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35 Thoughts of a Working Woman

35 Inner Thoughts of the Working Woman NEW

Ladies, we work hard. How we pour ourselves out to provide for ourselves and/or contribute to our families varies in form and schedule. We 9 to 5-ers become some sort of steady-yet-intricate balancing acts as we up-keep many aspects of life.

In our always changing day to day, I bet we working women share many of the same utterances in our minds:

35 Thoughts of a Working Woman:


“There is nothing better than feeling rested after a good sleep—sure wish I could get one.”

“I’m just going to snooze a little bit longer and shower without washing my hair. What’s another day of dry shampoo?”

Hearing a steamy trickle from down the hall…holding back the urge to yell, “Thank you!” to whoever is brewing the sweet, sweet caffeine (oh yeah, it’s me. I set the timer).

“Eyeliner, I do not have time for you to get messed up this morning!”

Staring into the closet…”Will I see my boss today?”

“Will anyone really notice if I’m still in my pajama pants?”

“Why is it called a 9-5 when the day starts at 8?”

These are the thoughts every working woman has had.

“If I bring donuts, will they realize I’m late?”

“If my passwords got erased one day I’d be a lost woman.”

“Alright! I am in the car and on my way”…only to look down and find a spot on my good black pants. “Is that baby food? Let the hunt for my Tide to Go pen begin at the next stop light.”

“Did that have to be in an email?”

“Do I really need to respond to that email?”

“…why did I get CC’d on this one?”

You’ve got this. These tips can!

“Why do people ‘reply all’ when they really don’t need to?”

“It’s about time I got this email.”

“Flag this email for later…way later.”

“Technology is amazing. When it works.”

“To-do lists are equally amazing, even more so if I ever got them done.”

“I swear it wasn’t my cup of coffee that landed on the keyboard.”

“I can call another country, update five spreadsheets, categorize files, all simultaneously, but how in all that is good can I not get this letterhead to align correctly?”

Pacing the office like a tiger in her cage, “I need to get some movement in this day.”

“Office supply order day? I’m in!”

“New stock of favorite pens? Yes, please!”

“How could this process be more efficient?”

“Am I the only one who fills the coffee pot?”

“My brain works hard, and I believe it deserves a vacation.”

“Hmmm…where should I go on my next vacation?”

“I sure am thankful for this place.”

“Yay! A meeting”…two meetings later…”How is the to-do list supposed to get checked off if I’m in meetings all day?”

“Seriously, has the entire meeting stopped while I pull out a toy truck, diaper, wipes, and child’s toothbrush just looking for a pen in my briefcase?”

“Do I really need to call IT for this?”

“How much control do I have over this thermostat?”

“That hour-long conference call surely paid for this caramel macchiato.”

“I get to work here?”

Organizes the whole office, answers all emails, presents ideas to management, trains new people, fixes the printer/copier, “I am a boss, maybe not the boss, but certainly a boss.”

Got a workout in and planned dinner for the week, “I. Am. Super. Woman.”

For more for the working woman, start here:

To the Mom Who Feels Guilty for Loving Her Work
How to Have a Pretty & Productive Workspace
Stuck in a Bad Work Culture? 6 Ways to Make It Better!
How to Be a Leader You Can Be Proud Of
Do You Have to Break the Glass Ceiling to Be Strong?

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