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This is What it Means to Be Surefooted


When I was a little girl, I remember sitting in the car as my dad drove us to the San Francisco Bay Area. Although I can’t remember why we were going, or if all of my family was together for the ride, one thing sticks out quite vividly. As we drove past a hill, I looked out the window and saw a herd of cattle. I asked my dad why the cows didn’t fall off the hill, and he replied, “They’re surefooted.” I didn’t realize how impactful that particular word would be throughout my adult years, or how many times it would come back up for me. But in that moment, my dad imparted a word in my spirit that would be vital to my spiritual growth as a woman, a wife, a mother, an educator, a friend, and a survivor.

As I was helping my daughter get ready recently, she asked me if I thought she was pretty. My response was to give a clever answer, as the question was a bit heartbreaking.

“Of course I do, Tum; you look just like me… do you think you’re pretty?” Her uncertain response was something that clung to my heart that entire day and for a few days thereafter, as I couldn’t believe she would ever doubt her inside-out beauty.

On the ride to school that morning, we had a family Bible study that will not be easily forgotten. We read Psalm 18, and David made this declaration in verse 33: “He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights.” In that very moment, I felt the Holy Spirit give me a new revelation of that verse and the green light to pour love into my own family. I told my girl that in life, storms will come. People will say things that hurt our feelings. We may not get the grades or the promotion that we’ve worked for. In her case, her classroom teacher may not always call on her when she raises her hand. However, throughout the ebbs and flows of life, this truth remains prevalent: God has created us to be stable, firm, secure, anchored, and surefooted in the truth of who we are in Him. It is our duty and act of worship to Him, in return, to live our lives in agreement with His will for us.

I am certain that she may not fully grasp the celebration in that truth, but I do believe that just as I remembered that word from my childhood, a seed of truth was planted in her heart that will germinate and mature throughout her years.

No matter what your current landscape of life looks like, or what you are experiencing or potentially struggling through, the promise of God applies wholly and personally to you. He is faithful and has not for one moment forgotten about you or me.

As you read this little piece of encouragement, I ask you to consider the places in your own life that you may need to apply the promise of surefooted-ness to. I have especially leaned into this truth in 2018 as my hopes to expand my family were not materialized in the way that we planned. However, I refuse to allow failed pregnancy to uproot me from the stability and peace that comes from knowing who I am, and what God has spoken over my husband, my daughter, my body, or me. Marriage isn’t always fields of fragrant peonies, but I stand firm in God’s commitment to my family. Alternatively, I have experienced great career triumph and healing in key relationships and I thank God for the hope that constantly renews the strength of my footing.

Life can be beautiful and turbulent in the same breath, but the promises of God are unwavering and unfailing. Stand with resilience and joy, today, knowing that God holds you in the palm of His sweet hand. He has made you surefooted.

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