Teresa Christian

Teresa is admittedly not a cook, gardener, or skilled at crafts or anything Pinterest. She only has a kitchen because it came with her house and boasts that she has never mowed "a lawn".

5 Ways to Cut Your Monthly Bills

5 Ways to Cut Your Monthly Bills

I recently made the decision to begin searching for a van to purchase. With a growing family, my small SUV wasn’t working so well! However, I knew that in order to get what I wanted I would need to take out a loan. Then I began to consider my budget and exactly what I could afford without being stretched. That’s when I decided it was time to reassess my bills. Maybe it’s time you did the same thing. When evaluating your monthly bills and expenses: 1. Look at the bills that are not utilities. Typically there is car and homeowner insurance, home alarm, cable/internet, and home mortgage. Since we had been loyal with the various companies for several years and always paid on […]

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Problem at Work? 5 Tips to Work It Out!

Problem at Work? 5 Tips to Work It Out!

We have a “Go Direct” principle at my office. Here’s what that means: if you have a problem at work involving an issue with someone, go directly to that person and work it out. Don’t spend time talking behind his or her back, sharing your grievance with other people, or “getting advice.” Don’t mull over it; don’t hold onto it. Simply “Go Direct.” Problem at Work? Follow these 5 successful problem-solving tips: 1. Consider a kind, but clear way to address the issue. Think before you speak. 2. Don’t bring other people into the conflict. Doing so may cause your co-worker to feel attacked. 3. Try your best to find a moment of privacy, reducing the risk of other people overhearing the conversation and thus embarrassing your co-worker. This will

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20 Things To Avoid Saying in a Job Interview

20 Things To Avoid Saying in a Job Interview

Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, intense, stressful, and, well, downright funny. Whether you’re heading into your first interview or you’ve done this before, always remember the importance of common sense. You’ve probably received tips on what you should say, but just in case you’re not sure what shouldn’t be said, here are a few suggestions… Things you should never say in a job interview: “My last boss was challenging.” While that may be true, no supervisor wants to think that you may eventually paint a picture of him or her that is anything but flattering. “What exactly do you do here?” It’s called research! Most any business will have at least a presence on social media if not a website. Get to

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Life Will Have Pain: It Needs This Perspective

“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” – Marcus Garvey “When life is good and we have no problems, we can almost let ourselves believe we have no need for God. But in my experience, sometimes the richest blessings come through pain and hard things.” – Anne Graham Lotz There’s a high ideal in humanity that we should find purpose in our pain. It’s instinctual to ask why bad things happen to good people and difficult to understand why an all-loving God doesn’t come in and save us and others from horrible life circumstances. Maybe you’re struggling with a fresh wound, a broken heart, or a loss that you can’t make

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How to Make Your Coworkers Like You in 60 Seconds

How to Make Your Coworkers Like You in 60 Seconds

Most of us work outside the home and interact with our co-workers often times more than with our own family members. Whether it’s people we supervise, those who supervise us, lateral colleagues, or those on a lower pay scale, it’s important to have a cordial, if not friendly, relationship with them. Enjoying your co-workers adds to your overall satisfaction at work, which helps you to be more productive, creates stronger teamwork, and reduces stress. Perhaps you’re an extrovert and have no difficulty making friends or at least being friendly with your colleagues. Maybe, like me, you’re more introverted and cautious in approaching people and perhaps even shy about befriending others. Regardless of which personality type you are, you may find yourself in

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Why Does God Allow Your Hard Times

Why Does God Allow Your Hard Times?

I googled “songs about overcoming troubles in life” and came up with literally dozens (hundreds maybe?) of options. Everything from the blues (of course) to rock-n-roll. Maybe that’s because going through hard times is something that is common to everyone on the planet. From cradle to grave, we all experience ups and downs, mountains and valleys, highs and lows—no matter what you call them, trouble comes calling for all of us! In the Bible, Job 14:1 says, “Man who is born of woman is few of days and full of trouble.” How’s that for encouraging words! Even Jesus told His disciples in John 16:33, “…In this world, you will have trouble…” So, what’s the point? Is there purpose in the struggles that

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Do You Know This About Queen Esther

Do You Know This About Queen Esther?

“And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” —Esther 4:14 This is the verse most Christians are familiar with from the Old Testament book of Esther, a verse taught to young girls and women around the world to remind them to be courageous, strong, faith-filled, and loyal in the face of any circumstance. I love that verse. It has resonated with me on many occasions. But I think we do Queen Esther a disservice by only remembering this part of her royal ascent. Esther’s parents died when she was a young girl. It appears that her family was taken captive and exiled to Babylon when King Nebuchadnezzar defeated the southern kingdom of

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How Two Teachers Affected My Life Forever

How Two Teachers Forever Affected My Life

I loved school. I loved being with my friends, learning new concepts, participating in extra-curricular activities, attending pep rallies, and going on field trips. I was a great student. I literally cried all day the last day of my senior year. Thankfully college was just a few months away! I believe there are several reasons why I enjoyed school and learning. There was the annual new school-clothes shopping trip, as well as purchasing new school supplies. I loved being with my friends every day, having constant activity and opportunities to build my self-esteem by doing well. This love of learning came early in life, as my mother taught me to read and write at a young age, keeping me home for kindergarten

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Workplace Flexibility is Increasing, And This Is Why

