Work & Money

Welcome to Work & Money.
Whether you’re just starting out in the work force, juggling work and motherhood, or getting ready to change jobs, or trying to master your money challenges — we’ve got you covered with our Work & Money section. Here, we discuss college, career prep, finding a job, making a living, and how to manage your money so that it doesn’t manage you.
Your Work, Your Passion
Certainly, work is about making a paycheck and paying those bills (okay, a little shopping too!), but work is also about your passion. Your life’s work should be something that inspires you, something that gets you out of bed in the morning.
Easier said than done, right? Well, it’s all about that soul-searching — and maybe a little trial and error! A great place to start is to check out some of the paths of other working women who have been in your shoes before. Who knows? You might become inspired to find your passion as well!
Women and Money: Pros & Woes
Fortunately, the pros are the ones helping the rest of us out with our money woes. After all, we’re not born with the ability to earn big, save, and invest. This is the stuff you’ve got to learn, and on The Grit & Grace Project, we want you to have the best information possible. While most of all of us are not pros in finance but we willingly share our real life experience, our stories, solutions, the wisdom we’ve gained along with a little bit of information from the professionals. We’re here to offer what worked for us to help you better handle your money — and your debt.
From reducing your high-spending tendencies and saving cash with super apps to what to do when you’ve lost a job and being prepared in the event of a financial loss — we offer our very own financial experience that may help you to make smart decisions for you and your future too.
It’s all here on The Grit & Grace Project.


Do You Travel for Work? 5 Ways to Be Safe as a Woman

My career in the music business often required days out of town. Because I was the artists’ manager, I juggled a workload in the office as well as hitting the road with the bands. When I wasn’t on a tour bus, I usually traveled solo from airport to rental car to auditorium to hotel and back to the airport the following day to trek to the next destination. I not only traveled with my bands but also attended out of town meetings, working with other business partners to achieve our career goals. As a female traveling by myself, I took a few extra precautions. It’s not that I’m not adventuresome, nor am I unnecessarily paranoid. But I had two daughters and a […]

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10 Family Outings That Are Cheap and Fun

10 Family Outings That Are Cheap and Fun

You might be looking for some fun, inexpensive ways to keep your family entertained this season. There are probably some activities in your town, or nearby, that you haven’t thought to try before! Try out these family outings for some fun that won’t cost a fortune! 1. Go to a farmers market. We have several farmers markets within half an hour of our home, and we love visiting them! It’s a great reason to get out of the house, and you can decide how much money to spend. You can enjoy a nice walk around, checking out the goods, even if you don’t want to buy anything. But I’ve often found that I can get some of the groceries I need for a

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How to Craft a Professional Email

We’ve all heard the statement, “It’s not what you say, but how you say it.” Never is that more important than in a business email. I imagine most women reading this article are nodding their heads, as am I, because we’ve totally blown that advice a time or two. Usually with our worst client, the one who whines and demands and never gives us the information we’ve asked for a half-dozen times so that we can complete the job and get them off our back! When I worked in Public Relations, I quickly learned that the tone of an email can be very subtle. Just a few word choices and sentence structures can either be well received by a client…or totally raise

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10 Ways to Make the Most of Your Staycation

Traveling can take a lot out of you and can even leave you with the need for a vacation to recover from your vacation. It is easy to forget about all of the planning, preparation, and time it takes to get to and from somewhere, especially when everyone you know seems to be posting pictures of their dream vacations on social media. Not to mention that your wallet and energy levels are really the ones often determining your destinations. Contrary to what the exotic travel pictures imply, to achieve optimum refreshment some vacations may best be spent close to home. Consider an official staycation to explore things locally for a fraction of the cost and energy expended. Uncover some of the gems in your own

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Student Loans and How to Get Out From Under Them

Student Loans and How to Get Out From Under Them

College has ended. You’ve donned the cap and gown, walked the aisle, and now have your degree in hand. You are ready to face the world, get that grown-up job, and build your future… Except for one, small—or oftentimes, very large—thing. You’re exiting that university with a big bill you have to pay: your student loans. You are not alone. According to the credit reporting service, Experian, 40 million people have at least one student loan with the average debt of $29,000.1 Joining the ranks of borrowing in order to get you through college may have seemed like a good idea at the time, but graduation day (or soon after) the debt you face looks daunting. Like any other financial challenge in life, your next

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5 Items You Need For Your Work Wardrobe

5 Things Every Woman Needs in Her Work Wardrobe

I have a good friend who’s a very successful image consultant, and I’ve learned a lot from her about the truth that clothes really do “make” a woman—especially a career woman. The colors and styles we wear not only make us feel confident inside, they also can convey confidence to our clients if they fit us right and reflect our skin tone and personalities properly. However…no matter what your age, skin tone, or workplace environment, there are a few essentials every woman needs that will stand the test of time and work with the more personality-laden pieces in your closet. Here are 5 staple items you need in your work wardrobe: 1. A straight black skirt that hits at the knee 2. Neutral pumps

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Time Management Hacks

7 Time Management Hacks for a Successful Workday

I had been a reporter fresh out of college for a year and I was supremely independent. I had beats to cover, and I spent my days bopping around town interviewing everyone from first-graders to politicians. Week after week I turned in several stories, and within a few days they would show up in the paper. My boss, a good editor and kind man, rarely said anything to me about them though, leaving me to figure that either he loved my stuff or it was so bad he didn’t know what to do. After almost a year, I finally got brave enough to ask. It turned out he was happy with my productivity and my writing, and was spending his time editing

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6 Ways to Help You Get Ready for a Job Interview

