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How To Make Self-Care Part of Your Life With Dr. Zoe Shaw – 155

This Grit and Grace Life Podcast

This Grit and Grace Life Podcast Darlene Brock Julie BenderSelf-care. Sound good? Or do you feel guilty even thinking about it? Perhaps it’s okay for someone else, but you don’t have time to take care of yourself? Dr. Zoe Shaw joins Darlene Brock and Julie Bender to explain what self-care is (and isn’t) and how it is an essential part of your grit and grace life. Society tells women, “you can do it all, and you have to,” but at what cost? Often, Christian women wonder if self-care is biblical, feeling they must always put others first, especially if they have a husband and/or children. Is this true?

In her new book, A Year of Self-CareDr. Zoe gives you an easily read daily how-to, and she unpacks some of what you’ll read in this episodeYou don’t want to miss this conversation. We’re giving you permission to take a little time for yourself, grab your coffee or a cup of tea and tune in. Then commit to taking better care of yourself, starting today.

You can follow Dr. Zoe by visiting her site, or finding her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as well as her podcast, Redefining Your Superwoman.

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Articles We Mentioned or Know You’ll Love

Establishing Healthy Boundaries in the Grit and Grace Life
This Is Why You Need a Self-Care Day (And What to Do)
Self-Care: What to Do When It Feels Like Another Commitment
This Is How I Enjoy My Life Even When It’s Overwhelming
What Happened When This Mom Stopped Doing All the Things

Quote of the episode:

“Self-care is a daily exercise. One that is free but priceless. It’s a continual reckoning with your soul where you make a declaration: I am worthy to be care for.” -Dr. Zoe Shaw

Check out these episodes we mentioned: How We Can Stand With the Black Community With Dr. Zoe Shaw – 136, Are You the Proverbs 31 Woman? Should You Be? – 092, and Want to Be a Strong Woman? Set Healthy Boundaries – 103

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