The Grit and Grace Team

Working hard to live #ThisGritandGraceLife, our team occasionally comes together to add our “two cents.” Armed with the Bible, Google's search engine, and a lot of coffee, we ladies bring our thoughts and insights to whatever subject we choose to tackle.

Raising Great Girls—Are You Up to the Task?

Raising Great Girls—Are You Up to the Task?

In the introduction to Raising Great Girls, author Darlene Brock makes an eye-opening observation about motherhood: experience isn’t necessary. It’s a truth that can chill your spine if you’ve never thought about it before. In a world where entry-level job positions still somehow require three to five years of experience, the most challenging—yet rewarding—job a woman will ever encounter calls for none. Just a heart that’s full of love and ready to grow. After raising two happy, strong and successful girls of her own, Darlene decided to share her hard-earned parenting secrets. She offers a candid look at the struggles every mom will face, but not without practical advice to handle them. Each chapter in the book is named for the roles […]

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The One Where We're Celebrating 200 Podcast Episodes

We’re Celebrating 200 This Grit and Grace Life Podcast Episodes

We’re halfway through 2022, which means one thing: We’ve officially reached 200 podcast episodes of This Grit and Grace Life! Darlene Brock (our president and co-founder) and Julie Bender (our podcast co-host) have tag-teamed on this venture since 2017, bringing you episodes with some very special guests—like Rebecca St. James, Mandisa and Rachel Cruze—and some fireside chat-esque conversations from the heart. With every episode we brainstorm and schedule, we think about you. We read your comments on social media and listen to your responses to our published articles to see what felt needs women are experiencing. (Have some more ideas for what you’d like to hear from us? DM us on Instagram, send us a message over Facebook, or email us at

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Join Us on this National Day of Prayer

Join Us on this National Day of Prayer

Dear friends, Whether you are near or far, young or old, rich or poor, or fall in between—we ask you to pray with us on behalf of our country, our people, and our future. We believe in the power of prayer, and we believe that where two or more are gathered in Jesus’ name, there He will be among us. We are counting on that promise today as we follow the 2022 National Prayer for America. Would you please join us? We invite you to speak the prayer below aloud or even in the quietness of your heart. 2022 National Prayer For America Lord, we exalt You. We are filled with awe and wonder as our praise joins the heavenly hosts saying, “Holy,

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babies and tots

Mastering the Exhausting World of Babies and Tots

There’s no doubt our kids light up our lives. Truly, they are some of our greatest treasures in life. But do you ever feel like motherhood is a little bit harder than you expected it to be? Ok, maybe a lot harder… You are not the only mom who second-guesses the way you do things from time to time, fights mom-guilt, and wonders if there are easier or simpler ways of doing things. Many of our writers and staff members are moms just like you, and we share some of our joys, struggles, and ah-ha moments with others so they might find help, encouragement, laughs, and solidarity. From newborns and babies to toddlers and tots, these articles will help you navigate and find

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adult children

Navigating Life with Adult Children

A mother’s love doesn’t end when their children grow up. Parenting an adult child is complex and wonderful. These articles explore the dynamic relationship from all sides to help mothers thrive in this new role.   5 Great Reads for Mothers of Adult Children   How to Be a Praying Parent Throughout Your Child’s Life Your children will never stop needing you, and you’ll always be ready to lend a helping hand or some sage advice. But intercessory prayer is a great tool for your children to find their way, both when they’re young and on their own, and this article is packed with sweet anecdotes and important areas to pray over. How to Be a Praying Parent Throughout Your Child’s Life

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What Is Real Beauty?

We love makeup, fashion and skincare as much as the next woman. But we also recognize that inner beauty—the strength and grace we display—never ages.   Here Are 5 Must-Read Articles on All Things Beauty:   True Beauty is Found in a Woman’s Strength This is the pinnacle of Grit and Grace Life‘s message. We believe that the strength a woman taps into and develops as she navigates every phase, experience, and circumstance of her life reveals the magnitude of her beauty: her tenacity, compassion, and grace when things don’t work out as planned. Darlene Brock, the president and co-founder of Grit and Grace Life, penned this article to offer hope to every woman that craves this strength, and to emphasize the

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Mama just wanted one good picture

  About this photo: “It was Thanksgiving Day, and I had strategically waited to dress my two toddlers until right before we were planning to walk out the door… you know, so they’d appear kempt and stain-free when we arrived at our dinner party. Since they never seem to look this way at the same time often, all I wanted was one nice picture of them smiling side by side. This is what I got. Sometimes you just have to laugh and let go!” —Ashley Johnson, managing editor at Grit and Grace Life   A #filterless Motherhood If you’re a mother, you may have found yourself perplexed scrolling through Instagram. It seems like most social media mommies are constantly sharing adorable family

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Photo Shoot Gone Awry

  About this photo:  After 162 recordings of This Grit and Grace Life podcast, co-hosts Darlene Brock and Julie Bender know each other pretty well. One thing Julie learned early on and doesn’t seem to want to “let go” of is Darlene’s discomfort with hugging. They have even chatted with it at length on several of the episodes.  “I hate being hugged! Not sure why and it doesn’t matter from whom. I just don’t like hugs” Darlene has admitted. So what does Julie do when they are trying to get some reasonable photos? She can’t help herself, she goes in for a hug!   The Moments that Matter Are Often #filterless Our duties in life will never end: kids, jobs, spouses and

