


The unique ability of women to create deep, personal bonds that enrich lives. With strength and grace, investing in others while maintaining boundaries in order to build healthy connections, and work to repair those that are not

What Your Grieving Friend Really Wants You to Know (video)

Nothing embodies “grit and grace” quite like a grief journey—and this is true whether the person grieving is you or someone you love. Grief brings about a rollercoaster of emotions that vary with each individual. No one grief journey is the same as someone

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I Wanted a Divorce but God Did This Instead

I Wanted a Divorce, but God Did This Instead

Most think that contemplating the D-word—divorce—especially as a woman of faith, must have been the result of this big fall in the marriage where one or the other cheated or ran off and did something that shocks everyone. Reality is, the thought of divorce

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We Moved 1,138 Miles to Save Our Marriage

We Moved 1,138 Miles to Save Our Marriage

Over the holidays, my family of five relocated from a suburb in Saint Louis, Missouri, to a small town just outside Fort Myers, Florida. Why move 1,138 miles? The surface level answer is easy: my parents. But, if I’m being honest, the real answer

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Julie Graham Praying for Your Husband

Praying for Your Husband Daily (video)

Did you know that our Brand Ambassador, Julie Graham, does a video series called #PrayingForYourHusbandDaily? This series was a large part of her first marriage, and she’s bringing it back in honor of her recent engagement. In an article where she talks about creating

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In a Long-Distance Relationship? 5 Ways to Keep It Strong

In a Long-Distance Relationship? 5 Ways to Keep It Strong

If there’s anything that I’ve learned from my experience in a long-distance relationship, it’s that it is probably one of the most difficult things to which you can commit. I’m sure you have heard the common warnings and constant sayings that long-distance relationships are

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Her Passive-Aggression Will Make You Laugh, and Think

Her Passive-Aggression Will Make You Laugh, and Think

Hi. I’m a former passive-aggressor. Nice to meet you. In case you don’t know what that means: “Passive-aggressive behavior is characterized by a pattern of passive hostility and an avoidance of direct communication.” Inaction where some action is socially customary is a typical passive-aggressive

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10 TV Couples That Make Us Believe in Love Again

Awww, love…are you loving love or loathing it? Maybe you’re recently single, always single, or unhappily coupled-up. Or maybe you’re in your dream sitch, heartstrings tied neatly in a happy, little bow… Do me a favor and put all of that aside so we

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