I had had a job interview a few years ago for a position I had never heard of in an industry I knew absolutely nothing about. I had just been laid off by a business that collapsed during the recession and I discovered this position when an acquaintance asked me if I’d be interested. It was the holidays and I was a single mom with a daughter in college, so in desperation I replied, “Sure, why not?” Not only was I pretty clueless about what the job entailed, I later learned this industry had a lot of movement among people in the particular position for which I was applying. I was not only unqualified, but also outnumbered, with multiple experienced candidates interviewing

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dream big dreams while still living in the present

Dream Big Dreams While Living in the Present

If you were to take a minute to think about all of the women you know, picturing their various faces, personalities, jobs, and families, then it would become immediately clear: each woman is created to add a specific type of beauty to this earth. Each and every one different, all with a purpose, both shared and unique. Our daily roles and functions often come simple to us. We work jobs to provide. We practice self-care. We use our voices to encourage, to mother, to direct, to teach. Yet when we ponder our whole life’s purpose, it’s complex. We each have interests and hobbies that we are enthusiastic about. Unfortunately, our jobs may only highlight a small fraction of us living into our passions (if at all). Some of us are fearful

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Finding Your Greater Purpose in the World

Finding Your Greater Purpose in the World (Video)

Have you ever wondered if there was something you could do to make a difference in the world around you? If you haven’t read about The Purpose Hotel, check out One Man’s Dream Women Can Believe In. Our very own writer, Geinene Carson, has participated in a project to help others who are facing a difficult time. To read more about this project, read Coloring for a Cause: Using Your Talents to Make an Impact. Don’t miss this heartfelt story, One Mother’s Story of Down Syndrome and Joy, and how this sweet, strong mama is shedding light on what it’s really like to have a child with a “different” kind of life. — You’ll also like Married to the Badge: Not Your Typical Life, Because of Skylar, Find Purpose in Every Day

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4 Apps That Will Make the Working Woman’s Life Simpler

4 Apps That Will Make the Working Woman’s Life Simpler

I know the first thing you’re thinking is, “Aghh! I don’t need any more apps on my phone!” I get it … I have multiple pages of them that I’m constantly organizing and editing. But hear me out. If you’re a working woman, you are always looking for ways to do literally everything better and faster. And there are some really cool apps out there that can help. Below are 4 apps we’ve found to be time savers, money savers, and—sometimes—sanity savers: 1. Expensify Yikes! You just found a wad of receipts in the bottom of your purse and your expense report is due today. If your handbag or car console is your filing system, this is the app for you. With more

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How to Know if It's Time to Change Your Job

How to Know if It’s Time to Change Your Job

Some of us love job-hopping. Whether it’s for the sheer challenge, better pay, or a totally left-turn change of career, we find it adventurous and exciting to say good-bye to one employer and hello to another. But for others of us, unless we are being cheated, sexually harassed, or treated unethically in some way, switching jobs requires a lot of preparatory work, planning, and well-thought-out (and sometimes agonizing) decision making. Occasionally we can negotiate with our current employer for changes we need or desire, such as altering our hours or transferring to a different division or location. But when that isn’t possible, it may be time to move on. Go for it! Below you’ll find some fair reasons to change jobs, and below

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How to Have a Beautiful Wedding on a Budget

Did the new year bring you a new ring? Or, maybe your Valentine surprised you with a proposal for life-long love. No matter when or how it happened, congratulations! Engagement season can be full of anticipation and lots of growth, but for many couples, finances and the lack-there-of can be a heavy weight anchoring you down from head-in-the-clouds love and bliss. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always end after the “I do” either, sorry. But there can be freedom! Money does not have to be the dream crusher! Your wedding can be beautiful, even better than you imagined in your head, and still your best day ever while staying within your budget, I promise. Plus, wise budgeting for the wedding can prep you and your soon-to-be husband for conversations

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Rising to the Challenge and Earning My Job at ESPN

Rising to the Challenge and Earning My Job at ESPN

In 2010, Nicki Minaj came out with one of the most empowering songs for women that I’ve ever heard, not like her typical pop-rap about clubbing and dancing, but one that captures the struggles we women face from time to time in a male-dominated society. “Fly” featuring Rihanna will always be one of the most near and dear songs to my heart because it came out at a time when I needed to hear its words most. I hope you, too, will find inspiration and courage from her words and my story. I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise To fly… The year is 1920, and a 70-year-long battle

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We Need a Wife—a Working Woman's Challenge

We Need a Wife—a Working Woman’s Challenge

It was a weeknight and our family was sitting over another thrown-together meal from whatever I could find in an almost empty refrigerator. The laundry was mounting, the house a mess, and my calendar in hand as I reviewed every event scheduled for the next week. Knowing I had to pack that night for yet another week-long business trip, I was on the verge of a meltdown. It was then that I looked across the table at our two daughters and husband when he calmly made this profound statement to me, “We need a wife.” I knew what he meant: we needed help on the home front! It’s not that he was looking to become a polygamist, adding another female to his household. He wasn’t

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How to Have a Pretty and Productive Workspace

How to Have a Pretty and Productive Workspace

Does anyone else remember elementary school—or let’s be real, college—banding together as a class in attempt to sweetly plead the teacher into having class outside? Work is easier when your surroundings are pretty, right? One of my first-week-of-work questions was, “so can I decorate?” Upon approval, I gradually brought in little trinkets, photos, and plants without being the crazy plant lady bringing her garden down the hallway. Even our home office/den is my favorite place to crack a book or pen some articles since I spent some time curating a pretty and useful space. From work to work-outs I have found that when we are at ease and enjoy our space, we tend to be more productive in what we are doing. No matter

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