Is Your Man a Never-Fiancé, Forever-Fiancé, or The One?

Is Your Man a Never-Fiancé, Forever-Fiancé, or the One

Does your desire for marriage feel unmatched by your boyfriend? If you’ve been dating more than six months you likely know if he’s the one you want to be moving toward that cherished commitment with. If it’s been more than a year, you should be having conversations about your future (and if marriage is in it)!

Maybe you’re engaged but your fiancé is dragging his feet on setting a date and falling into the “forever-fiancé” category. You’re not alone. These never-fiancé or forever-fiancé situations are more common for the twenty-first-century-relationship than we’d like to admit.

Here at Grit and Grace Life, we believe a strong woman’s desire for marriage is noble and healthy! So what’s a girl to do when she and her man aren’t on the same page?

A strong woman knows her worth, sets boundaries or ultimatums, and acts in line with her desires. Thankfully, we have an abundance of articles and podcast episodes to guide you through this difficult situation, and our hope is that they will speak truth and encouragement to you!

Start here with some of our favorites.

If you’re stuck in a never- or forever-fiancé relationship, you are not alone! Don’t miss these real-life questions that other women have submitted to Dr. Zoe on the matter. Her advice is spot on.

Ask Dr. Zoe – How Do I Progress in a Relationship From Girlfriend to Wife?
Ask Dr. Zoe – Is It My Fault He Hasn’t Proposed?
Ask Dr. Zoe – Are These Pre-Wedding Jitters or Marriage Red Flags?
Ask Dr. Zoe – My Fiancé Ignored My Feelings—Should I Stay?
Ask Dr. Zoe – How Do I Break Free From Codependency?

Watch Dr. Zoe discuss this scenario, here:

You’ll love this episode of our podcast This Grit and Grace Life An Intimate Look at Your Sex Life With Dr. Miller OB-GYN – 135

Don’t miss this one!
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