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If You’re Flat-Out Tired of Waiting – 253

If You're Flat-Out Tired of Waiting - 253

Are you tired of waiting? Maybe you’re waiting on a future spouse to walk into your life, sitting in fast food lines that feel anything but, or pining for that dream job opportunity to fall into our laps. We’re all excitedly—and usually impatiently—waiting for something. Why do all the good things in life take so long?

One could argue those things wouldn’t be very good to begin with if they didn’t require at some patience, but we think there’s more to it. In this episode of Smart Living with Grit and Grace, Darlene Brock and Julie Bender discuss why waiting actually serves us more than immediately getting what we want and how you can purposefully fill the time in between.

Quote of the episode:

“Everything that is worth waiting for is not always on your timeline.” —Darlene Brock



  • Click here to buy Julie’s book, When Marriage Is Hard
  • Check out the rest of the Smart Living book series here!


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