle is emotional boundaries, and this truth bomb, “You’re never responsible for somebody else. You’re only responsible for yourself,” is life-giving to this people-pleaser. I love how Darlene and Julie handle this touchy topic and I know it’s a helpful and important episode for so many of us.

—Meaghan Dawson, Manager of Editorial Development

Listen to the podcast here.

Hardship Hit This Singer’s Life and She Chose to Fight! with Cameron James – 048 and 049

The 2-part series with Cameron James was probably the episode that made the biggest impact on my life. As I listened to Cameron’s story, I found myself crying over the overwhelming, scary circumstances she faced and simultaneously inspired by the way she walked through it. She showed me the power of our thoughts, words, beliefs, and focus in the middle of life’s storms. I have a natural pull toward stories of women rising up from the ashes and becoming someone they never knew they could be. That’s a woman of grit and grace, and I want to be like her. Don’t you?

—Ashley Johnson, Managing Editor

Listen to both episodes here: Part 1 and Part 2

Behind the Music with Colton and Annie Dixon – 137

A more recent episode of This #GritandGraceLife quickly became a favorite of mine when it was released! The interview with Annie and Colton Dixon resonated with the timing of my own life. They speak to big transitions, seasons of uncertainty, curveballs in life, and maintaining your identity in Christ through that. I still remember what they said: “Maybe this set back is actually a setup.” Plus, I enjoyed laughing along with them and feeling like I got to know this well-known couple!

—Bethany Gilliland, Marketing and Administrative Assistant

Listen to the podcast here.

About Us (Launching This Grit and Grace Life Podcast) – 000

I’m throwin’ it allllll the way back to triple zero. Literally, episode 000, the first published show! It’s also the shortest, so, score! In it, Darlene and I tell the story of how we met and why we started the podcast for strong women and those who want to be. It was the beginning, so you hear us a little scared but also excited! It’s our way of introducing ourselves and the place we’d show up week after week, offering real talk for women embracing this grit and grace life.

—Julie Graham (now Bender), Co-Host and Brand Ambassador

Listen to the very first podcast here.

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Are You the Proverbs 31 Woman? Should You Be? – 092

A Christian woman inevitably encounters “The Virtuous Woman.” You know—the one found in Proverbs 31. When that occurs, there is almost a visceral reaction. Some feel they need to attain perfection on earth. When we fail to do that (which we all will), we feel we must pretend to be that woman—much to the dismay of those around us. Then others believe they will never get there, exhausted to even think they have to try. The truth is none of these approaches to this rich text is the correct one. Like most of the Bible, it is there to encourage, not reward or condemn. So Julie and I thought it was pretty important that we talk this out. We wanted to add perspective for women who share our faith, realigning that elusive human view that can lead to defeat. And I think that we did.

—Darlene Brock, Co-Host and Co-Founder

Listen to the podcast here.

Why Your Life and Community Matters Right Now – 142

Episode 142 was the outlet through which I could finally breathe out the stress of 2020. And it wasn’t just the stress of my own life, but the stress I felt was compounding on the world: the fear of the pandemic; racial tensions; a constant stream of bitter political fights on Facebook; wildfires raging through the beautiful west coast and scorching the land. With every new struggle was another weight on my heart for fear that there would never be unity between mankind—and with God’s earth—ever again. The future is still uncertain, of course, but this episode reaffirmed my default reaction in any difficult situation, which is to simply be kind to others. Not just when I feel good, but always. Can you imagine how differently the state of the world would look right now if kindness was our go-to? Any way that we can extend grace to others, especially in times like these, can go a long way to easing the burden on everyone’s shoulders.

—Tess Raines, Editorial Assistant

Listen to the podcast here.

We hope you enjoy these episodes, and the full archive of This Grit and Grace Life!

Listen to the show, here!
For more encouragement in all seasons of life, check out:

These Faith-Based Podcasts Will Encourage Every Mom
Where Grit and Grace Found Me (Video)
God Is in Control When You Feel Like You Have None
How Do I Know What Defines Me?
Every Woman Is Unique, but This Is What We All Struggle With

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Have room for one more podcast? You’ll love this episode from This Grit and Grace Life: What Do the Words “Grit” and “Grace” Actually Mean? – 117

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