Cherie Shaw

Cherie spends her time overseeing her business, volunteering as a chaplain at the state hospital, writing for her blog, and speaking at women’s events. Cherie lives with her husband in Bow, NH and together they have four daughters, one grandson, and a grandchild, affectionately referred to as Baby Bird, arriving in July. She enjoys hiking, cooking, cello lessons, and creating beautiful spaces.

There's Hope for the Holidays After Divorce

There’s Hope for the Holidays After Divorce

That Christmas, the first one without my kids, the first one that I had to pack them up after opening gifts and send them off to visit their father, is one I will always remember. Especially the moment I sat on a wooden chair in a dimly lit hallway with the phone to my ear. Handly holidays after divorce wasn’t something I had ever expected. I was perched between a family gathering in the next room and my kid’s laughter funneling through the receiver. I couldn’t understand how I ended up here, the place of shattered dreams, of holiday disillusionment. It was as if I held the blueprint for a magical, memorable Christmas, but was unable to build anything tangible from it. […]

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How to Lean in and Find Rest

How to Lean in and Find Rest

It happens at the end of every day. She hears him before I do, stands at the door, and stares with fixed concentration. By the time I hear his footsteps, her body shutters with anticipation. It’s as if every day is Christmas and he is Santa. He enters with a big hello and a handsome smile. We hug, we kiss, and we make room for her, our (coming-undone-with-love-for-her-man) pup, our Willow. Her front feet jump up onto him, body wagging, and then she leans. Every inch of her being releases and every ounce of her weight presses into his chest. It’s as if she was carrying the whole weight of this big world while he was away. As she surrenders to his

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5 Ways Blended Families Can Be Happy and Healthy

5 Ways Blended Families Can Be Happy and Healthy

I didn’t set out to be a “stepmother;” I never thought I would have a “second” husband. The words, “divorce,” “single mom,” “stepparent,” and “blended family” were used to describe others’ lives, but not my own. But when a husband decides he would rather be with another, I sign papers. I clean out his closet, place boxes on the porch, and figure out how I will do it on my own, how I will survive this ending, this sadness. And with his leaving, the labels rush in. I’m single, alone. I’m divorced, and it feels like a scarlet letter, and everyone knows my shame. My wounded heart bleeds, and I wonder if it will ever recover. Hearts do heal, and soon mine

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100 Things a Grit and Grace Woman Believes

Finding Your Grit Just When You’re Sure You Don’t Have Any

Some of life’s storms come and go with little impact on our daily lives and hardly disrupt our normal routines. Some storms of life are just a bother, leaving no rubble in their passing. But others rush in, demand our attention, and throw us around like a forgotten lawn chair during a fierce hurricane. These monster storms pass, too. And as they do, we may sit stunned at just how much has toppled, just how much has come undone, just how easily our strength blew away in the wind. Do I have enough grit to weather the storm? The wind is blowing now. I see leaves clinging with full resolve to their branch. They hold on trying to beat the odds, trying

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how to get your hormone health in check

When to Remember and When to Forget (in Your Faith)

The third time is a charm they say. Well, I sure hope so. I’m tired of washing this same load of laundry, the load that is removed from my realm of remembering the minute it is finished, the load that becomes musty before I can manage to get it into the dryer. What in my life is so pressing that I cannot remember to move a load of washed laundry into the dryer, three times over? And I talk to myself like I’m a day-dreamy girl, “Get your head out of the clouds, little love! We have a lot to do!” The damp clothes finally make it to the dryer. They tumble with my woolen dryer balls sprinkled with lavender, and I

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When and How to Start Your Child's Skincare Routine

When and How to Start Your Child’s Skin Care Routine

I still have the picture. My third grade class photo, the one in which I wore my Snoopy necklace and cowl neck sweater, the one that plainly displays my first run-in with a chin pimple gone wild. I love that photo and hate it all at once, even now over 40 years later. I don’t know if skincare was even a thing when I was nine years old. By the time the term “skin care” popped across my radar, I was a 15- or 16-year-old who dabbled with drug store astringents and masks praying something would help me get a peaches and cream complexion. When nothing seemed to help, I dreamed of the day I would have enough of my own money

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5 Words All Good Friends Need to Know How to Say

5 Words All Good Friends Need to Know How to Say

If I asked you to describe good friends, I bet the answer your picture would paint would look a lot like mine. The canvas would fill with kindness and caring. We would see laughter and loyalty. There would be space for trust and room for adventure. Our hearts would add fun and maybe a bit of silliness so we would long to come back for more and gaze with appreciation and a smile. And I believe as we put down our brushes we would see that right in the center of our masterpiece beats a heart that longs to know our own beating heart. If we find even one friend who matches our portrait, we have found treasure. Maybe a more difficult

