Let Your Creativity Flow and See What Happens


It’s no secret that most women absolutely adore Pinterest. It is the culmination of every inspiration board or creative idea that has ever run through our thoughts. We turn to this handy little app for everything from recipes and craft-project ideas, to tutorials for quick (yet cute!) hairstyles and ways to decorate a home. This has a lot to say about us: we love creativity!

We yearn to stray away from stagnation; we want to explore the possibilities of maximizing the potential greatness of a project, design, or even a meal. And when we take on these tasks, we almost become free range. Sadly, these crafty episodes don’t happen as often as we would like. There just doesn’t seem to be the right time or place for that kind of activity in the midst of our busy lives. I’m here to disprove that.

A few weeks ago while browsing Barnes and Noble, my gaze fell onto the cover of a publication featuring a woman intently working at her desk. On the wall above her were shelves of notebooks, yarn, washi tape, clipboards featuring sketches, and several baskets and ceramic jars brimming with pens, markers, and miscellaneous craft supplies. I was instantly drawn to this symbolic image of creativity. In white print at the top was the title of the publication, “In Her Studio,” with a smaller subtitle that read “Spaces and Stories of Creative Women.”

To my delighted surprise, the thick volume documented the stories of several women and the studios they assembled to pursue the love of their craft. Page after page spills over with colorful images of completed paintings, crocheted tapestries, and countless shelves piled with art supplies, potted plants, framed quotes, antique finds and anything else that contributes to an inspirational, furbished, and homey studio.

Each woman featured has a specialized craft, and thus, a unique story. Many are painters, although some others specialize in photography, jewelry design, weaving, and even doll-making. The most incredible thing about these women in their passion? They don’t just dabble; they dive right in. These remarkable ladies have devoted their lives to their art, and it is quite literally their full-time job.

The most incredible thing about these women in their passion? They don’t just dabble; they dive right in.

That’s where I scratched my head, too. How is it possible that these women were able to cultivate their dream job while so many others struggle at their 9-5? Several admitted that it was a slow process, but absolutely worth it to pursue their art. Every one of these women has a studio that she works out of, and each studio was carefully and lovingly pieced together. These ladies were my Pinterest heroines! They utilized a space (sometimes even building one), and entirely revamped it to create a dimension that totally and wholly immersed them in their craft.

Melissa Giglio @januaryjewelry likened her studio to a sanctuary, while another, Becky Fos @becky_fos, said: “I am able to completely express who I am and create whatever is in my heart. My studio is a non-judgment zone. It is a safe and quiet place for me to listen to my mind and body so creation in its purest form can unfold.” It is truly a beautiful concept: that we can build something to become a reflection of our innermost being: what we love, what inspires us, and what keeps us moving forward.More than anything, In Her Studio radiated excitement, creativity, and love from the stories of women around the world who refused to forfeit their artistic passion. Heaps of diligence and patience formed the foundation of their careers and accompanying studios. It was a gentle yet powerful reminder that we don’t have to let the circumstances of life strip our ability to enjoy a particular passion. Many of these featured artists are moms who sectioned out a small corner of their living room to function as a makeshift studio. One woman, in particular, Anna Deakin @bramble_and_goose, transformed a shed she bought off of eBay into an inviting studio full of vintage treasures. Deakin has four young children that will often come into the studio to “help,” though more often than not they’re playing just outside the studio while their mother assembles her sculptures.It’s never too late to be engrossed and captivated in a skill or hobby that you love. Even if you can only devote 15 minutes a day to your art, you’ll find that it makes a remarkable difference in your attitude. Not only will your studio be a serene place to retreat to at the end of a hectic day, but you will find your excitement building up at the prospect of getting your creative gears turning. If we never used the skills or talents that we were all born with, we would be keeping our hearts captive from expression. We can become truly satisfied in doing what we are called to do as women when we let our creative passion take the wheel for a bit. And sometimes that means being our own Pinterest heroine.

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These ladies were my Pinterest heroines!

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