
Let’s talk about sex, baby! These great reads provide honest conversations for women who desire to have a healthy & fulfilling sex life. #gritandgracelife

Natural Items for the Crunchy Girl (in the Bedroom)

Ladies. Let’s be real. Talking about the bedroom and sex can be uncomfortable and funny and weird. In my experience, discussing these things (and not being awkward about it!) can be a great way to open the doors for a needed discussion and surprisingly help you make new friends. Just the other day, a friend was reminding me that within moments of meeting her I leaned over and whispered “two words: coconut oil.” She looked both shocked and intrigued and then weeks later returned to me and said I’d transformed her sex life—and naturally! Scroll down for a few items that are both safe and natural to use in the bedroom. 1. Natural Lubricant Lube can be a necessary and helpful item in the bedroom, but there are a […]

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4 Truths About Being Friends With Benefits

Before I was married I was FWB (friends with benefits) with a few guys and here’s why: I liked them, but they didn’t like me so I thought if I gave them benefits (compromised my physical boundaries) they would commit to me. I define friends with benefits as making physical and emotional compromises without an exclusive commitment. Ladies, you don’t have to be friends with benefits. You are worth the commitment, you are worth exclusivity, and you are worth a man who respects your boundaries. Here are some truths I learned about being FWB before I realized I was worth more: 1. You’re buying your own dinner. Lets be clear on friends with benefits. He’s not your boyfriend. That means you are physically giving yourself

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Tips to a Happy, Healthy Sex Life

Remember when you were first married and you couldn’t wait to get your hands on your man’s body? I have been in love with my man for more years than you can imagine and he still makes my heart skip a beat. Don’t get me wrong, he still drives me crazy and I’m not talking about in-the-bedroom-crazy. I’m talking picking up after himself, lowering the toilet seat, sealing the chip bag, putting dishes in the dishwasher, listening, hearing and sometimes knowing I just need a hug. It makes no difference if you were married last month or decades ago, sexual intimacy needs to be a high priority. We women are multitaskers. We know how to get things done, take care of everything

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On Sex and Faith and Marriage

On Sex and Faith and Marriage

Jamus and Annie sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Jamus, (my husband) and I started dating in college and I thought about him all the time. There was texting, phone calls where we would talk for hours, and just making up random excuses to be near one another. One night I called him because it was “unsafe” to run by myself and I needed an escort. Let’s just say I didn’t have to twist his arm. As we spent more and more time together, I became increasingly infatuated with this Aston Kutcher look-alike with a country accent who loved Jesus with all of his heart. We got engaged after a few months of dating and were married within three and a half months. A

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