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Grace: When You Take More Than One Year on Your Resolutions

Grace When You Take More Than One Year on Your Resolutions

I rarely accomplish my new year’s resolutions. There, I said it and the transparency removes a load of burden from my shoulders. Sure, like every year previous, I desire to exercise more regularly, eat healthier, stress less, rest more effectively and all around live more intentionally. However, life can bring the unforeseen, leaving the process of meeting my goals greatly affected, if not altogether thwarted.

When making resolutions I recognize the high probability of not seeing them come to fruition within the next year or even two for that matter; however, I am determined not to let that reality stop me from the ambitious attempt. Why? I am wired to need something to strive for in the day-to-day, desired ideals perpetuating a deeper purpose and hope in a more improved me.

The resolution I am proud to achieve year in and year out is not giving up on myself when I inevitably fail to meet my annual goals within the ideal timeline. I confess that every year I am still working on last year’s resolutions. Yet, I remain committed to pushing the reset button no matter how many times it takes without judging or criticizing myself for the roll-over. I’m going to keep evaluating where I am in the process of reaching my set objectives—from the two year clutter purge to the five year push for losing those 10 stubborn pounds and further on to the never ending quest for living a simpler existence.

The resolution I am proud to achieve year in and year out is not giving up on myself…

Though many of my goals may remain unfinished, that doesn’t make them redundant or futile, on the contrary it encourages me to stay focused and committed, creating more long-term investments than short. Thank goodness my worth is not measured by what I accomplish, therefore I can allow even my shortcomings to add to my motivation rather than diminish it.

I remain loyal to the resolution not to wipe such ideals from my new year’s white board in defeat, but commit to do just the opposite—employ a Sharpie to write them down with intent, and all the more patient perseverance for the day they will come into fruition with grace.

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