Apology to Moms Everywhere

Apology to Moms Everywhere

Dear Moms,

Let me take a minute to officially apologize for the times I have judged you or your children. I will readily admit I have not always been the most compassionate toward those with screaming children in a complete meltdown at a restaurant or a store. I’m sure I’m not alone. There are plenty of us who have thought, “I would never let my kids do that” or “when I have kids they will be well behaved”.

I still have my moments, but this was before I had nieces in the toddler stages. Before I worked with teenage girls who many times seem (emotionally) around age 5. I’m still not a parent, but I feel like now I understand a little better. Now I have more compassion and realize sometimes they are just unreasonable and there is no consoling them. Maybe, just maybe, they are having an off day and you may be as well.

So now that I’m a little more knowledgeable, let me say: I respect any of you out there who are parents. It is a challenge and sacrifice everyday along with of course, the joy and the fun. Keep the faith, keep doing your best while having some grace for yourself along the way.

As you do that you will also be doing something huge for your kids too. You are being a model, their guide to all things life. In a crazy world that may be pulling them in all sorts of directions you can be their model of stability. I have seen you stand strong in who you are and what you believe in. I have seen you not swayed by the pressures of the world or even the pressure of that little child.

So now that I’m a little more knowledgeable, let me say: I respect any of you out there who are parents.

I have watched you when you were in the wrong humble yourself enough to admit it and apologize to your kids. This is something I’ve always respected about my parents. Even when I did something wrong, if they felt like they didn’t handle it the best or that they overreacted they would come back and apologize. This was a huge lesson for me.

Recently my dad was a little frustrated because I, his adult daughter, had misplaced his car keys. About a week later on the phone he apologized and wanted me to know that it was the situation, not me, that he was frustrated at. I knew my dad well enough to know that already, yet he went the extra mile to make sure.

So parents, I no longer judge you, I salute you. Instead of mumbling under my breath, I will offer you a smile and ask if I can help because I know that these moments exist no matter how great a parent you may be. Stay strong and believe this will be a great year of parenting, even if you are picking your tantrum toddler off the Walmart floor!

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