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Why You Need to Forgive When Forgiveness Seems Impossible

Why You Need to Forgive When Forgiveness Seems Impossible

If you aren’t sure of what a charged word looks like, consider the word forgiveness. If forgiveness was a door it would be the one to the messiest closet in the whole house. It might even have a hard time closing or staying shut. And if you dared to open it, all the stuff would tumble right out onto the floor. Then you would wonder where it all came from and why it’s in there and what you’re supposed to do with all that junk that’s just sitting in a heap. Somehow you would find the strength to either squish it all back in or actually take the time to toss it all out. Either way, it’s going to be hard and

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Can Faith Bring Hope to Everything Even Anxiety

Can Faith Bring Hope to Everything—Even Anxiety?

Although I should be sleeping like a baby, I’m wide awake. The projection clock shines 3 am on the ceiling. Still too early to start the day. The house is quiet, but my insides are starting to race. I try to calm my thoughts, stop them from whirling, but it’s as if anxiety read the manual on my brain and decided to push the panic button. I’m trying to keep my breathing slow and steady, but the more I try, the more impossible it feels. 10 minutes have passed. Only 10 and the slowness of time passing is like gasoline on a smoldering fire. I’m not sure how long I can keep myself calm. I need it to be morning. Soon I

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This Is What Happens When You Embrace Quiet Spaces

This Is What Happens When You Embrace Quiet Spaces

A momma deer and her delicate fawn pay us a visit. We watch them stroll across our back lawn, munching clover on their way to the safety of the forest. Our voices stay hushed because words travel easily through the open windows and morning air. If she hears us, she’ll run. There is no misunderstanding; quiet spaces are safe places. Instinctively she knows it—instinctively, I do too. There is something holy in our respect of this quiet, of our yielding to this peaceful moment of two beautiful creatures grazing on our lawn. It’s an acknowledgment that life thrives in stillness, that God’s presence is felt when we are quiet, allowing balance to take over where turmoil dwelt. Our stillness holds space, like

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5 Steps for Remaining Hopeful in Seasons of Change

5 Steps for Remaining Hopeful in Seasons of Change

I hear the sand crunch under my tires as I make the last left turn toward home. My house, the last one on this dead-end road, doesn’t see a lot of traffic. I drive down the left side of the road so I can pull up to my mailbox and get my mail without leaving my car. I do this most days, most every day I have lived in this house. Today, after placing my car in neutral, after reaching into the mouth of my mailbox and retrieving its contents, after placing the stack on the empty seat beside me, I just sit. Perched at the end of my driveway, I take a long look at our little house dressed in gray

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When Life Is Wearing You Out

When Life Is Wearing You Out

I’ve watched it many times. Always off the east coast, always over the Atlantic. The arrival of the orange orb announced by its preceding yellow light. The light that dances off the waves, illuminates all that sleeps, heralds the day, embraces me. The horizon that serves as a stage for the unfolding of a beautiful day sits constant and steady. It’s the place my eyes cannot see past, the line that defines my space. It holds my gaze and allows thoughts to wander, births dreams. It speaks security and possibility all at once in that place where sky and water touch. The earth was never flat, ever. Still, once those living on it believed it was. They saw a horizon just as

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How to Enjoy Your Staycation on a Budget

How to Plan a Budget Friendly Staycation to Remember

Motivated by a love for family and a lifestyle of living within their means, my parents planned a stay-at-home vacation before “staycations” were a thing, and it ranks as one of the most memorable vacations I have ever had. I’ve often wondered how they did it. How were they able to create a successful and affordable staycation and convince three children, ages 9, 12, and 13, that it was the best vacation ever? After looking back, I believe I have figured out their secret sauce for planning an enjoyable and budget-friendly staycation. Get Your Head in the Game Before we go any further, ignore that subtle, little voice lingering in the back of your mind. You know the one, it’s a little

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When I’m Worn Out, I Think About Who Planted Me

When I’m Worn Out, I Think About Who Planted Me

His name was James. He planted the blueberry bushes in our yard years ago, when our yard was his yard. I only spoke with him twice. During our first conversation, he introduced me to this yard I love, the yard he loved. He struggled through the effects of Parkinson’s as we walked the property on a cold January day. His plants were his heart, his love, and he wanted me to know where they slept under the snow. I followed his labored steps, listened, and took note of his descriptions and instructions. It was our changing of the guard, James and me. We sat around a table filled with contracts the second and last time I spoke with James. As we closed

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