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It's Twins

Being #filterless with Whatever Life Throws Your Way

  About this photo: “When I was (very) pregnant with twins, I decided to skip the staged pregnancy photo shoot with long flowing gowns and all that. It felt so fake at the time. My experience being pregnant with twins was not something I wanted to cover up with a dress I only wore for pictures. Carrying these babies was so gritty that I thought it would be funny to post these pics that my husband took of our own joke photo shoot.” —Caroline Beidler, writer for Grit and Grace Life   Being #filterless With Whatever Life Throws Your Way It’s no secret that life is going to throw us curveballs. Some will be great; others won’t be so pretty. No matter

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Just as the In-laws are arriving

  About this photo: “My in-laws were in town, so naturally, I did my best to hide the mounds of laundry I had yet to get to. I tucked all the baskets away near my husband’s closet and shut the door. Low and behold, when playing hide and seek, my kids led my in-laws directly to said laundry pile. Kids are really good at taking your filter off!” —Katie Cress, writer for Grit and Grace Life   Being #filterless In Our Relationships Relationships are tricky to navigate to begin with. But when we start piling on the expectations of others, we’re easily frustrated and disappointed when those expectations aren’t met. Did you know that it’s not just others’ expectations we’re burdened with—it’s

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The Things We do for Beauty

  About this photo: “My boyfriend at the time (now my husband) was set to graduate from boot camp in two weeks. I wanted to absolutely dazzle him when he saw me after two months away from each other. So for the first time ever, I decided to add a little color to my hair—nothing drastic, but some highlights and a nice trim. My salon appointment ended up being a little over three hours, but during the middle of it, I remember looking into the mirror and laughing at how ridiculous I looked: the oversized cape and my hair stacked in little rods of tinfoil. The things we do for beauty!” —Tess Lopez, editorial assistant for Grit and Grace Life   A

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Ways to Rise Above Your Anxiety

Do you struggle with anxiety? You’re not alone. The number of people who have made their battle with anxiety known is staggering. That doesn’t even account for those who are holding it inside. This may be personal to you, as it is to several of our writers. How do we combat anxiety? At Grit and Grace Life, we share our experiences and find ways to manage and cope. We have also asked our resident therapists for their expert advice. We hope these real-life stories offer you steps to overcome your anxiety. And, we want to encourage you that it’s not just ok to seek help—it’s often essential. We believe you can face this struggle head-on, find the answers you need, and pray that

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Blended family

Help for a Blended Family

Blending families is hard. If you’re in the middle of it, then you’re well aware of this reality. When two families come together, they bring their own history as well as their own, unique family culture. You’re not simply dealing with two different pasts, but also how each family lived in the past. As a stepmom or stepdad, you are learning new roles. Your children are trying to adjust, and so are you. Several of our writers have gone through exactly what you are facing, which we hope will serve as a comfort and hopeful reference guide. We also have professional advice from licensed therapists and relationship experts to help you in this journey. Be encouraged; you are not alone. You too

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ADZ general

Burning Question? Ask Licensed Therapist, Dr. Zoe!

Googling advice for life’s toughest situations can only yield so much in terms of honest, specific answer. So, if you have a question—about your marriage, raising your children, your dating relationship, your recovery, your job or anything else that is affecting your life—ask Dr. Zoe Shaw using the submission form on our website. Added bonus? Sending Dr. Zoe a question on the site is free. Dr. Zoe is a licensed psychotherapist, life and relationship coach and mom of five with her own practice in California. With more than 20 years of experience, she’s worked through every situation and is happy to help you with yours.

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We Have To Share These Fan Favorite Articles, Podcasts and Videos of 2020

I’m not sure we’ve ever been more excited to turn the page on a calendar year. So long, 2020! However, one thing our team loved looking back on was the content that you, our community, found most helpful, encouraging, and hopeful. With that in mind, we made a short list of those top-rated articles from 2020 and our favorite podcasts and videos from our not-so-favorite year. Yes, let’s say goodbye to 2020, but let’s carry the hard-earned lessens we gained with us into this bright, new future. Cheers to all the strong women who grew even stronger this past year! Here is what our readers and listeners loved most in 2020: How Do I Know What Defines Me? Do you wonder what

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Bible Verses From the Grit and Grace Team on Thankfulness

It’s hard to imagine finding gratitude in a year like the one we just bounced and fumbled through. But trying circumstances are exactly the time to hone in on the aspects of life for which we are thankful, and we depend on them for a sense of contentment while we wait to see the light at the end of the tunnel. If anything, the events of this year have caused us to take a step back and feel gratitude for the aspects of life we often overlook: our health, friends and family, our jobs, and our faith. As Thanksgiving Day approaches, we hope that you’re reminded of the things that make each day worth living, and that it will all continue to

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