5 Inspiring Women of Faith I Love to Follow

Instagram is filled with inspiring women, both “famous” and not, who are being brave and sharing their stories and encouragement with the online community. In a world that is telling us to be one way, it is beautiful to see women stand up and choose God’s way, to be themselves and proclaim the truth. These five women are women that I look forward to hearing from every week. They use their platform for a higher purpose.
1. Annie F. Downs
Annie must be on my list of women I love to follow. From her podcast to books, she is amazing. Her Instagram stories give me life; they are real and hilarious. They remind me to be present in my own life and not be afraid to laugh, cry, or do whatever I need to do to keep journeying forward in grace. I also admire that she does not communicate through DMs, but will meet you in the comments. Love it!
Here is Annie’s Instagram handle so you can check her out yourself: @anniefdowns
2. Rachael Adeline
Rachael is like the sister I never had. Her posts not only challenge me to be in relationship with Jesus, but love the woman I am in body, mind, spirit, all of it. She is one of the sisters on Instagram I look to. She reminds me that influence is not about numbers and money, but leading with love and intention in my everyday life and having obedience to share when it’s time to.
Here is Rachael’s Instagram handle so you can check her out yourself: @coffeewithrach
3. Courtney Walsh
Courtney is a wife, mother, and amazing Christian chick-lit author. This past year, I’ve been so inspired by her and her family’s journey. They have been through some heavy stuff, but she keeps going after God and life. Amid family and personal storms, she is choosing to journey forward and trust God with the process. I don’t know about you, but I need that reminder daily. She is currently watching One Tree Hill, and her commentary on one of my favorite teen TV shows is also giving me life. Check her out.
Here is Courtney’s Instagram handle so you can check her out yourself: @courtneywalsh
4. Jackie Hill Perry
Jackie’s story is powerful. Gay Girl, Good God is worth the read. But besides her story, she brings the Bible to life to me. Her teaching is fiery, fierce, and relatable. Her feed is a beautiful picture of her family, teaching, poetry, and straight truth to use during your day to bring God the glory. Her voice is one of my favorites in my feed. Love her!
Here is Jackie’s Instagram handle so you can check her out yourself: @jackiehillperry
5. Stephanie Lynn
Stephanie is a real, honest, lover of Jesus, and Harry Potter nerd. She is the host of the Good Good Talks Podcast, having real conversations with real women, and sharing it with the world. She is just like all of us, living her life and doing her best to show Jesus to people. You don’t have to have done something “big” to make an impact, just take the next right step daily. I love that about Stephanie, and I hope you check out her podcast and her feed, she is a fun friend!
Here is Jackie’s Instagram handle so you can check her out yourself: @gwenn_lynn

I hope you can connect with at least one of these women and their journey and be inspired to share your voice with the world in whatever way works for you. These women are not inspiring because of how many followers they have or how aesthetically pleasing their feeds are. But because they are boldly sharing their stories and encouraging anyone that hears to do the same. Shine bright sister, the world needs you.

Want to be encouraged by other strong women of grit and grace? Check out:
5 Inspiring Women You Need to Follow on Instagram Right Now
What My Faith Says About My Purpose
How a Woman of Grit and Grace Wears Her Faith
10 Behaviors Found in the Inspired Woman
Why It’s So Important to Have a Mentor and to Be One Too
I Am Strong Because of the Brave Women Around Me
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