Workplace Flexibility is Increasing, And This Is Why

The days of having to clock into work at the office are long gone for some employees. With the steady advancement of technology, many workers can now perform their duties from most anywhere that they can connect to the internet or Wi-Fi. The results are in for performance in workplace flexibility, and they are quite encouraging. According to a recent study from Werk, a company that guides employers with technology and corporate insights into workplace flexibility, over 50% of current employees would choose another employer if it meant having greater flexibility in the place and time of performing their work. Many employees are requesting flexibility with their current employers as well, with varying degrees of success. Working parents, students, caregivers, creatives, and

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Everything You Need to Create a Great Resume

The thought of searching for another job is exhausting. What to wear, what to say, when to arrive, where to even apply! Just as important is making certain that your resume is not only up-to-date but also eye-catching; one that will stand out among all the others your potential employer will receive. How do you do that? Here are a few pointers from my friend and colleague, Adria Keuning, who just happens to read resumes for a living as the manager of talent at our workplace: Make certain that there are no typos or grammatical errors. It really does matter. Keep formatting (such as fonts, bullets, etc.) consistent. Give detail when spelling out your job responsibilities from previous or current employment, but

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This Is Why You Need LinkedIn and How You Can Get Started

This Is Why You Need LinkedIn and How You Can Get Started

LinkedIn stands out among social media sites. It’s a place where professionals connect, employers seek potential new employees, and where men and women can interact with other like-minded professionals. But what is the best use of LinkedIn? LinkedIn is a site for professionally minded people. It doesn’t mean you must have a management position or a degree to use the site, but you should be mindful of what you post. LinkedIn users are not interested in last night’s party, who you’re dating, or what you had for lunch. Snippets of your personal life are acceptable, but save the fun and the drama for Facebook and Instagram. (Don’t miss this article by a former corporate recruiter on the topic of social media affecting your

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10 Simple and Unexpected Ways You Can Save Money

10 Simple and Unexpected Ways You Can Save Money

Money is always a sensitive topic, whether you think you have enough or too little. (By the way, few people think they have enough; it’s all relative.) Planning ahead can definitely curb stress and give you a sense of security. Whether you are building an emergency fund or saving so you can pay cash for Christmas gifts or that long-awaited vacation, by being disciplined and diligent you can become a saver! Here are 10 ways to build up a savings account: 1. Take advantage of banks when they offer cash for opening an account. We need to remember that banks are simply selling products, and like other retailers they offer cash incentives. Some banks offer $150 or more for simply opening an

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Why It’s Important to Be Involved in a Local Church and How to Pick One

Why It’s Important to Be Involved in a Local Church and How to Pick One

Sunday morning comes around and the temptation to sleep in is strong! But then, you consider the importance of your spiritual life. Like sleeping and eating, investing in yourself spiritually is essential to your well-being. So, you make the decision to get up and go. Plus, you want your children to attend Sunday school, and it’s always nice to gather with friends and family. But what else is “church?” Hebrews 10:25 tells us, “…not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Acts 2:42 references church as a community of believers in Jesus Christ who “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to

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5 Life Lessons I Gained From My Job In Retail

5 Life Lessons I Gained From My Job In Retail

My first job out of high school was working for a discount department store. Being my first “real” job (other than babysitting), it was also my first foray into the more interesting world of how people treat other adults, their children, and retail employees. Here are 5 things that I learned from working in retail: 1. Sometimes, the customer may not be completely in the right. We always want to think the best of people, but not everyone is concerned about store employees and or the product they sell. I once witnessed a customer refuse to return the $200 he was just given on accident by a cashier because, according to him, it was the cashier’s fault and not his problem. Even

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How to Participate in the Tim Tebow Foundation’s Night to Shine

You no doubt know that there are many, many worthy causes to which you could donate your money and your time. Throughout your community and across the world are charities that are seriously making a difference in the lives of people who are poor, orphaned, abused, abandoned, hungry, thirsty, or sick. You may choose to donate to organizations that care for endangered animals, build homes, tutor school children, or revitalize neighborhoods that are torn apart by violence or decay. There is no shortage of causes, and frankly the need can at times be overwhelming! When considering donating to various causes, you must find one that resonates with who you are…one that moves your heart and fuels your passion. I’ve found that donating

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You Are the Biggest Influence on Your Child’s Faith

Having a newborn in your home is a marvelous thing. To look into that tiny face and realize that you have been given this gift is nearly overwhelming. Just a few short months ago this person wasn’t on the planet, and now he is in your arms. The weight of the responsibility far exceeds the little bit of effort it takes to lift him from his crib. Everything about him is life, newness, and precious. For parents who choose to raise their children to follow the teachings of their faith, it is no small undertaking. Our society is often referred to as “postmodern,” meaning, in an extremely simplified definition, that much of our world has stepped away from formerly traditional values of

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Remember This When You Take Your Marriage For Granted

Author Lewis Smedes wrote, “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” Yet forgiveness is one of the most difficult of human actions. We think that by not forgiving someone who has hurt us that we are holding some sort of power over him, but this simply isn’t true. As a matter of fact, the exact opposite is true. Choosing not to forgive only leaves us powerless, bitter, and resentful. There is nothing more damaging to a marriage than choosing not to forgive, and nothing more healing than the act of forgiving. When partners choose to forgive one another, they foster a deeper connection that can withstand the trials of life. However, when betrayal occurs,

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